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girls are shit

Guest ravedave

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Guest ravedave
most of you prolly don't know me, i rarely post on here, but have been forever. i'm in need of venting....how do you treat a girl fucking amazing, let her have a phone in your name, pay for it, and all around kick ass, then find out she fucked a guy you HATE twice while your together? Needless to say i ended that bullshit quite fast.....do girls think before that act like retards? any advice?
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Guest ravedave

phone is off now haha, i def had it suspended and had all the extra fees waivedTHANKGOD


anyone else wanna tell me what a fucktard i am?

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Guest ravedave
well we've been friends since we were in 10th grade, so like 4 years, and yah we prtty much lived together, i pretty much stayed there nightly, helped her with bills when she lost her job, yah it was serious
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Guest mudbutt
sounds like one of those friendships turn to obscure relationships to me. People start fucking due to easy access, feelings get involved, one party ends up getting hurt.
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Originally posted by OversizedFocus:

she claims this wasn't it. it's shitty, girls ruin lives...haha i just am in awe by this i never expected this from her

sorry to hear about it. If it make's you feel better, i think everyone goes through something like this at some point in time.
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Originally posted by harry's94tsi:

sorry to hear about it. If it make's you feel better, i think everyone goes through something like this at some point in time.

werd, i called up one girl at about 8am, at the dude's house, i didn't know him. So it wasn't his fault. here is the conversation


Him: "Hello."

Me: "is gina there"

him: "yeh, min." (background) "gina, wake up someone want's you on the phone"


Her: "Mmm, hello"

ME: "Good morning WHORE"

her: "what?"

ME: "yeah it's you boyfriend, slut. I'll be over to pick up my shit from your parents house tommorow night" *click*


This happend 9 months before I met April, who is now my wife of 3 years and anyone who has met her will agree she kicks ass.

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Sounds like how I felt when I found out that when I was dating a former girlfriend (this relationship was like 5 years ago or so)...after two months into it, on valetines day, she tells me that the first few weeks that we were together, she slept with her ex twice, a person who I could not stand either. My advice, you can try to get your money back for the phone by sueing her, but, I doubt that's going to work. I'd just chalk it up to a life experience, take some time, get over it and get over her, move on, and NEVER let that happen again. Never ever pay for another "phone" or other device that rappes you into a contract for anyone else but yourself until you are married, and be careful when you do get into another relationship, otherwise, you could easily get screwed over again. Just my $0.02
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chalk one up for experience, the school of life is a great place to learn, at least you had a lesson earlier than most of us.


don't expect much more from girls until they are around 23+...young bitches suck big donkey balls. true story.

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Guest ravedave

haha nothing like a response from steve haha my brother....and what about the kitchen? i posted it here? i'm confused. thanks everyone...yah i can't believe this at all like it doesn't make sense why someone could do something so hateful to someone they "love" and she claims she still does btw...


oh and btw i've dealt with nightly shit from her, she's one of those girls who goes out every night drinking and acting dumb and just for the record, she dumped me on my birthday n i took her back...

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Guest ravedave
oh and yah mstr-trq girls love you when ur a dickhead and you treat them like your fuck toys....and i'm assuming that's how that ass gotlaid, she was mad at me n he treated her like shit, but called all the damn time! i usually lose my edge though, like i show that i can be nice and i do actually care, but when i was a cocky piece of shit to her when we first started talking, we ended up having sex a week later...
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