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Glenn Beck: What's right in America?


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Damn it!

You keep finding articles from Glenn Beck that I like, so it makes it harder for me to dislike the man.....

I know, same here. I never cared for the guy, but lately I've been agreeing with damn near everything.

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I know, same here. I never cared for the guy, but lately I've been agreeing with damn near everything.

You have been caught by the subliminal messages that are programmed into every CNN telecast! :flingpoo:

Read their reports, don't listen or watch, or they'll melt your brain! Unless you are wearing that aluminum cap I left for you......

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I think thats a large part of our problem, internally. Nut jobs who were born her and take everything for granted think it's so horrible and they can't look in from the outside because their feeble little minds won't let them.

If your not willing to fight for what you believe in, someone else will, and on top of that not everyone gets to be an astronaut. People fail, they have to, this "No child left behind" BS is doing nothing more than dummying down the system and dragging the head of the pack back with the rest of them. Would you believe I had to explain to my (well my girlfriends) 9 Year old daughter what the 4th of July was all about? WHY we were celebrating, and what the Declaration of Independence was and why we split off from England!! Kids arn't learning much in school these days and unless it's on a standardized test, their not going to.

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Just more Glenn Beck garbage.

What's right with America? How about the way we educate our children.

Then he goes on talking about Universities. Those aren't children numbnuts. Our children are found to be significantly less educated and do worse on testing as compared to those in countries like India.

People aren't fleeing their countries because our world class Universities are among the best, it's because our economy is name brand driven. You want a job in the world's largest economy? It helps to have a degree from a popularly named school.

What's right with America? Our world-class universities don't require you to have an elite family name or Rockefeller-type wealth to get in...

But it helps. You can certainly by your way into any college despite your scoring. Oh and guess what, you don't have to have any of that to get into a lot of the other schools around the world. Have known a few people who have gone to study in the UK without having to be rich or knowing somebody.

What's right with America? How about the way we treat the less fortunate? With no help from our government, Americans gave a record $306 billion to charities last year alone. We give twice as much as the next closest country and, relative to the size of our economies, we give 1,000 percent more than the French.

What he won't mention is that our crime and poverty rates are higher than a country like France. Our poverty rate is about twice what it is in France and our crime rate is almost 7x what it is there. Maybe we have to give more because we need to. That's not a good thing.

What's right with America? It's not just the wealthy who are generous. Two-thirds of American families making under $100,000 a year give to charity. Compassion is ingrained in our culture like no other.

While I disagree that most give because they are compassionate, I think any giving when someone can to the right cause is a good thing.

What's right with America? How about our supposedly third-world health care system?

:lol: He says come on guys everyone has problems. You'll notice he never says ours is better than the others listed just that we spend more.

What's right with America? We love our country

So do I, but have you looked around lately. I hope Americans are putting at least some thought behind why they love America, because there's a large number of things to not love especially when it comes to our nation's leaders and representatives.

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I sooooo agree with every single statement this man has made. I am so proud to live in the united states. I have yet to meet my goals financially but no other country would I be in the position I am in now with where I started from. I praise God that He allowed me to be born an American Citizen. Yes we surely have problems but instead of opening that trap so many have and complaining why no get off that lazy butt of yours and attempt to become part of the solution. Negativity only breeds more negativity.

How would you all feel IF you were born into another country where civil war is the predominant lifestyle.....were you have to fear for your life everyday....were your mother and father teach you to put a bomb on your back at the age of 8 for your "religion"???? Hmmmm, I am VERY PROUD to be an American.

If you want success GO AFTER IT PEOPLE! So many complain about our president b/c of the financial state we are in (yes Bush does have problems) but how about you cut back and not buy all the latest and greatest gadgets. How about you save for a rainy day? People overspend and then they blame the government and want the government to pick up the slack for their own indiscretions. I know I'm ranting but I am so sick and tired of people complaining about stuff when they are adding to the problem!!!!!

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I love the guy but I am not allowed to listen to him anymore. Every time I hear Beck speak I get worked up and shoot a liberal in the face. My wife says this is not socially acceptable and put the smack down. However' date=' I am allowed to listen to and read anything by Dr. Savage.


Oh, and on a lighter note... If you don't like the way this country is operated then do something to make it better. However, if your idea of 'better' is turning the United States into a socialized shit hole then don't let the door hit you in the ass.[/quote']


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There are a few of Beck's rants that I enjoy, but for the most part, the man is just another mouthpiece used to distract the masses from the real issues and problems. Wave an American flag around, shout "WE'RE NUMBER ONE!" loud enough, and people will get just enough feel-good "patriotism" to ignore the real issues and get through another day feeling American without actually doing anything to help the country...

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