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(NEW)fastest f-body in columbus


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just wanted to clear some things up about this post.1st me and blue posted this together so i'm his "buddy" with the f-body.blue is a good friend of mine so he can talk shit about my car i'll back him up.this is not one of those, my buddys brothers uncles brother knows a guy deal.

2nd this is NOT mario or sonnys car the guy that built sonnys car also built my car, and any one who knows me knows who that is. as far as mario goes hes a friend of mine and we weren't bashing him just all of you that swing on his dick.(AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).now on to some of the post that some of you posted.3 who ever said i could not afford the internet,your right i'm poor thats why i'm sure my car is much faster than yours, this is the first time i've been on this site(last saturday)just wanted to see what it was all about so far its about what i thouht alot of people talking a lot of shit the only person who steped up was the guy with the vett other than him the girls on here want to race more than the guys do 4th this is the last one for tonight why are ALL of you so obsest with spelling the last time i check spelling wont win you a race unless i'm on the wrong web site i thought this was columbusRACING.com not columbus spelling.com


[ 26. March 2005, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: 93 MONSTER ]

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Originally posted by 93 MONSTER:

the guy on this end has a faster car than you do

You mean faster F-Body, right? There are cars on this board faster than yours. Maybe not quicker, but faster for sure. But I'm sure we know what you mean. Thanks for clearing it up, and so eloquently.
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I'm not in it for the "my penis is bigger because my F-Body is faster". My car has A/C, heat, 10 speakers, 500w head unit w/ 12 disk changer, full interior with NOTHING stripped, street radials, working everything, gets 22mpg on the highway, and is still .005 away from 10s pulling 125+ traps.


It also cuts consistant 1.6x 60' on a stock suspension and carries two car seats in the back for the kids.


That's what I'm proud of, especially for the power it has, what it runs, and how nice it looks. I also take home awards at car shows.


That being said, there's my point. You're correct, this is a racing site. However, it's not only focused primarily on drag racing at the track, it also focuses on auto-x and road racing.


If you wanna race, I challenge you to a drag race at a straight line track. However, you must race me at either a road course or auto-x course afterwards, your F-Body versus my F-Body.


Wanna take the challenge? And BTW, the car you use in the 1/4 must also be the car you use at the latter race with no suspension or major changes, only wheels/tires. I'm game.


BTW, welcome aboard smile.gif

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So after thats all said and done.. can I play too?? (you can just spot me out half track and well call if even lol)


But no gay road course for me.. (no offense to the road course people.. I just dont like the feeling of flying off a track lol) hehehe ;)tongue.gif


Welcome Tommy!

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Originally posted by 93 MONSTER:

so far its about what i thouht alot of people talking a lot of shit

Guess what? 99% of the shit talking that has happened on this site in the past week occurs in threads started by you and your friend, or in response to posts made by you two.


Congratulations. If you were trying for the "Most Shit Talking Award in One Week / Newbie Division", you have won. There has never been anyone postwhore, nutswing, or constantly keep shit flaming as much as your 'friend'. So, if that was your intent, again, congratulations.


I hope you two are different in person, because what's been shown here is pretty sad. There are actually folks out there that have very impressive cars, whether it be street, strip, show, whatever, who don't feel the need to brag about their shit every chance they get.


What are you guys gaining here by continually coming across as pissed off 14 year olds? If you don't think you are, step back and read some of the horseshit that you two have spewed everywhere.

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Originally posted by 93 MONSTER:

alot of people talking a lot of shit the only person who steped up was the guy with the vett other than him the girls on here want to race more than the guys do

Both you and Blue now have multiple challenges. You guys should be happy now. smile.gif
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Originally posted by 93 MONSTER:

ps how ya like that for shity spelling you can make fun of my spelling all you want but just remember the guy on this end has a faster car than you do

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Originally posted by 93 MONSTER:

ps how ya like that for shity spelling you can make fun of my spelling all you want but just remember the guy on this end has a faster car than you do

Yeah, and then some other SPS'd toolbag, with a (pick a # here) second car, will join this board and begin chest thumping and calling everyone out. So the fuck what!


There will always be a faster car, and a bigger douchebag owner, out there. Grow up, get a life, get an enlargement, and go away!

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we get pissy about spelling because though indeed we are columbusRACING.com, we are still an online forum. If no one can read or comprehend your challenge because your poor spelling/punctuation/paragraph usage gives us aneurisms, then no one is going to respect you has a comptetent human being, thus not the kind of person they want to be next to in a cars at 100+ mph.
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Guest FBody Addict
if you guys are talking about the mario i'm thinking of, isn't he the guy who would tell people to look for his bottle, which sat under a sweatshirt on the passenger seat, tell them he wasn't spraying, run spray the whole race, and then accuse the other guy of spraying?
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That being said, there's my point. You're correct, this is a racing site. However, it's not only focused primarily on drag racing at the track, it also focuses on auto-x and road racing.


If you wanna race, I challenge you to a drag race at a straight line track. However, you must race me at either a road course or auto-x course afterwards, your F-Body versus my F-Body.

:eek: so, does this mean ill see you at beaverun this year? or even cooper stadium?


hell, ILL take that race.


me and you in a straight line, then me and you at an autox course, and well split the difference, cool? loser buys the chilitos. :D

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Originally posted by Orion:

:eek: so, does this mean ill see you at beaverun this year? or even cooper stadium?


hell, ILL take that race.


me and you in a straight line, then me and you at an autox course, and well split the difference, cool? loser buys the chilitos. :D

I was thinking Ledges in the summer, possibly Cooper in the fall. It can't be ALL straight line, that's no fun ;)
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To "93 Monster & Blue By U". For the past week or so as I read all the posts, you know / pussies in CR, won't race, we're all talk, isn't this a racing site, and so on and so on. I originally thought (man these guy's are tools)!! Actually I think you just wanted to have some fun, stir up the CR members, & see who would actually be willing to bring it back to ya! I'm guessing you're no different than the rest of us. You love your rides, like to run 'em, & are actually real people too? Here's a different message = Happy Easter smile.gif
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Originally posted by Kohones:

To "93 Monster & Blue By U". For the past week or so as I read all the posts, you know / pussies in CR, won't race, we're all talk, isn't this a racing site, and so on and so on. I originally thought (man these guy's are tools)!! Actually I think you just wanted to have some fun, stir up the CR members, & see who would actually be willing to bring it back to ya! I'm guessing you're no different than the rest of us. You love your rides, like to run 'em, & are actually real people too? Here's a different message = Happy Easter smile.gif

Yeah but there is just one thing different between us and them "Dad", they are assholes about it.
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i give you an A, yeah that was pretty much it, i was at kroger last night and nobody really seemed to have a prob with me. had a good time and did some roll ons on the freeway with a few people.
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