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how fast have you gone??


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I've also hit some fast ass speeds on my snowboard on some of the black dimonds in Colorado. I couln't tell you a speed, but it was haulin.


I've started at the top of the MadRiver hill and went straight down with no carving or turning...so however fast that is. :confused:


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I've started at the top of the MadRiver hill and went straight down with no carving or turning...so however fast that is. :confused:


Not shit compaired to Colorado. You are in for a reality check when you get out there with us... and you will love it. Some of the bunny hills are steeper than the black dimonds at mad river.


Have you and Jesse aranged anything yet? Time is running out for good deals on passes.

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How fast have you gone in/on a non motorized vehicle (bicycle, glider what have you).




I'll start top speed of 50 mph on a down hill run on a mountain bike.


Aprox 50MPH downhill on a 20inch bike as a kid I broke my speedo and generator light on the bastard and plowed in to a rose bush.

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Have you and Jesse aranged anything yet? Time is running out for good deals on passes.


I've been so damn busy. Marc, PM me your number or call me sometime. My phone died so I don't have your # anymore.


I don't know how fast on skis but pretty fast. Obviously nothing like out West but Ben saw me bomb some hills at Holiday Valley and I've gone that fast at other places too... maybe 40. That will change this winter though.


I'm pretty sure the fastest I've ever gone at MRM was ~25. Just by the seat of the panths feel. That hill is really small.

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I've done 55mph on a 12hp craftsman lawnmower before. My cousin and I got the bright idea get it from his house to my house, 4 miles away, by hooking a ski rope to the back of his truck, and me holding on to the end of the rope and steering with one hand. Let me tell you, that narrow wheelbase is rediculously twitchy at high speeds.
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I've done 55mph on a 12hp craftsman lawnmower before. My cousin and I got the bright idea get it from his house to my house, 4 miles away, by hooking a ski rope to the back of his truck, and me holding on to the end of the rope and steering with one hand. Let me tell you, that narrow wheelbase is rediculously twitchy at high speeds.


please tell me you have video of that.

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Salomon 100cm snow blades


You talk about how your a 1337 skiier and you use thoes things?


Yet another reason you are a gigantic douche bag. I fucking HATE ski skates.


Yea man, you were fuckin haulin at holliday vally, The one run "The Wall" was a rediculous wall of ice. You guys shouldn't really have much to decide on accept a date haha. You have a place to stay, juts let me know.


I called him yesterday and he hasn't called me back. Boh, Marc, call me back.


Me carving so hard my inside hand is touching the solid sheet of ice at 30+mph>>anyone here on skis, including above said faggot.

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How would I determine a bicycle speed?


here use this formula...


tan(x y) = (tan x tan y) / (1 tan x tan y)


sin(2x) = 2 sin x cos x

cos(2x) = cos^2(x) - sin^2(x) = 2 cos^2(x) - 1 = 1 - 2 sin^2(x)

tan(2x) = 2 tan(x) / (1 - tan^2(x))

sin^2(x) = 1/2 - 1/2 cos(2x)

cos^2(x) = 1/2 + 1/2 cos(2x)

sin x - sin y = 2 sin( (x - y)/2 ) cos( (x + y)/2 )

cos x - cos y = -2 sin( (x - y)/2 ) sin( (x + y)/2 )

(a - b)/(a + b) = tan [(A-B)/2] / tan [(A+B)/2]

Select function f(x) to expand into a summation

f(x) = ? Select term an in summation to simplify:

an = ?

Exponential / Logarithm Functions

f(x) = e; e-1; e x

f(x) = ln(x)

Root Functions

f(x) = (x); 1/(x)

Geometric Series

an = r n

Power Series

an = n; n 2; n 3; ...

an = 1/n; 1/n 2; 1/n 3; 1/n 4;

1/n 5; 1/n 6; 1/n 7; 1/n 8;

1/n 9; 1/n 10; 1/n p

x a x b = x (a + b)

x a y a = (xy) a


(x a) b = x (ab)

x (a/b) = bth root of (x a) = ( bth (x) ) a

x (-a) = 1 / x a

x (a - b) = x a / x b

y = logb(x) if and only if x=b y

logb(1) = 0


logb(b) = 1

logb(x*y) = logb(x) + logb(y)

logb(x/y) = logb(x) - logb(y)

logb(x n) = n logb(x)

logb(x) = logb© * logc(x) = logc(x) / logc(b)



using theses formulas will get you your speed


or use a smiple odometer if you dont/didnt have one there is no real way to tell.

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