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Where the hell is the 12 page thread for Coltboostin and Linn


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I unlocked it since it wasn't violating any rules, after all, some people might not have been done with it yet. Jerrad relocked it and moved it into dumpster diving.


It'll be either moved into the Archives or back in here, depending on the input I receive smile.gif


BTW Jerrad, it's kinda difficult to answer your PM when I'm on your blocked list tongue.gif


I'm going golf-carting again. I'll be back on later tonight...

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Originally posted by Aggressor:

I unlocked it since it wasn't violating any rules, after all, some people might not have been done with it yet. Jerrad relocked it and moved it into dumpster diving.


It'll be either moved into the Archives or back in here, depending on the input I receive smile.gif


BTW Jerrad, it's kinda difficult to answer your PM when I'm on your blocked list tongue.gif


I'm going golf-carting again. I'll be back on later tonight...

Establish some control and ground rules then be consistent. I have never critized you or this board. This is a first. Coming from someone who ran and was a sysop on Compuserve when the WWW was freaking glimmer in someones daddy's eye.


Put the thread back and bitch-slap the admin who deviated from the rules. Word.

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The ground rules are posted in the top of this specific forum.


I'm not on here 24/7 and have been indisposed more than normal lately. I trust the other Admins/Mods to do their jobs, but not overstep boundaries.


Jerrad (Orion) locked it both times and bitched at me the second time. Should I kick him into the Dumpster? graemlins/grin2.gif

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Originally posted by Aggressor:

The ground rules are posted in the top of this specific forum.


I'm not on here 24/7 and have been indisposed more than normal lately. I trust the other Admins/Mods to do their jobs, but not overstep boundaries.


Jerrad (Orion) locked it both times and bitched at me the second time. Should I kick him into the Dumpster? graemlins/grin2.gif

Since I can't put names to faces...kick him!!!


Consistency and integrity. Sometimes even admins have to be spanked. Mistress Suzie charges a very decent rate and she's located just downtown for some "lunch time" discipline.

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Originally posted by Swirl Marks:

Without the admins and mods nothing would get done. That lazy fuck anthony sure as shit wouldnt take responsibility... graemlins/jerkit.gif




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not that i really think i need to justify myself to anyone in here, but the last two pages of that thread were post whoring to get the post count in the thread up. there was a thread entitled "sam", and a thread entitled "linn". i figured with those two being some of the main proponents in the coltboostin thread, the torch could be taken up there. for what its worth, the entire thread was stupid from the drop. ant, do whatever the fuck you like, its your bandwidth. tony, suck my dick.
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Jerrad, I love you. Velcro + ass = yes?


Lemme know!


BTW, it was an entertaining thread for awhile. It did get kinda gay for a bit, but I hoped someone would regenerate some interest in it. Gotta have faith in some of these morons graemlins/grin2.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Orion:

not that i really think i need to justify myself to anyone in here, but the last two pages of that thread were post whoring to get the post count in the thread up. there was a thread entitled "sam", and a thread entitled "linn". i figured with those two being some of the main proponents in the coltboostin thread, the torch could be taken up there. for what its worth, the entire thread was stupid from the drop. ant, do whatever the fuck you like, its your bandwidth. tony, suck my dick.

Why, I can't even place the name to face, sir. I don't don't even know (or want to) if you have a dick or a pussy. Since you took offense so easily, I apologize. I did not mean to offend you. I just stated my opinion that you should be kicked in the nuts (if you have them) or at least the ass (by Andrew).


We okay now? Or should we discuss?

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READ! There are the regulations for the CR Flame Room. Failure to follow them will result in consequences!



1) No personal threats, racial/ethnic slurs, etc. Violation of these will be automatic ban. Anything else is fair game.



2) The usual 56k and NWS warnings apply to topics and posts.



3) The Admins/Mods will not edit or delete posts, unless they fail to meets the requirements of the previous two rules.


3a) Any edit will have an explanation, IN BOLD, at the bottom of the post being edited.


3b) Any deletion of a topic will have it moved to the Admin/Mod section for review. And post deletion will see an additional post made explaining why the previous was deleted.


4) Anything else is fair game.

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