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Why do girls goto clubs when they have b/f's?

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

Why do girls goto clubs when they have boyfriends? To me, thats retarded. Going to a club, and rubbing against another guys cock while he pretends to fuck you in the ass. From a guys POV, "Wow, look at that hot chick homies, lets go dance with her and see if we can get her number and get her drunk later anf fuck." Please inform me and let me know why girls goto clubs when they have b/f's? Yet, they get mad if we goto a strip club. But I remember awhile ago on here, someone saying, its easier to get hooked up at a club than a strip club...


Please inform me.


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Some women have that man attitude when it comes to the oposite sex. That being that there is always something else out there. Men jump G/F to G/F and we all think that's fine. Bitches do it and they are loose or a hoe or some shit like that. Figure that if she is clubbing, especially without you and with her girlfriends, or worse yet by herself your cock is about to be repalced with another, and such yours will be reintroduced to Rosie Plam and Jergens. And do't go all possesive man, it's childish. If she ain't married to you, you are simply renting.

Rings + Vowels = Ownership


And BTW, if you are dense enough to need to ask this question, your answer as to why you are being replaced is part of why you need to ask to begin with.


Don't think I am trying to be a dick. I know your pain, I been there before myself. Oh yeah, would you slide me her cell number, my guess is that you ain't gonna need it much longer.

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Originally posted by desperado:

Don't think I am trying to be a dick.

You don't get to act like a dick and then say, "Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick" as a way of getting around the fact that you're acting like a dick.


Knock it off already, Desperado.

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Guest Elinar Longsight

some bitch I was dating a while ago tried feeding me that "I just wanna dance with my girlfriends" bullshit.. a couple weeks later I came over to her chillin with a guy she met there.


Your woman is looking for another cock.



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This does NOT automatically mean she's out with her friends to meet guys. You need to assess your relationship with her: is this a new "trend" with her, will she be doing it habitually after this? Obviously you don't feel you can trust this situation, do her friends go out and get on other guys?


Girls in groups tend to think and act alike, so a lot of her behavior will likely be similar to that of her friends. Constant "I just wanna dance" things ARE a bad sign, but just one does not substatiate a problem.


Do you honestly feel enough for her that you couldn't replace her if the worst is true? I hope your suspicions are unfounded, goodluck and keep us updated. :(

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LOL any girl that feel the need to go to a club while she has a boyfriend shouldn't need a boyfriend. Slappa ho and tell her what's up.



Or... You can be huge and tell her that you trust her and to have a good time. This way, she'll feel shitty if she does anything retarded, AND you'll look like a badass. If you give her shit and she goes anyway, she's probably not going to feel as bad about pulling something stupid. :cool:

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Guest doggunracing
If you don't trust your girl, you're a dumbass. If she's into you, then get over it. If she's not, dump her ass. Clock's ticking...
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Guest Rane

Did she ask you to go but you were to pussy? If so and you said no say you changed your mind and your not in that big of trouble, maybe she just wanted to try it.


Otherwise, refer to my previous post.

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Originally posted by doggunracing:

If you don't trust your girl, you're a dumbass. If she's into you, then get over it. If she's not, dump her ass. Clock's ticking...

DING DING DING...we have a winner!


i personally have more luck at strip clubs for some reason, and i don't even hand out cash. but a majority of girls dance with friends, be it male or female, from "outside the box" it might look like she is slutting around when really she's just having fun with people she knows. andif she takes someone home, who cares? you'll know what she's capable of and you can quit wasting your time and money on the cunt.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by MadMalibu:

When and where is she going? :cool:


Toledo ass. (I might being going to UT too though)


I trust her not to do anything, it's just asshole guys I cant. Oh well, I told her if she gets to goto clubs everyonce in awhile, dont get pissed when I go out to the bar or w.e. with my friends.


Paton- I need to talk to you about "Dorm Life"

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

You don't get to act like a dick and then say, "Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick" as a way of getting around the fact that you're acting like a dick.


Knock it off already, Desperado.

Are there "Ignore" features on CR like there are on other forums?
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I would trust my GF to go to a club or whatever. I go do the dancing without her sometimes as well. In the same measure I wouldnt thrust my denim cock (dane cook reference) upon a girl, I know she wouldnt allow some cholo to do that to her.


The sole purpose of going to such clubs isnt always sexual.

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I should add though, my last serious GF frequented latino dance clubs and fell in with the whole scene (Odd since she was half asian). She ended up meeting a choad there and married him a month after she broke it off with me.


So I can see how it could go either way.

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Like I said, YOU are renting.

Get her a ring = option to buy. That gets em all convinced that you are in love with them.


And BTW, this is the Kitchen, being a dick in here is whats' expected. If you seek counceling, go to a shrink. If you are looking to be riticuled (sp) and poked fun at for your insecurities, post them in here. This is an automotive message board, not Dear Abby. Not to mention this is the forum where we make fun of each other.


In all honesty I hope I am wrong, but she's 2 hours away dude, you need to either forget about it, forget about her, or go enrole at UT. Bottom line is that you DON'T trust her. You can say its' not her its' the other guys you don't trust, if she doesn't want them it's called rape. If she goes willingly it's referred to as an upgrade. Since you are worried about it, you don't know if you can trust her. The other guys there are NOT the issue. Truth is if she gets into a situation (drunk or whatever) and lets the guard down, she got there of her own free will with the desision ot drink or whatever to begin with. It's not like I didn't go through all this shit 10 yrs ago when I was in college.

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