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My roommate is being a douche bag.


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Yeah, as the subject implies, my roommate is being a douche bag again this winter. Last year I had two others living with us too and he drove them both to just move out with his behavior, this weekend, I'll be making the same move as well.


So anyway, he comes home at 3AM, my bed popped as airbeds aren't meant for long-term use, so I'm sleeping on the couch until I can replace it. The "security system" chimes in with it's aggrivating "BEEP BEEP BEEP! Front door." to announce that the front door has opened.


Sleep level: 75% asleep still.

Annoyance level: 20%


After that he goes to the kitchen, and flicks on the light, and messes around with something in there. More noise.


Sleep level: 50% and dropping

Annoyance level: 45% and climbing


I failed to grab the covers from my room when I passed out, and I was overheating anyway in what I was wearing, so I stumble to my room to grab them and change. An annoying IM is now on my computer screen whining that I haven't given him 90% of my paycheck a week before the fucking rent is due. Disregard, it's too late for this shit, and I'm not in the mood.


Sleep level: 40%, faltering

Annoyance level: 75%


So I try to get back to sleep, and he storms out into the living room, cuts the goddamn lights on again, and *throws* himself on a nearby chair, making as much noise as possible in the process. He then decides to further disturb my sleep, and goes: "I know you're awake. I want to talk about the rent money now".


Sleep level: 20%

Annoyance level: 90%


Mind you, the rent isn't due yet. My paycheck was JUST depositd. It's not behind. He just likes to get it as early as possible so he can keep partying. I'm pissed now, so I half open my eyes and say: "I wasn't, until you woke me up. Do NOT wake me up to discuss this topic." His response: "Well, when DO you want to discuss it?" Mine: "When my fucking eyes are open."


Sleep level: Destroyed.

Annoyance level: 100%.


This isn't the only bit of douchebaggery he engages in either. He wants his door closed at all times. Nobody is to ever even open it or enter his room. That's fine. But he thinks nothing whatsoever of opening mine and walking right in to annoy me about shit if I don't answer his knocking, even if I'm asleep.


He tries to put himself in leadership/authority positions constantly when there really is no leader required for the situation to begin with.


Someone smashed the passenger side window out on his Benz at the beginning of summer, and while me AND another roommate had been literally giving excess amounts of cash to him to take care of the bills that had become delinquent because he had not been paying them (trying to buy popularity at work, corporate politics at the expense of letting one's bills slip through the cracks), he opted to spend all of it on having the Benz dealership replace the window right away, instead of paying the gas bill. This is when they were already saying "Pay us, or we will shut off the gas." So what does the gas company do? They shut it off, of course. No hot water. Does it get turned back on immediately? No, because he has other things to spend the money he's given on rather then that bill. I think the hot water stayed off for a couple MONTHS. Mind you, when I moved here, winter was starting up, and I had my own window smashed out in Toledo. The thing stayed broken until spring, and was covered with a sheet, because I had more important priorities, so I knew I just needed to put up with the car being slightly fucked for a while.


Anyway, yeah, he's being a douche again. Should I have *any* remorse whatsoever for the fact that I'm gonna move out on Saturday to live with some friends that offered me more space, more like-minded people around, and about 1/2 the price per month on rent?

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um except for him being a dick towards you, i didn't really see any thing wrong with his attitude, you broke your bed had to sleep in living room where people come in, he wants rent early so he can have it payed so he can keep partying (nothing wrong), except for the early gas problem seems like he is just making sure he doesn't get screwed out of money, my roommates likes to have rent early so he can make sure everything clears, only common sense in that
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...Contrary to what some people said in the post no, he's being an asshat fuck stick. I had a roommate from here on CR who wanted the rent money and what not early, thing was the fuckwad wasn't paying the rent at all. He was pocketing the money. Our last month on the lease he comes in my room saying "Uh yeah you know we are getting evicted right? So you have to move out fairly fast. Like sunday." It was something like tuesday afternoon.


I was fucking livid. I told him to give me my money back then seeing how you weren't paying for shit around here rent wise. His excuse? "You weren't paying the rental office for staying here you were paying me." Nice try smart guy, unless you own the damn property i'm paying the rental office to live there, not you.


It just pains me to see how inconsiderate people are about shit and how selfish fucks can get. Move out, it'll be one of the best things you could do for yourself.



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First off, it's not his fault your bed is broken and you are forced to sleep in a common area.


Secondly, it's not his fault that 90% of your paycheck goes to rent.


