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Biggest news ever

Science Abuse

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Originally posted by Buck531:

Now.. you need to post a pic of YOU and the WOMAN so we can start chopping what the kid will look like ;) .

Thats a big negatory there ghost rider. tongue.gif


Originally posted by copperhead:

I thought you had split...

Yeah that lasted like, a week. I realized I was a twit, she did too, all is good. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Thats a big negatory there ghost rider. tongue.gif


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by copperhead:

I thought you had split...

Yeah that lasted like, a week. I realized I was a twit, she did too, all is good. tongue.gif </font>I'm glad you both came to realize that.


congrats yo

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Originally posted by Veritas:

...So like, will she/he be into rally's also? Heh.




One can only hope. ;) Not going to be imposing roles, I'm just gunna do stuff and hope version 2.0 takes a liking to them. ;)


Originally posted by Regulate:

What happenes when you cross Eric the Viking and an Asian chick?

An AriAsian. ;)
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Guest tbirdchick
congrats sweetie i wish you and your gf mother to be the best of luck, You'll be a great dad, im still having a hard time picturing what a hot aisian crossed with a two tone mountain man would look like... Beautiful Disaster haha jk. GOOD LUCK!
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