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OMGHI2u from calltech

The Man of Steele

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Guest GSRchick714

I think the 1st time Nick applied and didn't go in was because he got a job at Sterling Commerce then went to college.

The 2nd time he didn't go to work there was because he got the job at Bank One...

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The first time I was 17 and still in HS, they were offering $60 a day for training then and 9 or 10 an hour to start, The training they signed me up for was from like 4 to midnight or something... so I really just didn't want to go in.
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Call tech is a horrible place to work. I quit after like 2 months. It's so boring. I couldn't stand it. I just went in one day, and sat down about to clock in and decided I just wanted to go home and sleep. So I left and went home to sleep. lol
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Originally posted by Jon:

Call tech is a horrible place to work. I quit after like 2 months. It's so boring. I couldn't stand it. I just went in one day, and sat down about to clock in and decided I just wanted to go home and sleep. So I left and went home to sleep. lol

Yep, when I was there ages ago. I just decided. "this sucks" and didn't go in.


They wrote me up like 5 times because I took a "1 hour lunch" rather than putting in the time code on the phones for taking a break. WTF. One time the supervisor came over to me and said "you took an hour break"? I said no.. I took a lunch. "You need to put in the right code for lunches and breaks". Yep.. sure. I'll get right on that. :rolleyes:

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I pretty much quit because I got tired of talking to people who didn't appreciate the help they were getting, undiagnosed downs syndrome sufferers on floor control giving me attitude when I had been there a lot longer and knew perfectly well what I was doing, and not making enough to afford driving 20 miles each way 5 days a week.


Managed to put up with it for almost a year and a half though.

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Originally posted by Wonka:

Welcome back to day 3, so what did your roomate do? listening is the best part people are fucking ignorant.

Well, he said stuff like "Thank you for calling Verizon, what kind of underwear are you wearing today?", pretended to be Domino's Pizza, and reset someone's password to "SHITHEAD", for starters. :D


Oh, and I was making 9.62/hour, 40 hour weeks, and my roommate wanted $350 for rent, plus I had a Neon that I was paying about $280/mo for that I got rid of now. I suppose I could afford to work there *now* but I won't work on Verizon. BTW, Lamar (the supervisor) was my roommate.

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by Kuruma:

Well, he said stuff like "Thank you for calling Verizon, what kind of underwear are you wearing today?", pretended to be Domino's Pizza, and reset someone's password to "SHITHEAD", for starters. :D

Thats funny...the people are probably already mad because something isn't working and then they call in and get a smart ass! I'd just pretend not to speak English...thats always good..they get real frustrated..haha graemlins/lol.gif
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Angry people *really* don't like it when you respond completely devoid of any emotion whatsoever to their ranting with cold, hard facts about why their stuff doesn't work, and what caused it.


"Why the FUCK am I getting all these fucking porn popups crashing my fucking computer!!!!!"


"You have spyware. You got it by going to a site related to the popups you are getting."

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I worked in the Bellsouth area at calltech way back in like 1998 for like 3 weeks and then I ended up getting a better job. I also worked in the tech department at developing 'CCMS' for about 5mos. at one point last year. That was actually a decent job even though it didn't pay a whole lot it beat the calls I was taking at nationwide for the 2 weeks I worked there.


For those complaining about the pay I can tell you that the other locations they have make way less than someone here in Columbus. ;) Try like 6/hr. If you need money though working there beats flipping burgers or some other shit though hands down imho.

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Originally posted by Akula:

Dude, get moved over to the IPOD thing. I bet the pace will be glacial and you can spend all of your time dreaming of St. Lucia!

Funny you say that I was just looking through their web page, fucking god I want to got there.


Pacific first though :)

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