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OMGHI2u from calltech

The Man of Steele

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If you're on the VOL project, ask your trainer to let you hear the "Lisa" call. If he or she asks what you mean, say "The girl that made the buckwheat reference to the customer" and they'll know what you mean smile.gif
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julie is really cool, but wait till you get out on the floor, i don't know how much you already know about networking and computer shit in general but it gets soo fuckin boring doin the same shit over and over with these dumb ass customers on the phone and the really fun ones are when you deal with someone that doesn't speak english all that well and you have to explain to them all the different things to do to rebuild a pppoe connection and crap like that


or when you get a real jackass that thinks he knows everything there is to know about computers and he just wants to listen to your way of fixin it all the while doing nothin that you said just how he thinks it can be fixed, the best part of workin there was actually the training! and yes the lisa call is funny, but the reall funny shit is like "the old man irrate call", or the call of "the employee sleeping while on the phone with a customer", ask julie about "ninja boy"



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^^ yeah i will have to agree with jon we worked there same time and it was fun for about 2 weeks it gets really borning and those are the ppl that i hated dealing with allso oh yeah jon dont forget the guys from the bronx that would not stop talking for one sec and when they did they would inturpt you again cause they "JUST WANT THERE FUCKING INTERNET TO WORK' insert your best bronx impression smile.gif
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Originally posted by Tonka:

its in Hilliard off of Trabue Starting pay i think is $9 ( or at laeast it was when i worked there back in the day)


check www.calltech.com for more info

After you go through training. They pay you 42 dollars a day for yoru class time, then 6.xx an hour for your first week on the phone, then 9 an hour after that. I just recently had an experience with calltech, and they are in a lawsuit because of it.
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No it's most definitly A SHITTY 42 Dollars a day.


then 9 an hour after training, with a review after 90 days where if you have not quit been fired or something else you may get a raise.


Not a career just something to fill the void.


So nick you never had intrest in working here because you were a cashier at krogers for fucking ever. Don't make me call you out.

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