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Taking a break from CR....

Trouble Maker

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...and anything else that requires typing in any way, shape, or form. I just destroyed two of my fingers. It's such a PITA to type, my ADD is kicking in every time I attempt to make a post.




'Good' pictures will come later this evening when I change the bandages.


Oh yeah, that's my left hand. I'm going to have to 'switch' to my right hand. This sucks.

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Originally posted by Mallard:

What the hell did you do?

I was working on my car and, completely unrelated to what I was doing, decided to spin the wheel around to see if I could hear any bearing noise. I had been hearing a slight humming noise from one of them. I didn't get my fingers out of the 'hole' in the rim by the time it came around to the caliper. I heard my fingers crunch, pulled them out and there are spots on my pads/first portion of my finger that doesn't have any skin left. The spots are about as big as the ends of two of ones fingers. You can't tell from the picture but my fingers were starting to swell in it.
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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Well, I gotta hand it you, you really know how to hurt yourself.

Ba-dum-chiiii! Ohhhhhh!

He'll be here at the airport comedy club all weekend folks.


I have the pics, just haven't had time to upload them yet. Time to sleep. I'll get them up before I go out of town, I promise.


Originally posted by rarest truck on CR:

Sucks for sure man, hope ya heal fast! :eek:

I usually do. I'll take pics in a week and post them for a comparsion.
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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Ba-dum-chiiii! Ohhhhhh!

He'll be here at the airport comedy club all weekend folks.

Hey, whoa, is this on? I just flew in from Chicago, and boy are my arms tired! Ha! Tip your waitresses, please, folks.


Seriously, Jesse, sorry to hear about the injury, and I wish you a speedy receovery.

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'Good' Pictures. Don't do this at home kids.


The part of my fingers that hit the caliper. I looked at that part of the caliper when I went back out and it's shaped like a guillotine. In other words the caliper is not solid right there, it's 'hollow' with cross members.



You can see where my fingers hit the rim too.



Thanks everyone for the wishes of getting well soon. I didn't really post this for that, I actually think it's pretty funny, after the initial pain that is. And I hurt myself pretty often so this is normal to some extent. I actually started to go into shock. I was pouring in sweat.


Weird question, I got sick later last night, diarrhea and vomiting. I can't think of anything I ate to do this. Can your body going into shock cause this?


Things like this is why I’m going to take them EMT-Basic. I’m going to try to take it in the fall. Plus I need it to get onto ski patrol. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by Lustalbert:

Very pretty. graemlins/thumb.gif

Is that black stuff brake dust that is embeded in your skin, or have you just not washed it?


Yes and no. It is brake dust and I'm slowly washing it out from around that area. Other than when it happened the only time this hurts is when I use hydeogen perxoide and when I try to wash it out. I've washed it out when I took a shower yesterday (right befor I took those pics), and when I took a shower today. There is much less brake dust on there now than there was in those pics.


Originally posted by Ich bin der Teufel:

Goddamn dude...


breaking your foot skiing...

slamming your head on the wall at the car wash...


you need to be in a bubble in a padded room man...


;) give me a ring


graemlins/doh.gif <~ Haha, the brick wall.


Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

And I hurt myself pretty often so this is normal to some extent.


Things like this is why I’m going to take them EMT-Basic. I’m going to try to take it in the fall. Plus I need it to get onto ski patrol. graemlins/thumb.gif


I'm going to be out of town this weekend and next. We'll have to hook up sometime next week.

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Guest wesxprs

Damn dude, that looks like it could be very painful.


Ask Chris Green about the swelling of his fingers after he laid his bike down!!!! That was funny.


Oh yeah, enjoy your time away.



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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:



Weird question, I got sick later last night, diarrhea and vomiting. I can't think of anything I ate to do this. Can your body going into shock cause this?

Yea it can. Ive been in shock twice and both 1 time I threw up and the other time I just felt sick to my stomach the rest of the day.
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