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New postwhore

old dirty bastard

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I thought B1sh0p(or whatever the fuck he calls himself now) was a postwhore this Blue By U is The king postwhore.Are you two motherfuckers related or something?Both of you need to go outside or do something you will not die if you leave your computer alone for any amount of time I promise you.
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Sorry to hear about your ma, seriously...



But I'll go ahead and let you start. I've proven my skills in the Kitchen time and again, but haven't ever seen you post anything that I can't imagine you sputtering angrily in ebonics. You put something worth responding to up, and then I might give you a lesson in shit talking... Hell, if it's impressive enough, I'll even buy you a new do-rag. You're up, Homie...

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Actually I was joking about my mother.But I believe your up everytime I call you out you punk out if.If that bullshit you typed about my mother was "Warming up" you might want to turn the oven up to 450 degrees jump into it w/ a packed lunch because this shit is about to get ugly.Lesson please no your role bitch.
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Isn't spelling fun? My eyes hurt a bit after trying to decipher whatever bullshit you just typed... You might wanna but down the blunt and the forty for this one, gramps...


Now, I'm not one for jumping into ovens (maybe you had a bad experience when you were a kid... Child services was always a phone call away), but you might want to make yourself a bonfire and throw all of your fubu "threads" into it... Trying to act black when you're white isn't cool anymore.


Incidentally(http://www.dictionary.com), you're lucky that i even made a reply. I don't really see anything in your last post that even resembles the faintest hint of an insult. So far, You're getting an F. Try doing more homework and going to a few tutoring sessions, then come talk to me.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Got nuthin on me biatches

Don't you have a Hot Import Nights show to attend, you bloated, balding, belligerent ricer? Whoops, I think I hear your wife calling you, it's your bedtime! Better run along or she won't be able to whip you like the bitch that you are. Count it!


(love you Brian :D )

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Originally posted by Myst:

Hey, my post count is already above 50, not that it matters for me. Can I be a post whore too?

Who the fuck are you? Have the majority of your posts been in the dumpster or something? Whoever you are, take some acid and go play on the highway. Anyone who calls themselves "robbie" that has been on this earth for longer than 15 years should get the shit kicked out of them on a weekly basis and be forced to eat steak daily, to instill some semblance of masculinity into them.

Go fuck yourself, San Diego.

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Originally posted by 151:

Try doing more homework and going to a few tutoring sessions, then come talk to me.

LOL!!! you have only used that fubu shit a million times you recycling motherfucker.What the fuck are you talking about"Trying to act black" You have me all wrong bro I dont own fubu or anything like it bring your gay ass out one friday night and maybe you can come up with better shit.
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Originally posted by 151:

Who the fuck are you? Have the majority of your posts been in the dumpster or something? Whoever you are, take some acid and go play on the highway. Anyone who calls themselves "robbie" that has been on this earth for longer than 15 years should get the shit kicked out of them on a weekly basis and be forced to eat steak daily, to instill some semblance of masculinity into them.

Go fuck yourself, San Diego.

No, my posts haven't been in the dumpster "TEX", I've been a member for a while and haven't been on. I've moved, got my computer and now I'm back on. By the way, Robbie, is my name, I don't go by Robert because there's a couple more with that name in my family. Now, why would you attack my masculinity based on my name, are you so unsure about yours that you have to attack others. That's like me calling you a inbred redneck because your name is Tex.
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Originally posted by 151:

Sorry to hear about your ma, seriously...



But I'll go ahead and let you start. I've proven my skills in the Kitchen time and again, but haven't ever seen you post anything that I can't imagine you sputtering angrily in ebonics. You put something worth responding to up, and then I might give you a lesson in shit talking... Hell, if it's impressive enough, I'll even buy you a new do-rag. You're up, Homie...

graemlins/thatfunny.gif Am I reading this right?!?!


I gotz the mad tight skillz it da Kitchen bitch. I am a master at as a keyboard warrior. None are better. You pale in compairson to my ability to be a smartass fuck, you bitch.



Look, your a fucking poster child for profilactic. This is the shit that goes on in the winter. It's fucking spring. Are you too fucking lazy to look at a calendar, too fucking stupid to read it or so fucking slow that you ALWAYS lag behind and do shit that everyone else did months ago? Get the fuck over it.


