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Columbus tuning...wtf?

el aguila

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Read this carefully:


"Welcome and thank you for registering a username on Columbus Tuning. If you have an questions, comments, or suggestions let me know in the website concerns section. Thank you! (I just corrected your spelling and grammar. -- Chadwick)"


If that is any indication of the site, no thank you.

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Guest doggunracing

(at the top of the performance forum)


Quote by douchebag:

Okay kiddies, here's the deal. This is my forum and you will all bow down before me.


Well, I've decided that I want to supercharge my 2004 S2000.


I was at the shop where I'm going to get it done at today (Honda dealership in Cleveland), and we were bullshitting about what the car will probably be capable of.

What a performance wizard!
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Guest 01NFRs2k
There's nothing wrong with it. One of my friends is a moderator. Nothing fast or anything like on this site. Seems like it's all j-bodies other than one evo, couple is-300's, 2 s2000's.
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Funny or just what one should expect?


They have 'tuning' in their name, implying that they 'tune' cars. I would interpret tuning as tweaking things on a car to make it faster. You can tweak electronic signals, or the mechanical signals that feed the sensors, changing the toe, caster, camber or compression/rebound settings, etc. Yet they have 4 forums for all show and 2 forums for performance.

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Guest 01NFRs2k
Well I believe they have known about Columbus Racing for a while and even been on the site.. personally I've never seen this site before or been on it at all so I can't make a judgement about you all... but maybe they can
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Originally posted by B DUBS:

i sayzz w3 bashizzle thezzem, and showzzezz th3m who iz da bozzle y0. We pwn c07umbuz dammitizzle tongue.gif

Let me make your post more readable to the emerging generation, Brandon. I think some of the people on here may understand it better, too.
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Wow, 4 forums for show and 1 real forum for performance. Oh and a popular title in the performance forum is "My offical I want a bla bla Thread". I have a great topic for that forum, "My official I want an Enzo Thread". graemlins/jerkit.gif
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I just checked out the site,,,, graemlins/supergay.gif I joined just to see what it was all about. I posted in the Thread about us finding out about them, I basically said that they should challenge some of us to some races if they want to see WHO owns Columbus.
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