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Like your car? Don't live at the Brookeville!


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The Brookevile apartments on Karl and Schrock fucking SUCK. Crackheads like to congregate in the stairwell on Jones Mill Rd., and people break into cars all the fucking time there. The other night some douchebag busted out the window of my AE86 (and the fucking door was unlocked! If I catch this fucker, he'll pay for this) and took the stereo outta it, AND did the same shit to the Acura Integra that was a couple cars away from it too, stealing about $1000 worth of stereo equipment.


Does the Brookeville's management care about the problems going on in their own parking lot? Fuck no! Their response: "Well this is columbus. That happens." and "Well, nobody said the parking lot is secure."


I'm advising anyone here in the market for an apartment to steer clear of this complex. The rent may be reasonable, but they truly do not give a shit about the security or safety of their tenants, or their property.

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Guest turboteg2nv
Don't expect someone else to protect your shit. You've gotta take things into your own hands. Get an alarm, bolt your system down, etc. Do whatever you can to layer the security. Oh..and sleep with one eye open.
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Guest CTPirate
Tell them that you're going to tell everyone about how shitty their complex is. And actaully do it too, like you are now. Start sending out emails and stuff and have some people contact them and say that since this shit happens they won't choose to live there. It may not do anything, but then again, it might.
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fucked up bit is there were *two* head units in my AE86, the one they stole was the $80 Durabrand one (CD, MP3, and XM ready), and they obviously saw and moved around the other one that was in the back, a shitty Kenwood tape deck from the mid 1980s which they decided wasn't even worth taking.


Well, it's better then listening to the exhaust until I move, at least.

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Guest SilverCivic

I hate to be the one to tell you ..... But if you purposely put razorblades on the back of your radio you are in violation of the law. I know you don't care but if the thief loses a finger on your blade and sues you .... You will need to pay his way the rest of your life. Now if there is factory sheet metal behind your radio and it has very rough edges or the little mettle pieces on the case of your radio are sharp and he cuts himself on the radio or the vehicle dash while stealing a radio…. (wink wink)


Also do bolt every thing down. If a criminal has a difficult time stealing from you once they tend not to come back. If you have an alarm they tend to stay away. Make sure you LED is up high. Make sure your alarm uses both a 128db siren and you factory horn. If you really want to be an ass hole, get an alarm and go to Mejier and get an air horn and ask the alarm installer to hook the horn out put to the air horn. You could also mount the air horn under your seat to make them get the fuck out of your car.


These are just some recommendations of a former audio installer. Plus Put out the word that you will shot anyone you catch stealing from you. Go get a gun case and every once in a while let people see you taking it out to your car or back into the house. If they think you bought a gun and that you are out target practicing… another deterrent. I would never suggest you actually shot someone who is in your car. Once again you don’t want to pay someone’s way the rest of your life after they steal from you.

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if this is the first time, they will be back... typically burglers break in again a few weeks after the first incodent after insurance has a chance to replace everything.... keep an eye out for suspecious stuff as well as AT LEAST GET A CAR ALARM!!!
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Originally posted by SilverCivic:

I hate to be the one to tell you ..... But if you purposely put razorblades on the back of your radio you are in violation of the law. I know you don't care but if the thief loses a finger on your blade and sues you .... You will need to pay his way the rest of your life. Now if there is factory sheet metal behind your radio and it has very rough edges or the little mettle pieces on the case of your radio are sharp and he cuts himself on the radio or the vehicle dash while stealing a radio…. (wink wink)

Stupid people make me cry.
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Originally posted by SilverCivic:

These are just some recommendations of a former audio installer. Plus Put out the word that you will shot anyone you catch stealing from you. Go get a gun case and every once in a while let people see you taking it out to your car or back into the house. If they think you bought a gun and that you are out target practicing… another deterrent. I would never suggest you actually shot someone who is in your car. Once again you don’t want to pay someone’s way the rest of your life after they steal from you.

Whoops! Just when I thought your IQ couldn't be any lower, you end with the above gem.
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Originally posted by SilverCivic:

I hate to be the one to tell you ..... But if you purposely put razorblades on the back of your radio you are in violation of the law. I know you don't care but if the thief loses a finger on your blade and sues you .... You will need to pay his way the rest of your life. Now if there is factory sheet metal behind your radio and it has very rough edges or the little mettle pieces on the case of your radio are sharp and he cuts himself on the radio or the vehicle dash while stealing a radio…. (wink wink)


Also do bolt every thing down. If a criminal has a difficult time stealing from you once they tend not to come back. If you have an alarm they tend to stay away. Make sure you LED is up high. Make sure your alarm uses both a 128db siren and you factory horn. If you really want to be an ass hole, get an alarm and go to Mejier and get an air horn and ask the alarm installer to hook the horn out put to the air horn. You could also mount the air horn under your seat to make them get the fuck out of your car.