I can understand him wanting to get rent early. It's always important to send the rent check a week or so early anyway. Personally, I used to drop it off at the rental office.


He has a right to privacy. As far as him going into your room at well, that's BULLSHIT. No one has the right to invade your privacy. Warn him, then throw punches.


He was obviously waaaay delinquent on the gas bill before his window was broken. It takes a good couple of months of not paying a bill and making excuses before they'll turn it off. Your roommate is probably upside down on a lot of bills/responsibilities.


It's a very good that you are leaving as soon as possible. Don't look at this so much as a negative thing, rather a teacher. This has just taught you what to look for/do and how to handle living with other people in the future.


Now it may seem like I am taking his side here, but I assure I am not. I have lived with people like that before. Don't let the next one bully you around, and make sure you know what you are getting into ahead of time.


People- for fucks sake, if you live in an apartment, and are paying rent with other people, right the goddamn check to the rental agency. Or the gas company, the electric company, etc. for your share. DO NOT give cash to someone else and expect them to give it to the person you owe.


Or, have your roomates write checks to who they owe, and give them to you to mail in.


Hope you get a better living situation worked out.



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oh I know how about getting your own place? Or is that too good of an idea. You stay at his place. If he wants to shit on your bed it's his place. Yea you pay him money to stay there but geez. If you have to share a place to afford living on your own and then 90% of your check goes to partial rent. You have bigger problems than your room mate being inconsiderate.
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First off, I don't blame him for the bed being popped. It popped because airbeds do that when you use them long term, and it's just mentioned as a side note. He would have just barged into my room to wake me up at random if my bed wasn't popped/if I had been passed out in my recliner.


Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

oh I know how about getting your own place? Or is that too good of an idea. You stay at his place. If he wants to shit on your bed it's his place. Yea you pay him money to stay there but geez. If you have to share a place to afford living on your own and then 90% of your check goes to partial rent. You have bigger problems than your room mate being inconsiderate.

When you ask someone to move in with you, because you cannot afford your place on your own, that does not give you a license to be a douche bag. Especially when they very well can leave on a moment's notice if you do act like one. Bottom line, he approached me and my friends, and we agreed to it to help him out rather then dealing with paperwork at the time. He ended up driving everyone but me to leave with random acts of douche, and I've only remained because I didn't want to see him get evicted.


90% normally does not go to him. He just went and didn't bother opening the bills again and let them become delinquent, because he "doesn't like dealing with opening mail". Of course, I have offered to take care of the bill paperwork for him to make sure it gets done, but he doesn't want to do it that way at all.


Originally posted by MJ:

...He was obviously waaaay delinquent on the gas bill before his window was broken. It takes a good couple of months of not paying a bill and making excuses before they'll turn it off. Your roommate is probably upside down on a lot of bills/responsibilities....


...Hope you get a better living situation worked out....

Yup. He had been opting to just "not deal with bills" after IBM bounced him, and was close to (a few days away from) getting tossed out when me and my friends moved in. I'll be joining up with my friends when they get back from Marietta tomorrow. Already got the storage bin rented for the shit I need to store for now, and we're prolly gonna get a townhouse soon or rent a house on Campus.
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yeah that's what the situation was like with me. The guy asked me to stay with him and another friend cause rent was too much for them to all handle and they needed someone to take the extra room. I had just gotten out of high school and was starting college so it just naturally seemed like the right thing to do. So no, it doesn't give them permission to be dicks to you if they ask YOU to move in because they can't afford the rent.
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Does he own the place? I know in our townhouse we pay the rental office directly. So if someone doesn't pay it's their ass not all of ours. A lot easier that way.


If he owns the place its kinda like tough luck. He can do whatever he wants with the money you give him. If you don't like what he's doing move out.

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Guest stealthy01ta

So you're pissed at your roommate coming home and getting something to eat when you're sleeping on the couch? I don't think he was a douche for that part...but the other part about wanting to talk in the early hours on his terms was very douchebag-like.


My roommate the douche leaves every light on and the TV on constantly...our electric bill has constantly been $30-40 higher a month since he's lived here vs. the old one.

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Guest Drvn1dvsvw
phuck that... I would be able to deal with the waking up at three in the morning thing...having been in dorms I've had people bang on doors at three when I'm sleeping, I wish death upon those people. But being an ass-phucker about the rent and stuff just ain't cool, really who talks money issues when they are dead tired at 3AM.
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