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LMAO who sucks now?


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Ok ohio state fans i dont want to hear anything from you guys.. you lost to northwestern... Unranked.. havent beaten you guys since 1953 lmao give you the respect because you are ohio state but the guys talking about us losing to notre dame just ate your own words 10x what we did because northwestern are like 100x wosre then notre dame :-x you took your first loss probably not the last the way the team is falling apart because nugent couldnt win it for you guys and your offense... but even tho you guys suck i will give you the excuse of a rookie quarterback .. but we have one too and he is coming around.. so when the OSU vs Michigan game comes around we will see once and for all who has a better team since you guys dont look at the over all rivalry record but thats all i have to say until one of you guys comes back with something...
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1. Fuck off newbie. Nobody's gonna make excuses for losing to Northwestern. Two weeks of preparation to play like shit, and also get out-coached. Props to the Wildcats and thanks for the wake-up call. We are in a world of hurt next week with Wisconsin coming to town.


2. Notre Dame got there asses handed to them this weekend. Something your precious team didn't do?


3. It seems Purdue, Wisc., and Minn., are now the favorites for the Big Ten title.


4. Rivalry records mean nada on gameday, so shut your pie-hole until late November, when you can join Rane, Stealthmonkey, and the other "I didn't go to Michigan, but they are my favorite team" fags , in a circle jerk and watch the game.


[ 04. October 2004, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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... Hey. I wasn't going to say ANYTHING, until this illiterate shithead figured he had the balls to try and talk some shit. You guys beat INDIANA this weekend. I forgot that Indiana even HAS football team, and it turns out that what they really have is a group of guys that dress up in football uniforms and dick around before and after their band performs. I wouldn't really be giving "big ups" to any of the girls in blue for their performance this weekend. It was a W, but damn... Props for beating Indiana? Nope.


You're right, OSU does not have a good running game. Wait, no. Lydell Ross does not have a good running game, the sooner someone puts a bullet in that guy, the better off OSU will be.


Zwick needs to stop sucking. Sure he has his fleeting moments of brilliance, but he really needs to step up (which I believe that he will) for us to return to being a dominant force.


This thread proves once again that the only Michigan fan on the board who has any sort of grasp of the english language Is geoffrey, and he sucks at talking shit anyways. You all need to crawl back under whatever rock you came from, because come game day, you guys wont have shit on us, since your one good reciever doesn't have a quarterback to throw to him.


..... Hey guess what... Notre Dame lost by nearly THIRTY FUCKING POINTS this weekend.... It's a good thing you guys bea.... Oh, shit, I forgot. Michigan still sucks.

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Guest doggunracing

Actually, they lost to them in Columbus in 1971. They hadn't beaten OSU in Evanston since 1953.


In the Power Rankings that I saw, Notre Dame was 38 and Northwestern was 53. Hardly 100x worse. Indiana was only 79, so if this is your idea of a flame, leave the kitchen and go vacuum.

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Lmao first i said nothing about their running game lol so where did that come but your right they do suck ours is better and we dont even start the guy we should be because he is hurt :-x off that next idiot to say something Indiana ... ok not that good of a team but we still won no matter what a team ranks they can still beat any team in the big ten it happens alot so dont give me that bullshit you guys are not good at ALL this year and half of you have the nerve to sign after your post michigan still sucks so im taking that as talking shit before a thread even starts so im coming back at every single one of you .. im a noob yes your right BUT! i can still post what i want and voice my opinion in this matter and the only one of you that said anything right in this thread was the retarted guy saying you are in trouble but the whole point of this post is because you idiots said michigan sucks when we lost :-x ok we lost you guys lost to so if we suck you suck period we both have taken an L for that matter we will just have to wait and see who wins the big game in november.. but let me add something lol henne has been stepping up the past couple of games and actually playing like a veteran and it doesnt matter who throws to our " one good receiver " lol because he will catch it any ways so once again i am calling out every idiot that said we sucked because we lost to notre dame because its only right you guys get it back when you lost... to northwestern lol and the guy that said stand with rane and them believe me i will be and when we beat the shit out of you guys at your house i dont want to see a thread created on here :-x
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Glancing at the above post, I see two elipses and two three-quarter elipses (i.e., two dots ".." instead of the standard three "...") with 14 lines of text. Refusing to read this monstrosity of a run-on sentence, I'll simply declare what you've written to be drivel and move on.


EDIT: Rane's rapid-fire Jimmy the Greek act weaseled it's way inbetween this post and Go Turbo's.

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got turbo is one of those guys that lives in ohio, and everyone likes osu, so he chooses to like our rival because he wants to be different cause in reality he is really the kid no one pays attention to, and the only way anyone even notices him is because he has to to do something different because no one really wanted to talk to him anyway
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Yup, I knew it was coming. The traditional contradictory sentence that the standard Michigan fan uses to Both (in the same sentence) justify their loss (to a worse team than we lost to) and make fun of us for ours.

Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

off that next idiot to say something Indiana ... ok not that good of a team but we still won no matter what a team ranks they can still beat any team in the big ten it happens alot

Yeah. You really should consider throwing your keyboard into a lake or something, it'd save people with normal brain activity from getting so many migraines.
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LMAO SINCE WHEN IS NORTHWESTERN BETTER THEN NOTRE DAME LMAO i havent hear northwestern's name on espn since i was like 12 fucking years old until they beat you guys. next rump ranger lmao you must not know me very well or you are not good with guessing a person's personality when you see them type something lol because you have me completely backwards but ok you made your comment lol feel better? next mack zilla WTF are you talking about who said because everytime they meant to put a period??? ok dickhead lets forget you even posted in this thread :-/ your an idiot republicant why dont you post something that actually's comes back to me calling you a fucking moron for trying to talk shit about something that was never said you have got to be kidding me are there any fucking intelligent people on this thread besides me and Rane :-/
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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

i havent hear northwestern's name on espn since i was like 12 fucking years old until they beat you guys.

I recall hearing quite a bit about them in our days of Orlando Pace, Joe Germaine, Terry Glenn,

David Boston, or some time around there... :confused: You remember, the days when you guys had nothing better to do then boast about that one fag. What was his name? ...umm woods? How ironic, his name was wood, much the same as you Michigan knob gobblers.

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Originally posted by Got Turbo?:

are there any fucking intelligent people on this thread besides me and Rane :-/

Don't make me enter into a battle of wits, with you being unarmed.


Intelligent people often display there knowledge in simple ways, such as complete sentences, puntuation, capital letters at the beginning of sentences, and the like. If you are too lazy to use any of these 5th grade tools, what make me think you are any more intelligent than a common housefly?


Now, take the trash out. Like your Mom asked you earlier.

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