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What A Fucking Day

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235


So, here WAS the plan. Drop the "X" off at IPS and then head off to the zoo. Get on 71S right by crew stadium, car starts to shake like shit, next thing i know, car slams to the ground, tire is bouncing next to me, get off as fast as i can to the shoulder (already in the right lane) watch the tire take some mad air, bounces over the median on a huge fucking bounce, next thing i know, im out of the car fucking freaking out, look across, this van is fucked up.


the windshield is shattered, the roof is caved in. i'm fucking flipping out. my girlfriend was following me she didnt even know what happened til i showed her that i had no front wheel and pointed out the van. call my mom while i've lost all emotions. she says she's on her way. i call again to say that the cops are on her side with a squad and worst possible things are going through my head that she's fucking dead. my mom tells me our neighboor is dropping her off because her car's transmission is shot. great. she get's there, my g/f's dad gets there. the cops tell me she is ok, just has glass in her face and her arms and blood everywhere. tow truck comes, the cops do down and get my tire and i find 2 lugnuts, get it on the tow truck and get off the freeway. i get cited for "driving an unsafe vehicle" :rolleyes: cop was cool though.


finally make it to IPS and look at the "X", fender is fucked up, everytime you open the door paint chips off. no way in hell I can get the paint to match again, unless someone smart can. (for those who have seen the car know) so we finally get to the zoo at like 1:30. get home about 4:30. talk to my mom, we need to find a car because we have 0 cars right now.


get a 95 saturn, needs a new windshield and oil changed bad. but thats better than nothing i guess.


so how was your day?

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I was just about to post that thread too. I've never had a wheel come off on me either. That must have been a crazy ride. I would have got the thing towed to IPS if the lugs weren't staying though. :(


PPG Yellow should be an easy color to get for the base. Since the red is in the clear it shouldn't be hard the blend in.


Glad you guys got another car for now. A honda trans shouldn't be more then $300. That's if you do the labor yourself though.

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Hey Eric I am sorry to hear that. Tell your fam you all are in my thoughts and prayers.



This is how my day went on the 15th. I sell electronics on comish. Day starts out here at work and I sell two phones and have one phone returned from a previous day. So I stood around all day for no money. Nothing really new we have been dead for a while now. I go to do my taxes. Well I also DJ and the guy I DJ with and I pay all our taxes in for income at tax time so I figured I would owe some in. Not usually too much. Then I notice on my w2's that sears here where I work did not withhold ANY federal income taxes for the entire year of 2003 but for some reason the started this year. (this I dont understand why they did one year and not the other) So that along with Djing cost me 1700 dollars in federal. After that I go up to DJ and my g/f comes up and we end up breaking up just after a year togther. JOY! So that was my day.





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Guest stevil
Originally posted by luong88888:

i present to you... exhibit A


Wow! All this bad stuff, condolences to everybody in this thread going through difficult times. :(


Myself, I got a $111 speeding ticket last night. I was actually going slow too, since I passed a different cop 1/2 mile back... apparently not slow enough.

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Originally posted by Pee Daddy:

Myself, I got a $111 speeding ticket last night. I was actually going slow too, since I passed a different cop 1/2 mile back... apparently not slow enough.

How does that happen and 111 dollars whoa.




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