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noobie to bikes help please!


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My 1981 Suzuki gs450 wont start. I think that it is the cluch it wont disengage the gear... < I think SO my question is. When you have a bike in 1ST GEAR with the CLUCH in should the rear wheel spin freely? It seems that it should... Should i try to adujust the cluch cabel? thanks for the help -seth
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+1 on the clutch adjustment.

Also, if you have been working on it, perhaps a bolt or nut could have fallen and landed on the chain and gotten wedged in the link. This would cause enough friction to kep the sheel from spinning. (yes I had this problem once)

Can you tun the back wheel a little, as in the amount of slack in the chain?

Should be a little give in it, but not much.

If not, back brake might be locked/rusted/out of adjustment.

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