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More Cops that Suck Dick...


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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Some Utah fans are upset that police responsible for security at the Fiesta Bowl used 50,000-volt electric devices to zap fans trying to storm the field after the win.


Arizona State University spokesman Keith Jennings said the use of the weapons was in line with the department's use-of-force policy.


That policy allows officers to use electronic incapacitators anytime a subject is involved in a physical altercation with an officer.


Jennings said two individuals were arrested for scuffling with officers immediately after the game, but he told The Salt Lake Tribune he wasn't sure whether either was among the estimated 24 who were shocked by the devices after Utah's 35-7 win over Pittsburgh in Saturday's Fiesta Bowl.


The officers used the weapons at the Sun Devil Stadium in part "to protect the goal posts and the field" for an NFL game scheduled the following day, Jennings said.


"It was justifiable," he said. "They were also trying to protect people, if they go down to the field and knock over the goal post, that sort of thing, we're liable if someone gets hurt. ... We just wanted to force them back into the stands."


University of Utah Police Chief Scott Folsom questioned the necessity of shocking the fans, who were attempting to enter the field after being beckoned by several Ute football players.


Folsom, who traveled to Tempe for the bowl game, didn't see the incident. But he said he did see the throng of fans pressing against a fence on the north end zone, trying to enter the field.


He said his department, responsible for providing security at Utah home games, probably would not use electric force in a similar situation.


"If you had a person who was seriously disruptive in that crowd, you might use a Taser to bring that person into custody so you could deal with them," said Folsom, whose officers carry the devices at Ute games. "You certainly wouldn't 'Tase' people indiscriminately hoping to move an entire crowd back."


But 16-year-old Chris Mogren said he was pressed up against a 6-foot-high cyclone fence when he was shocked in the arm. It happened when he and a throng of Ute revelers were trying to enter the field.


The officers stunned "whoever was up against the fence," he said.


Mogren said he saw 10 to 15 other Utah fans get shocked.


"We weren't trying to break anything, or to tear down the goal posts or destroy the field," he said. "We just wanted to be over by the team."


The ASU Police Department maintains that anyone who was shocked must have been actively fighting with officers, per the department's policy, Jennings said.

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Guest Harris92
Thats total bullshit. I dont think thats justified in any kind of way. If someone doesnt pose an immediate threat to that officer or another officer, then I dont think it can be justified.
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I have no problem with cops that use non lethal weapons to control large crowds or dumbass people.To many times a police officer warns the dumbass to stop doing shit they are not allowed to do and the dumbass finds the need to keep doing what the police told them not to do.Here is some good advice by my old ass if you see police officer and police officer tells you not to do something or gives you a order obey it dont argue I promise you will not win. I wouldnt challenge a police officer just like I wouldnt challenge a growling pitbull dog.
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The cops got two pepper sprays, one in each hand. Hahaha. I would pepper spray someone too, they don't know what those people are going to do and by not acting that way I think they would just get stomped on, one cop to ? how many people.
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thank god for TJ and Joe, hey fuckheads, you shouldn't be allowed on the field, you shouldn't be allowed to try to bring down the goal posts, you shouldn't be doing anything other than cheering on your team and when the game is over leave, and they are using non lethal methods, what next cops are gonna have to find some other way to control crouds, if i cop tells you to do something do it
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Guest Harris92
I agree people should not storm the field, but I think they should have warned people that they were going to step up the force if people chose to storm the field, and if they still chose to storm the field, then by all means, spray the shit out of 'em :D
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I would mess up any bad ass dog before I'd spit on a police officer. Most of them I know were the dorks in highschool that got picked on and always hide behide authority. Now they just hide behind a damned badge.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Every one of those dumbasses were trying to get on the field....a place they DO NOT BELONG. They brought it on themselves.

a) the players were encouraging it

b) did you see that shit at the osu game? no. the sheriffs just crowded around the goal posts and had them greased up real good. nothing happened. no fighting, no shocking, no pepper spray. utah overreacted. we'll blame it on them being mormon.

c) you don't like sports, do you?

d) non-lethal force is fine when deserved. when power-hungry jack-offs do the shit for fun? not cool.

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Originally posted by satan:

a) the players were encouraging it

b) did you see that shit at the osu game? no. the sheriffs just crowded around the goal posts and had them greased up real good. nothing happened. no fighting, no shocking, no pepper spray. utah overreacted. we'll blame it on them being mormon.

c) you don't like sports, do you?

d) non-lethal force is fine when deserved. when power-hungry jack-offs do the shit for fun? not cool.

a) The players have jack shit when it comes to authority in that matter. Period. Their coaches need to learn to keep them in check.


b) Utah decided to use more force than at the OSU game. What's your point; if they are told to stop and they don't, they got what they deserve. Those people KNEW they were doing something they aren't supposed to be doing.


c)I'm not a sports nut or anything, but I do like sports, College football probably being my favorite


d)Do you really think they did it "for fun." They may have jumped the gun on the use of non-lethal force, but sometimes you gotta teach the idiots not to be idiots.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard 3,000:

I have no problem with cops that use non lethal weapons to control large crowds or dumbass people.To many times a police officer warns the dumbass to stop doing shit they are not allowed to do and the dumbass finds the need to keep doing what the police told them not to do.Here is some good advice by my old ass if you see police officer and police officer tells you not to do something or gives you a order obey it dont argue I promise you will not win. I wouldnt challenge a police officer just like I wouldnt challenge a growling pitbull dog.

