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Anybody here Shoot?

Guest 1sweet3.4

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Guest 1sweet3.4
Just wondering if any of you guys on here like shooting, and what kind of pistol/rifle do you have? I've got a CZ 52 (aka the coolest, cheapest, fastest pistol ever) a beretta 92 f/s, 357 mag, colt ar-15 and a russian SKS. If there are enough of us we should roll up to shooting range some night and pop off a few rounds.
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ive got probably 7 or 8 long guns...a few shotguns ive bought, and probably 5 or so long guns i got from my grandpa when he passed away...i like to do a lot of bird hunting and skeet/trap shooting


theres a place up in delaware i used to go skeet/trap shooting at, they just redid the whole place...from what ive heard, they have a few more skeet and trap fields, indoor range etc... i think the site is www.blackhawksc.com


im gonna go up there once it warms up a lil more

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Oh hell yes. I picked up a new 12 guage a few months ago and haven't had the opportunity to fire it yet.


Myself and several others on here try to go shooting several times during the summer. We try to only bring people we know and trust since we use private land, and we want people that we know won't accidently hurt someone. Sawbinder, you will definately be invited graemlins/thumb.gif No offense to the rest of you that posted. If you want invited, I suggest coming out to meets and getting to know us.


We shoot mostly trap, but there are always paper targets set up for rifles and occasionally handguns.

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Originally posted by Great Googley Moogley:

Hey Mike. next time you guys go shooting would like to go with you all.

Sounds good, I'll talk to the others. We don't currently have any plans though, we're waiting for the weather before planning anything.
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Guest 1sweet3.4
Yeah, understandable about the private property thing. My friend and I try not to bring many people to private properties to shoot. I know how to handle a gun, but I know some of my friends don't believe that a gun is always loaded and the way they handle them makes me pretty nervous, thus I don't shoot with them much. If you guys would like to go up to Blackhawk sometime in may, That's right up by me and let me tell ya, they did a hell of a job redoing the place. Looks real good and the trap/skeet ranges are awesome. Their indoor ranges are nice too, and you can rent guns for a flat rate of 10 bucks per gun. including the new, S&W 500. 3 bucks per shot on top of the 10 for the gun, but according to the guys there, noone has needed more than 3 shots.
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Guest 1sweet3.4
by the way,Ricochet where did you pick up the m203? The ar15 could use an underslung grenade launcher, or the 12 ga. under it. I'm not even going to ask how you have possession of an automatic saw, considering those are class 3 pieces. That is unless you have that, in which case we should talk about ordering a few things out of shotgun news, like the CZ 40P or a cz 97(that's assuming that you also have an FFL
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Originally posted by the voyeur-ager kid:

by the way,Ricochet where did you pick up the m203? The ar15 could use an underslung grenade launcher, or the 12 ga. under it. I'm not even going to ask how you have possession of an automatic saw, considering those are class 3 pieces. That is unless you have that, in which case we should talk about ordering a few things out of shotgun news, like the CZ 40P or a cz 97(that's assuming that you also have an FFL

LMAO, that's what he's certified to shoot in the army, he doesn't get to take them home.


I would be happy to go to Blackhawk with you sometime. That's the place near Deleware, right? Deleware state park also has a free trap range just off of 23, but you have to bring all of your own equipment, including clay launcher, but it's pretty nice. I would be happy to meet up with you sometime to go to either of those places.

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Originally posted by Dark Horse:

I like to shoot black tar heroine........you guys are talking about drugs right?

graemlins/slap.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif ur a bad bad man.

i try to go hunting as much as possible during deer gun season and archery. if ur a real man u shoot archery too. haha but yea going to the range would be a great time. deff a good idea

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Originally posted by DragKnee66:



Im thinking about going on Wend.


Wend evening maybe starting at 6pm.

Anyone interested?


Powder room or New Albany.

What's the price?

I'm up for it, but the only rifle I have is a .22, which tends to get boring. Do either of those places have a shotgun range?


I live right beside Power room, but one of the guys here on CR works at New Albany, so I'm up for either place. If you want to go to New Albany, I'll get ahold of him and see if he can get us some sort of deal.

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Oh damn I didnt know that.


Powder room doesnt allow rifles (not sure of .22s tho actually). Its cheap tho, like 4 bucks per 30min of range time.


New albany is expensive, but nicer. I think it was like 16 dollars for me to shoot there. We need to get ahold of the CR person there yes, Im interested in knowing who that person is, I was JUST up there.

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Guest 1sweet3.4
Yeah, the free one off of 23 is about 4 miles from my house. The only thing I have ammo for right now is the SKS, since the gun store there at 23 and 229 has got cheap 7.62 by 39. (100 rds, 12 bucks.) not bad on the .223 either. However, the cz 52 Is impossible to find good ammo for, so I have to use the internet. (7.62 by 25) My schedule is wide open for anything this week after wednesday, and yeah the powder room is dirt cheap. I think its 4 bucks per half hour session, and you can run two people per lane. next week is my spring break from college too, so I'm also open then. Write on here when everyone has got some free time so we could set a date and time.
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Guest 1sweet3.4

btw, there were two guys shooting at the powder room with a .22 and those were the only firearms they brought. Blackwing shooting club would be a good idea if we were going to spend more than an hour doing it, as it is a one fee rental place for as many hours as you like.

per visit for non members, 15 bucks for pistol range and 20 bucks for rifle, but again you could spend 3 hrs in there and not get charged any more than the initial 15 or twenty bucks.

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Well, it's suppose to suppose to snow on wednesday, so no outdoor shooting. I don't have any handguns, so if I can't shoot my .22 somewhere I'll have to rent, which doesn't bother me.


If you guys want to decide on a place on time, I'm free all day wednesday.

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I work special duty tues, weds, thurs, this week and next weekis a no go for me my wife has chemo treatment on tues. We need to pick sat. and when its nice and go to an outdoor range. Ive been to the one north of delaware and that one was nice. Could shoot anything you had. Just need plenty of advanced notice to make arrangements.
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I think Im gonna head up on wend at 6 to the powder room. If anyone else is going to tag along let me know.


I wouldnt mind an outdoor place at all though, the dark light indoor ranges can get tricky on your eyes after a while.

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Nice original post. I'd never thought folks in CR might be interested in shooting? I don't normally just target practice (though I should). I like to hunt rabbits & pheasants, but it just tooo tuff to find private property, farms, & obtain permission anymore. I go to Penna every year hunting deer. Penna is cool, we have our own family run camp & you can carry ANYTHING as long as it's a centerfire! Hell I've seen guys hunting with 375 H&H magnums. When those cannons go off, you can hear the shot echoing thru the mountains for miles - smile.gif
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Why Men favor a gun over a woman.....





10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.


9. You can keep one handgun at home and have another for when you're on the road.


8. If you admire a friend's handgun and tell him so, he will probably >>let you try it out a few times.


7. Your primary handgun doesn't mind if you keep another handgun for a >>backup.


6. Your handgun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.


5. A handgun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.


4. Handguns function normally every day of the month.


3. A handgun doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make me look fat?"


2. A handgun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.


And the number one reason a handgun is favored over a woman:


1. You can buy a silencer for a handgun!




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