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Why my teeth are crooked

Guest Zyklon

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Guest Zyklon

My teeth are kinda fucked up, espcially one of my inscisors which have been driven up into my jaw. Anyways, this incident occured about 2 years ago. I was in montpelier vermont at a Ratbike Gathering at a local bar, When I got into an argument with a gentleman with a zz top beard and was wearing a whole fucking coyote pelt on his head. Push came to shove and got into a phsical altrication which ended which me being hit in the face with a wrench and kncocked out cold. knocked almost all my front teeth loose and misplaced a couple of them. So if ya ever see me at a meet, and wonder why my teeth are so fucked up. That is the story.

-Zyklon graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest Zyklon

Yea, That was what lead to me having my face busted in. The problem came in because neither of us were exactly sure who won. it was WAY to close to tell, we were pretty much side by side the entire lenght of the street. Damn Coyotes...

Zyklon Da Ratbiker

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Guest Zyklon

well in the Kill Stories section it said 'Had your ass handed to you' and I did, I just got confused, I ain't exactly the sharpest tack in the box and I apologize for any confusion.


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