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So yeah, I just went on a jog this evening and it being my first one in god knows how long, it was rough. I knew I wasn't in shape but didn't know I was this out of shape. I tried to shoot for a 30 min light jog....didn't work out to well as after 10 minutes or so my chest hurt and I had to take a breather.


I'd like to get back down to around 175ish at least. That's the last time I remember when I could play ball and feel somewhat good about myself.


What do you guys reccomend for me to lose 50 or so pounds? I started last Wednesday by cutting out the soda, and have started drinking more milk and orange juice. I think I drink plenty of water a day (about 10-12 bottles in a work day).


What is some easy meals to cook without taking too much time/dinero?


Lastly, what kind of regiment should I set myself to? I'm not too concerned on building muscle as I want to slim down.


Thanks guys, sorry its so long


Cliff notes: I'm overweight, I want to lose weight, what do you recommend?

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P.M. Ken (Iwishiwascool) I think he used to be a trainer, and he gives alot of people advice on this board about lossing weight in a healthy manor. DJ (Orin) might be another good person to consult, I know hes been workin on weight loss this past couple of months, and lifts or used to lift with Ken.
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i've lost about 30 lbs in 9 months



lost 10 lbs the first month then just slowly.


went to the gym every day, did 35 mins of hardcore EFX then weights, had a girlfriend gave up the gym for 2 months. now i'm biking 20 miles every other day if not more.


its working tho

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yeah man, 28 pounds since feb. woot. to say nothing of how much stronger ive gotten.


anyways, the best way is to work. get yo ass in da gym. lift heavy stuff. a lot of it. lift as heavy as you can. eat protein. a lot of it. as much as you can. take some supplements. a multi vitamin, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea extract at the very least. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!! the best advice ken ever gave me was "eat clean." that means protein, and green stuff. try not to eat sugars, and cut down, but dont eliminate carbs.


the most important part of this recipe is time in the gym. the more muscle you have, the more energy (calories) you will burn just going through your daily life. ken schooled me right.


your biggest ally in this will be discipline. find that, and youll get it done. slack off, and youre just wasting time.

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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

Tuna, tuna and more tuna. At least a gallon of water a day and lots of protien, either by a supplement shake or other forms through food, i.e. chicken, eggs, fish, some red meat. Also alot of egg whites.



Eat fruits for snacks, like apples bananas kiwi, have vitamins/nutrients plus help to replenish lost fluids.

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I agree a lot with what DJ and Sam have said already.


I also think it's a good idea that you cut out the soda. Also, you might want to cut out on all the unnecessary sweets. For instance, instead of donuts in the morning, have a bowl of oatmeal. Cut out that extra dessert, or just stop having desserts altogether. Be sensible about it.

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My advice differs from the weight trainers. I'd focus on cardio if you want to lose weight and be able to play a ball game without getting tired.


High protein diets in mice have shown a reduced lifespan (from 900 days to 700 days). Yes, you aren't a rat, but there have been no clinical studies with humans as it would take many, many years to conduct. Make what you want to of that study.


High fat, low carb diets (like Atkins, Zone and South Beach) have been warned as causing stress to the kidneys and increase the risk of liver disorders, gout, coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and severl types of cancer. (There are some pretty heavy orgainizations backing that statement)


According to the National Weight Registry, which has tracked long-term sucessful dieters since 1996, 99 percent of the people who enjoy lasting fat loss (more then 70 pounds lost and kept it off for over six years) don't use ketogenic or high-protein, low carb diets. They use high-carb diets.


If you want to lose weight and keep it off, limit your calories, not carbs. It's your total intake of calories, not carbs, that controls your weight-loss density, your risk of disease, and how long you will live. All of the positive weight-loss results of high-fat, low-carb diets you read about in the media result from consuming fewer calories and not from eating fewer carbs.


Aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness and helps lower your blood cholesterol score, blood sugar levels, and triglyceride levels (blood fats). It promotes a healthy skeleton and lifelong weight control, and it helps avert diabetes and many types of cancer.


*Everything above is taken out of the first chapter of "Eat to Win for the 21st Century" by Robert Haas, MS. If you're serious about healthy weight loss and in creasing your stamina I would go out and buy this book. Everything in it is from proven clinical studies and has shown long term success. It will help you plan a better diet and an exercise schedule.


You will lose weight by burning calories, and the fastest way to do that is with aerobic exercise. (cardio) If you're overweight running might not be a good idea since it will be hard on your knees and you'll likely get injured or hate it so much you quit. Start by walking more. Try swimming. Swimming, in my opinion, is the best exercise you can do. It's low-impact and you'll burn more calories for a given time period.


