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Image Wars (56K, Run Away)

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Okay I saw this game on another forum and it was pretty funny so I thought I'd try it here.


The object of the game is to find and post an internet picture that "ownz" or "counters" the just-posted picture. The more fun the better.



- Normal forum rules apply here. No pr0n etc.

- Don't repeat a picture.

- Think. If someone posts a predator, the obvious counter would be Arnold. But what about some makeup for the ugly face...?

- Don't just post an atomic bomb, a black hole, or a sniper etc. It's too easy.

- If your pwning isn't obvious, explain with some text exactly what you're pwning.

- Make sure your picture pwnz the picture above it, and not a picture 3 replies old. Use the refresh button.



I'll start:



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"The Jumo 004 would prove to be the Me262's greatest weakness. The turbojet was still in its infancy and had many technological hurdles to overcome. A lengthy period of development led to a continued delay in the producation of the Me262. A lack of the materials necessary for proper heat proofing posed a major problem in war-torn Germany. Alternate materials were forced to be used, which resulted in engines that were less than reliable. In some cases, new engines would suffer catastrophic failures during the initial run-up. Even engines that worked correctly had a very short operation span. Most would only last for 12 hours. On many occasions, pilots were forced to land with one or both engines out."


EDIT: This is the second time in a row two people posted at almost the exact same time. What are the chances of that? I literally pressed refresh, then posted what I did, only to see Berto hit post within the few seconds bettwen there. redface.gif

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Well this thread careened off course and wrecked in record time.


Every single post was a reply to post 1.


Man you guys suck at this.


Do over.

The A10 is a far more deadly air to ground killer then air to air. My posting of it was in responce to the SAM and 50 cal ground ordinance posts. The airborn one even has a pave penny. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Guest DagoRcR
Originally posted by Mowgli:

Well this thread careened off course and wrecked in record time.


Every single post was a reply to post 1.


Man you guys suck at this.


Do over.

mine was a reply to the A10


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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> http://www.123people.net/o/osbourne-ozzy/osbourne-ozzy3.jpg



I should add, last person to post, wins. :D

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Guest DagoRcR



Gross Money




Spiderman 2 (ALONE)

Over 150,000,000

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