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Girls that dont put out

Guest Pimpin' the Jag

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Yeah I think it just has to do with you, maybe your game is tired. I have never had no problem with girls givin' it up. But simple as this maybe you shouldn't be solely focused on gettin some and and like a girl for other reasons and treat them with some respect.
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Never really had that problem.. I think it has something to do with you. But yeah, if it were to happen, I can't say I'd like it. But it probably won't.

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Guest domestic_disturbance
Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Does it ever make you feel guilty, making an innocent girl who doesn't put out into a writhing, sex-crazed fiend?

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Guest jpurdy2003
While women themselves don't even know what they want, man's needs are simple: food, sex, and silence. Just feed me, fuck me, and shut the fuck up. That's my plan for a happy marriage, if I ever allow myself to be shackled into monogamy.
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Originally posted by The_Urine_Sample_Of_Fury:

While women themselves don't even know what they want, man's needs are simple: food, sex, and silence. Just feed me, fuck me, and shut the fuck up. That's my plan for a happy marriage, if I ever allow myself to be shackled into monogamy.

Or to piss on them
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If you had a sister, would you want her to "put out"? Some of you guys need to learn a little respect graemlins/nonono.gif . When you settle down are you gonna want your wife to be some dirty hoe that put out all the time? Fuck no. I'd rather have a woman that makes you earn it.
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I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but I don't really care. There's a difference between fucking and making love. Yeah, fucking's fun. But when you make love with someone, it is ten times better then just fucking. I don't understand it. But it is true. Just going out to get laid is not only retarded, but dangerous these days as well. Does it make you cool to fuck some chick, then send her on her way? Maybe call her up in a week to fuck again? I don't get it. I'd rather be in a relationship with a wonderful girl and make love (yes I said it) every couple nights or so. Seriously, it is better.


You just have to find a chick that doesn't bitch. smile.gif

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Guest Pimpin' the Jag

Some of you guys are just absolutely crazy cuz' this post was just a big joke to see how many responses I would get. I have no problem with getting my share but marriage is outta the question as of now so......FUCK YOU


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Red Fox

Its called intercourse...but if you doin it right, its fuckin
As some of you know, I've got a lil sis. As many of you also know, she is not a topic of discussion. tongue.gif Gotta respect'm, if you dont please your woman, some one else will.

That being said, girls that dont put out has never realy been a problem for me. It think your problem lies in the "strafing" approach. Alot guys try to date as many girls as possible. "If she's hot, I'll at least take her out once". I'm selective, I dont get alot of dates, but I've also only had 1 bad date, every other girl I've taken the time to go out with has paid off with something of a realtionship. I got no game, and I dont want it. Oyu pimps and players can have yer fun wasting money on shit that gets ya now where, I dont mind the same girl every time for extended perions. I'm not a peeump, but I got laid no less then 45 mins ago, the single life sucks. ;)

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

Red Fox As some of you know, I've got a lil sis. As many of you also know, she is not a topic of discussion. tongue.gif

well i have to meet her first then we can discuss her


always went by the rules of if you wouldn't want your sis, daughter, or female that you care about to date a guy like you then you are doing something selfish

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