I'm not over-weight and never have been since freshman year in high school. That's when I started doing a lot of cardio for sports. I fell off the wagon when I went to college but I recently got back to it. In the last month I have lost abuot 10 lbs and gained a lot of stamina back. That may not sound like a lot to you, but I didn't have that much extra to lose so the percentage of that 8lbs compared to my entire weight is great.


Summary: Buy some books, eat better (not one of these fad diets), and do at least 5 hours a week of some type of cardio activity. (walking counts)

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

I also think it's a good idea that you cut out the soda. Also, you might want to cut out on all the unnecessary sweets. For instance, instead of donuts in the morning, have a bowl of oatmeal. Cut out that extra dessert, or just stop having desserts altogether. Be sensible about it.

+1 I've cut pop out almost completely. Drink more juices. (tomato and some type of fruit punch)
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3500 calories per pound.


Intake 3500 calories more than you burn, gain a pound.


Burn 3500 calories more than you take in, loose a pound.


You do the math.


Its extremely simply, but not easy. Being fat is easy, healthy is a choice. Healthy doesn't happy by accident.

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Thanks for all the helpful hints guys. Me and the wife just went grocery shopping and got a lot good foods. I've thought about swimming, maybe I'll start that. Running was hard, maybe I'll try fast paced walking and see where that gets me. The biggest thing is how long of a process it is, I need to learn to be able to concentrate on something long enough.


I'll be sure to check in like once a month or so and see how I've come along.



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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

The biggest thing is how long of a process it is, I need to learn to be able to concentrate on something long enough.

I have the same problem and that's why I didn't do much exercise through college. Now I've set a goal for myself and I know if I don't run everyday I won't make it, so it keeps me motivated.


Set a goal for yourself and stay focused on that. (Keep is short term...2-3 months ahead)

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Eat lots of *brown* rice. Just cooks ome up, and throw some toasted sesame seeds, a little brown sugar, and a decent bit of soy sauce in the bowl. mix it up, and serve stir fried veggies over top (zucchini, carrots, peppers, onions, broccoli, etc etc.) Vary the types of sauces that you stirt fry the veggies in, you can buy alot of cool sauces at the store, which wont hurt your wallett too much since veggies are sooo damned cheap. Im doing exactly what you are, so let me know if you'd like to work out some time.
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if you get sick of the taste of water (which i know doesnt take long), go to walmart or someplace similar, and get some crystal light "on the go" packets...theyre almost like a pixie stick, mix one into a bottle of water, shake it up, REALLY good. peach tea, i just restocked, bought 10 boxes (10 packets in a box) for like 25$ at walmart...prolly last me a month, but it keeps me from drinking pop...got a lot of flavors...i think its like 5 calories, no sugar, but it uses aspartame (sp?) which a couple people have said somethin about scientists saying its not good for you for one reason...search for aspartame and read about it...keeps me from drinking pop though, and i feel a lot better
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I've been hitting the gym since April. I started at 292 lbs. Currently, I'm down to about 275 lbs. and down 3% body fat. I'm told that's excellent progress by my personal trainer.


I've been going to the gym anywhere between 4-6 days per week. 3 of those for lifting, the rest for just cardio.


I haven't been exactly stellar in terms of diet. That's the hardest part of all this. But I'm still losing, even if I have a rough weekend in terms of eating bad, etc...

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I have just started down this path myself. I hit the gym everyday, I started with 15 minutes on a bike, with a 3 minute cool down. Each week I am going to bump by 2 minutes. I am at 17 minutes now and I have already noticed that I am not out of breath when I play with my kid. I am starting slow and trying to make the best of it. I also work on a muscle group everyday. I don't wail on it, just until I can feel that I have made the muscle tired. 20-30 inclined situps, 3 or 4 reps on biceps with 20 lbs or some legs. Like I said I am not trying to kill myslef.


My doctor told me something that may help you understand your body a bit better. Fat is almost perfect in its construction. It takes almost no energy to store, and similarly little energy to create. Lean muscle takes a ton of energy to create and a bunch to maintain. You don't need to bulk up on muscle to replace fat, but once you have more toned muscle you will burn more calories quicker.

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I lost 50 lbs when I just started watching what I ate and went to the gym every day... now with my back problems, I'm not able to workout for the past 2 months and can't go back for at least 6 months and I'm feeling the consiquences... be careful not to rely soley on you're workout to burn the extra fat that you consumed...
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Originally posted by MSTR-TRQ:

Tuna, tuna and more tuna. At least a gallon of water a day and lots of protien, either by a supplement shake or other forms through food, i.e. chicken, eggs, fish, some red meat. Also alot of egg whites.

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