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*URGENT* Bunny needs home!!!!!!!


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Hey Everyone, this is Alex's wife, Erica. Earlier today we found a cold, scared, abandoned baby bunny on our front porch. She/he is currently hanging out in one of Alex's winter hats for warmth by the front steps. We don't think that it knows where to go to get back home or that it's Mom is going to find it.

Some wierd kid was holding it and showing it off that he found it earlier and we are afraid that the mother won't take it back now anyway.

If anyone can take in this little baby, please contact us ASAP. We have cats and dogs so we can't keep a bunny in the house.


Edit: Pics!







[ 16. April 2005, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]

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Guest GSRchick714

Last summer we found some bunnies in the backyard. The dog had gotten to one and the mother was gone so we took them in. Got a cage, bought them food all the time..at first we could hold them but then they just let us pet them-they have sharp claws! :eek:

Anyways, they're not good pets really...and we had to separate the 2 eventually because they fought and even drew blood. We just let them outside a few months ago and we always see them hanging around the house but they seem to be doing find-just smaller than normal wild bunnies.


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Originally posted by Tenzig:

As a kid, I've tried quite a few times to keep one of these bunnies. If you manage to get them to eat, you have to be carefull how you cage them. My last two broke their necks trying to jump up out of thier enclosures.

no, that was them committing suicide.
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That Save Toby thing can't be real can it? It said the guy's earned over $24K!!!! I clicked the thing to look, and it says he can no longer receive payments though. Wondering if people actually donated that much money. If so, scheming a plan, new car parts for me!!!
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