But even the growling pitbull dog has more common sense, respect for human life, and decency than these ASU campus pigs. If every other college football stadium in the country can control these types of crowds without tasering random people, there is no excuse for this.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

The last time I checked NO means NO, and if a police officer tells you No and you still continue to do it then you get what you deserve. I think that it was poetic justice!!!!!

Disobeying a verbal command without even physically threatening you, let alone striking you, does not give you free reign to cause bodily harm to a citizen. Yes, I know that as an officer you can get away with tasering or macing somone who simply doesn't listen, but that does not make it morally right. I would not trust someone with this attitude towards the use of force with a bow-hunting license, let alone the responsibility of being an officer of the law.
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Originally posted by Eazy E:

But even the growling pitbull dog has more common sense, respect for human life, and decency than these ASU campus pigs.

"Pigs" I just love when people describe Police officers as "Pigs" :rolleyes: Your quick to throw that Pig word out.Ask the people who seen the bravery That Officer Hurst showed when confroting a Takeover bankrobber at that 5/3 bank that "Pig" didnt go home he died doing his job protecting lives Those "pigs" will lay there life on the line for your lame ass so you can cont. to live to piss on cheap dime store Cleveland hoes.The city of Columbus has lost 2 Police Officers in little over a month so take that pig shit and shove it up your ass.
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posted 07. January 2005 11:34 PM





Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

The last time I checked NO means NO, and if a police officer tells you No and you still continue to do it then you get what you deserve. I think that it was poetic justice!!!!!



Disobeying a verbal command without even physically threatening you, let alone striking you, does not give you free reign to cause bodily harm to a citizen. Yes, I know that as an officer you can get away with tasering or macing somone who simply doesn't listen, but that does not make it morally right. I would not trust someone with this attitude towards the use of force with a bow-hunting license, let alone the responsibility of being an officer of the law.


NO means NO


Well first off they morons storming the field do not own the field and any damage that is done is going to have to be paid for by the universtiy to be repaired and this will cost the students fees to go up.

Seceond, the officers were hired to protect the schools property from the morons and thats just what they did.

Third, you can be arrested for not following the lawful orders of a police officer.

Fourth, you can call me a pig and whatever other names you can think off but when something happens to your dumbass, like your house gets broken into or you get robbed or something who are you gonna call. Your gonna call the police and whine that you have been wronged and we are going to come no matter and take care of the situation. No matter how much you dislike us.


My thanks to ODB 3,000 for standing up for me and my fellow officers. Nobody likes the police till you need them. graemlins/thumb.gif


Officer Hurst is a HERO and I will be going to his funeral on monday. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard 3,000:

"Pigs" I just love when people describe Police officers as "Pigs" :rolleyes: Your quick to throw that Pig word out.Ask the people who seen the bravery That Officer Hurst showed when confroting a Takeover bankrobber at that 5/3 bank that "Pig" didnt go home he died doing his job protecting lives Those "pigs" will lay there life on the line for your lame ass so you can cont. to live to piss on cheap dime store Cleveland hoes.The city of Columbus has lost 2 Police Officers in little over a month so take that pig shit and shove it up your ass.

There is a very big difference between a respectable police officer and a dirty lowlife of a pig.


A respectable police officer uses force only when needed, follows protocol, doesn't steal, doesn't waste taxpayer dollars, doesn't falsify reports, and treats law-abiding citizens with respect.


A dirty lowlife of a pig uses violence on a whim, files either incomplete or false documentation, steals, takes bribes, ignores corruption and illegal use of force, milks overtime, disrespects citizens who haven't disrespected him, and brutalizes people who he simply doesn't like.


A friend I've known since elementary school was shot in the back by the infamous Officer Jopek in Cleveland's sixth district. He was an honor student who had not committed ANY crime, and had not been given a single command by either Jopek or his partner, who were the only officers on the scene. They just pulled up and shot his ass while he was walking to the corner store for some milk. All five witnesses told me and internal affairs this, but they believe Jopek's report that we aren't even being allowed to see, probably because it's got more holes in it than your knee-jerk, generalized defense of police officers.


A kid who was headed to Northwestern for pre-med, never even got a traffic ticket in his life, and had a better shot at a successful, productive, and lucrative life than anyone else in my neighborhood was killed simply for shits and giggles, so YOU can take that "all cops are saints and heroes" shit and shove it up your ass. Bitch.

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Obviosly you are biased towards cops that much is evident. I am sorry that your friend lost his life, I can't comment on the case because I know nothing of it. But I can say that your friend was not killed simply for shits and giggles, as you stated above.


There are officers who are not as friendly as others but thats just the personality of the person.


ODB 3,000 never said all cops are saints! There is always a bad apple in every bunch no matter what line of work your in.


I think you need to seek some professional help to deal with your anger, you might find that you might have a lot less stress in your life.


Just friendly advice from a Columbus Police Officer!!!!!

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You say for them not to extract force when they tell you something and you dont listen...Then how are they going to get you to listen??? Especially if you are a crowd of 50,000people that can't be slapped with 1 day in jail.
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