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OmG HoW D0 I GET ouiT OF THIS Ticketz!!1!1

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235



Haha, got pulled over for "Drive off roadway to pass on right" and "Unecessary squealing of tires."


I was on 161 turning onto satinwood or w.e, and the right hand straight lane was long, right before the right turn lane forms, so i went onto the berm to turn right. Cool. DRive through the neighboorhood, back onto Karl, then onto Merton to Zachs house, had it in 2nd, and squealed the tires a little bit on accident, so i slowed down, got to zachs house. Open the door and see a cop behind me. I get out and head towards zachs house, and he turns his lights on. Fuck, I just had a dream last night about this.


So he takes my license, and a paddywagon pulls up and 2 assholes of cops get out and bitch "that i was going so fast they couldn't catch up, yadda yadda, and that i squeeled my tires" I was like, uhhh i got stopped at both lights on karl road, and i wasnt speeding, i just got this car and am learning to drive stick, it was an accident that i squealed my tires. "this is not up for debate!" umm ok.


first cop leaves, guy comes back up and gives me a ticket and explains it saying i can fight it or w.e and my court date is the day i get my wisdom teeth out, so i gotta pay $110. oh well. If i win $110 tonight in poker, i wont be as mad anymore smile.gif

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

You wont be winning my money holmes?


Unless he has you on video, for both incidents you can plead your case. I am sure you can get out of the squelling tires bs.

wana be my lawyer smile.gif
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Originally posted by The Stig:

plead no contest, explaint he situatation and hope you get some leniency. You outright broke traffic law, no way out of it. Dress like a nerd, look scared. ;)

so he needs to come over and look at your wardrobe?
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Yessir/nosir and yes'm and no, ma'am has helped me both times in court. First time I was in for 46 in a 25 (yeah i know it was a fucking stupid mistake and I deserved to get caught) and that yes'm and no ma'am got me out of an outright suspension. The second time was a total of 3 appearances in court and yet again, yes'm and no ma'am kept the magistrate from ripping my head off.



And dressing like a nerd can't hurt.

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Guest infamous me 235
They are moving violations. i just pay for liability, and it didnt change when I put the camaro on it and took the saturn off. So I dont know if it will change or not.
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by MackZilla:

Good luck in that poker game tonight bud ;)

Well I didnt win at DJ's, but I won enough to pay for 3 tickets on PP. (Cash out amount: $110.00)
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