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Stem from parking lot thread

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

yeah, i think slow has noticed this ones gonna be a personal war between me and republicant


did this so it wouldnt run up my post count in the lot

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Dude, I have seen the ass Jon pulls. I think he wins...d-bag.


Why dont you post pics of your girlfriend, and Jon can post a pic of the last chic he banged. Ill post a poll and let the members of CR decide. graemlins/slap.gif


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Guest FBody Addict

got a scanner i can use?

ill have to get a pic on the digi when i see her and upload it

wait a minute, his name is john too? it used to be an honorable name

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Guest FBody Addict
here we go with the makeup thing again. girls wear makeup, not me. and the friends thing again? what is the point of bringing that up when i know that already? i dont need em
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Guest FBody Addict

shit, my girl couldnt get a job there, never said she was good looking


20 dollar cover for me, 30 if i forget to take my underage tshirt, thatll change nov 2

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Guest FBody Addict
preppy, huh, so you spend a bunch of time in the mirror getting your hair just right, pay waaaay to much for your abercrombie and bitch and hollister shit that makes you look like everyone else, and hang out in dance clubs that play shitty music heres some advice, you wanna talk tough, dress like a man, not a faggot
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Does anyone else find it Ironic that a man calling himself a juggalo said that i dress like a faggot? :confused: How much more do I have to own you for you to shut up and go away?

Just a few more times; please?


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Guest FBody Addict

italian shirts? now you are really paying way too much

what the hell are nice jeans? oh, that must mean more designer shit you paid too much for, and they paid some kid in taiwan 5 cents an hour to sew them


get some kmart brand clothes, theyll still get you laid

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Guest FBody Addict

i dont dress like a juggalo, tshirts(usually a metallica shirt) and jeans, my 15$ kmart jeans still get me laid its just gay as fuck that you would pay 50-100 for something that does the same thing, covers your legs

never gonna go away, sorry

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Guest FBody Addict

man, i just saw your profile, you're still just a little boy

you do live with your parents

you cant live on your own in dublin at age 18 and still buy expensive clothes

move out of your parents house, get a job and learn to live on a budget

dont tell me how to live my life or how to act

go fuck yourself

and let me guess what you listen to, nelly, puff daddy, eminem, shit like that, you're listenin to shit like that and making fun of me for listening to rap made by white boys who admit they're white boys and you listen to that little punk ass----heres something you dont know eminem was a juggalo and he wanted to be on icp's label but they said no so he became dre's bitch someone said that ems story was successful, nah he's a puppet now you probably talk like a "thug"



and you madmalibu you know him personally so you probably have the same story, i saw your age too i know kids like you all too well

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...... I leave for College (something you wouldn't know about) in two weeks. I don't think you can talk shit about age when My penis is bigger than your arm. I'll be sure to post some pictures of Hot naked chicks from college, just for your pimply, scrawny, white, trashy ass to see.
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Guest FBody Addict

i been at columbus state for 3 years now, have paid my whole way dont tell me what i dont know about, i have to go to bed now, i have to WORK at 9, so i can pay for school, rent, food, clothes, cigarrettes and anything else i want, which doesnt really leave room for overpriced shit


about your cock, youre a white boy too


white people like you are a disgrace, thinking you are better than everyone else cause you got money and you aint had to work for shit, i bet mommy and daddy are paying for school, books, room and board


i bet youre a ricer too


pimply--that went away



trashy--nope, redneck aint trash


and get rid of your name, you aint a fucking republican, and if you are, stop voting that way because thats how mommy and daddy vote




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Mommy and daddy? I'm not rich at all. My parents arent rich. My dad bought me a daily driver that costs less than the wedding ring he bought my stepmom. I bought myself a motorcycle with money I earned from working since I was 15. My dad and mom are paying for my college with the help of student loans, I have to help them pay those back. Sorry if the only thing you have on me is that I'm not paying for college. I haven't ever talked to either of my parents about politics in a long while, except for my mom, who is a democrat. Don't use the excuse "you're white too" to cover up the fact that you have a small penis. I really do feel bad for you, I hope you aren't too devastated by the verbal smackdown that a "spoiled 18 year old dublin kid who wears nice clothes" has given you. TJ, shut the fuck up and take your metamusil. tongue.gif
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I don't know why you keep bragging about a girl who you personally admit is not attractive and IS A CHEATER. You've found a real winner bud, hope you can keep her from cheating on you now that you’re engaged. Although you slept with her when she was engaged to your best friend so I guess that puts you about on par with her. You are the lowest common denominator, go away.


Originally posted by wickedpyroclown:

just find a girl who takes advantage of you when youre drunk or something, and dont let her go, thats what i did, and i been with her almost 2 years

of course, she was also engaged to my best freind at that point

The only time Jon can't pull chicks is when he tries to hit on the 26 year old girl that another guy brought to Applebee’s. graemlins/trout.gif
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