TJ is right, your a fucking post whore. Everyone here knows it, hell you know it to and try to brag about you mad tight skillz of being a post whore and abilities in the kitchen. What fucking abilities? Too be a bigger fucking asshat than anyone else? Gee there's something to be really fucking proud of. Hey, I am a tool, but not just anf tool but the biggest tool you know. What the hell is that?


Damn, people need to get a fucking life already.

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you guys are all fucking worthless hoebags that wish you could 1.talk shit 2.fit in 3.give yourself head. your my cock is bigger than yours contest is the latest gay fad in which the only people that care are those involved. Chris is the #1 post whore hands down. Get over yourselves. Blue is doing a shitty job. half a line of text most definitely does not count as talking shit. Alex did it better with the 2 years of posting with smileys. While he did do a good job of stirring up more of the worthlessness his ability to piss off others is not even close that of biddy. He much like the rest of you worthless cunts is another tool in the box that is CR. So please continue to pat yourselves on the back for that amazing 'Zing' you just had on the other guy because 1. their mother is never really dead and if she is, taking beastiality pictures is only a backhoe and a crowbar away. Please continue the pissing contest because sooner or later the wind will change and you're just going to be stuck holding your cocks with piss running down your legs.


I don't like commas and i definitely dont give 2 shits about spelling, calling out either as an proof of superiority is as gay as mens figure skating. So seriouly drop it, it really does not make you cool. We can all read bad spelling and bad grammer, inability to do so only proves how big of an ignorant lazy fuck you truely are.

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Originally posted by CaptainTerrific:

you guys are all fucking worthless hoebags that wish you could 1.talk shit 2.fit in 3.give yourself head. your my cock is bigger than yours contest is the latest gay fad in which the only people that care are those involved. Chris is the #1 post whore hands down. Get over yourselves. Blue is doing a shitty job. half a line of text most definitely does not count as talking shit. Alex did it better with the 2 years of posting with smileys. While he did do a good job of stirring up more of the worthlessness his ability to piss off others is not even close that of biddy. He much like the rest of you worthless cunts is another tool in the box that is CR. So please continue to pat yourselves on the back for that amazing 'Zing' you just had on the other guy because 1. their mother is never really dead and if she is, taking beastiality pictures is only a backhoe and a crowbar away. Please continue the pissing contest because sooner or later the wind will change and you're just going to be stuck holding your cocks with piss running down your legs.


I don't like commas and i definitely dont give 2 shits about spelling, calling out either as an proof of superiority is as gay as mens figure skating. So seriouly drop it, it really does not make you cool. We can all read bad spelling and bad grammer, inability to do so only proves how big of an ignorant lazy fuck you truely are.

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now hes got the hang of it. There he was typing with 2 hand inbetween moments of touching himself. Now he can masturbate and click and get the same point across. But you're right I dont have a fast car so why should you worry about me. All you care about is other fast cars that silently challenge your manhood. Well you go get em and with every victory you can sit back and think to your self, "i am cool" "i am a winner" I bet your the kind of person that doesnt really have friends but more weak fools that follow you around so you dont pick on them. Well good for you sir maybe one of them can jerk you off so that you may return to 7 word sentences that don't stray past 2 syllabols.
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Originally posted by BLUE BY U:

this is a racing site???? maybe i have just went the wrong site.

Actually, you have the wrong section. Like i said before, if you want to challenge someone to a race, go to the right section. This section is for making fun of someone. graemlins/slap.gif


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Yes you are correct this makes what the 15th time you've told yourself its a racing site. I own a volkswagen its not fast but i do race it, quite often actually. There are numerous videos of my econo box racing other slow cars like v6 mustangs, v8 tbirds, and various hondas / integras. Hell my cars slow enough that rain and weather dont constitue excuses for not showing up. But and i need you to try really hard to grasp this concept as it may be outside of your scope. I can not race you from behind my moniter and you no matter how much you want it to be so cannot race anyone from behind yours. So if you wish to talk about racing by all means tell us a story about one of your amazing awe-inspiring victories in which your foxbody or GTO or motorcycle beats jesus in a race while ever girl that catches site of you on your way down the track creams themselves to death in an orgasm of your own personal awesomeness.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Actually, you have the wrong section. Like i said before, if you want to challenge someone to a race, go to the right section. This section is for making fun of someone. graemlins/slap.gif


something that marc is very familar with.
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