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Originally posted by Ricochet:

I've always wondered how they build dams.. Do they swim to the bottom of a river and start piling the bricks that way? How would it dry? I just don't get it

History channel had a whole thing on Hoover, I think they redirect the water with big fucking pipes.
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Guest racinbird
Originally posted by Coke:

History channel had a whole thing on Hoover, I think they redirect the water with big fucking pipes.

Yup...big fucking pipes!!
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yeah, they tunnel out both sides of the mountain, block off where the damn will be, then once its built, they move the temporary damn. the history channel one on some damn was like a 3 episode deal. it was actually pretty cool
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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by 86 Eh?:

I took the Dam tour at Hoover Dam. I ate a dam footlong hotdog there and you get a sticker that said "I ate a Dam Dog"

wow graemlins/lol.gif
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