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People who can't raise their kids


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The people committing armed robberies in the area turned out to be a few 17 year olds, a 15 year old, and one 18 year old. Just last night, my friend's neighbors caught the people stealing car stereos red handed. Again, a bunch of fucking kids, 14 and such. What I want to know is why the hell these kids are being allowed to even go OUT at these hours?


When I was 14, if I was out at 10:30PM, I would have caught hell for it once I got home, and you bet your ass if I had a gun at 15, my parents would have found it and beat my ass black and blue. I don't even want to think about what the consequences would be if I got caught breaking into cars or committing armed robberies. Do we need to start issuing "breeding licenses" now?

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

Legalize corporal punishment.

It used to be pretty much accepted that if you spanked your little hellspawn, it was discipline, and there were sane limits to what you could and couldn't do, like no beating with electrical cords and that shit.


These days, you so much as swat the little bitches, and they scream abuse, and neo-liberal douchebags get carte blanche to invade your home and put you away. graemlins/nonono.gif 20 more years and this country is fucked if this keeps up.

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Originally posted by Kuruma:

It used to be pretty much accepted that if you spanked your little hellspawn, it was discipline, and there were sane limits to what you could and couldn't do, like no beating with electrical cords and that shit.


These days, you so much as swat the little bitches, and they scream abuse, and neo-liberal douchebags get carte blanche to invade your home and put you away. graemlins/nonono.gif 20 more years and this country is fucked if this keeps up.

Actually this is NOT correct. And YES, I hve been through the whole Childrens Services at teh door routine. Make a long story short, we all got over to the childrens services agency for a meeting. The counsler told Keith Jr that I do have the right to beat his ass (corpral punishment) if I feel it's needed and that they would not be putting me in jail for that. She then placed pictures in front of him of another case of serious abuse and told him that was abuse, and that other attempts to get me or his mother in trouble for beating his ass for being a brat would result in a trip for him to DH (detention home) and that he better have marks the next time they were called. It was BTW the third time that they had taken a report either from or about him. So beating your kids ass is perfectly legal, but it's open hand, across the buttocks, slapping in the mouth is ok as well, but no punching, basically if you don't leave marks that last more than a few hours, you haven't abused them phyically. And thatis from a case worker at Licking COunty Childrens Services, so I would geuss they know the law.


EDIT: After I posted this I was listening to the radio, ad came on from the antidrug, about parents needing to get over pissing their kid off about talking to them if they know they are smoking pot. This is a clear indicator of what shit has digressed to, we need TV and radio ads telling parents it's ok to piss off their kid by telling them to not do drugs.

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i almost got sent to boot camp because i got a C--> true story.


when i was a kid i got whooped when i deserved it, and i'm gla dmy parents whooped my ass when i needed to be shut up.

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for those of you who have met my dad... yeah, now there's "nuff said".


for those of you who haven't met my dad... well, he's about 5'10", 350lbs, and fucking huge. he used to be a body builder or some shit until he fucked up his back. he's been working construction / painting since he was 15.


one time we got into a fight and instead of chasing me through the house when i walked away from him, he threw a fan at me. haha. his arms are about as big around as my thighs. thank God i can run faster then him. jesse's met my dad. he's skeered. hahahaha!!! i got my ass beaten when i needed it. never abused or any shit like that, just a good ass whooping. i deserved the fan thing, i was running to get a baseball bat. yeah, we fought alot. it was fun.

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