These are just some recommendations of a former audio installer. Plus Put out the word that you will shot anyone you catch stealing from you. Go get a gun case and every once in a while let people see you taking it out to your car or back into the house. If they think you bought a gun and that you are out target practicing… another deterrent. I would never suggest you actually shot someone who is in your car. Once again you don’t want to pay someone’s way the rest of your life after they steal from you.

Totally agree. The only thing I'd add, if your really, REALLY serious about catching these people, is get a mini camera of sorts, place it in your car where it cannot be seen, like built into the door or arm rest or something. I'm sure if you get that serious, you'll figure it out. But, if you do that, you'll have video of who did it, and proof enough to take he/she to court and sue them, no shots being fired. ;) Yes, an alarm with the LED set as high as it can go is important, but if you really want to prevent it, catch them in the act, because they will try to do it again, and make them pay, but not in a way that would hurt you physically or financially or legally ;)graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Whoops! Just when I thought your IQ couldn't be any lower, you end with the above gem.

ah glad to see dr.zo6 adding so greatly to the board graemlins/thumb.gif
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i got my car broken into, i took the face plate off the radio. they searched for it but no luck because it wasn't there.


all they took was a mag lite an dsome walmart speakers.



TAKE YOUR FACE PLATE OFF , if you know there are breakins why would you leave IT and ANOTHER RADIO there. i'meven worse about my car now i have some tricks in there and on top of that i don't leave anything. i have a small bin i put everything in there when i leave the car and take it with me

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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i got my car broken into, i took the face plate off the radio. they searched for it but no luck because it wasn't there.


all they took was a mag lite an dsome walmart speakers.



TAKE YOUR FACE PLATE OFF , if you know there are breakins why would you leave IT and ANOTHER RADIO there. i'meven worse about my car now i have some tricks in there and on top of that i don't leave anything. i have a small bin i put everything in there when i leave the car and take it with me

good idea, but dosent always work.

my rommie had the stero stolen out of his saturn, and he had the faceplate inside. also, someone brok into my plymouth to take the stereo, i had the faceplate inside. they didnt take the stereo, but the cut my seat and destroyed the glove compartment liner because ther where pissed about it not being there.

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Originally posted by Lustalbert (more used cars than CR):

good idea, but dosent always work.

my rommie had the stero stolen out of his saturn, and he had the faceplate inside. also, someone brok into my plymouth to take the stereo, i had the faceplate inside. they didnt take the stereo, but the cut my seat and destroyed the glove compartment liner because ther where pissed about it not being there.

you can never be 100% safe
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Originally posted by Kuruma:

The Brookevile apartments on Karl and Schrock fucking SUCK.

All of the apartments in that area suck, and a number of the homes in close proximity do too.....even though it is so close to Westerville and Worthington.


Solution: don't show ANY signs of anything aftermarket in your car if you live in a bad area....or they will steal it.

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Guest GSRchick714

I can understand you're mad-I would be too but you could have done a few things.

1. Lock your doors

2. Take off your faceplate

3. Get an alarm

4. Don't leave extra radios in your car

Karl & Schrock isn't the best area in town and if you don't want your car to get broken into, don't leave valuables within sight of thieves.

Just my .02

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I got held up at gun point at the apartments on Shrock right next to 71, just down the street, about 5 years ago right before christmas. They got about $150 and 100 cd's. The police asked me if I wanted to prosecute if they caught him, I said that I'd rather have him alone in a room for about five minutes.
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Guest 04GreyGT

People will attempt to break in no matter what you do, the alarm will only let them know that there is something of value inside. To them, it's worth the risk of getting caught.


It's not the complexes fault, the only thing they could do would be to hire a couple security guards to keep an eye on things...however, then they would have to raise the rent in order to pay these extra personel, and their tenants would probablly complain, some may move out b/c they can't afford it.


If it was me, I wouldn't protect my stereo with razor blades, or an alarm, or a gun. I would just do without a radio. The reasoning being, the crackheads are going to try and break in, and if you have an alarm, they'll just run when it goes off, come back and try again tomorrow. You'll be left with broken windows, and your insurance company will hate you. To me it's not worth the cost of an alarm and increased insurance rates just to listen to music.

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