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Some fucker is following my kid to school.


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Yeah. So I get this call from my wife. She said she got a call from the middle school saying that there's an "adult" following them and harrasing them periodically on the way to school. It doesn't happen every day. Just randomly. They were trying to describe him I guess.. (clothes, height, etc.). The school is going to call the Gahanna PD and see if they can help at all.


But seriously.. WTF. I think one morning I'm going to shadow him in my car and if he does pop out, either get my video camera and/or take a digital pic of him. Or, my other option is to give the camera to my son and have him take a picture. I dunno right now.


Also, my son's friend Mathew walks to school with him. So it's both of them that are getting harrased. I'm not sure what words are being said, if anything. I haven't had a chance to talk to my son yet (I will tonight when I get home from work).


My son and Mathew said it was an adult. Not a kid.. like in middleschool/high school. And older guy.


Someone is in for an ass beating if I find out. This is fucking retarded. :mad:

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I say CATCH HIM with license plate #'s etc etc. Then let P.D. serve him the justice he has coming!!!!!!


From what I got from my wife.. is that the guy is WALKING behind them.. not in a car or anything. Which makes this even more fucked up.

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Yeah. So I get this call from my wife. She said she got a call from the middle school saying that there's an "adult" following them and harrasing them periodically on the way to school. It doesn't happen every day. Just randomly. They were trying to describe him I guess.. (clothes, height, etc.). The school is going to call the Gahanna PD and see if they can help at all.


But seriously.. WTF. I think one morning I'm going to shadow him in my car and if he does pop out, either get my video camera and/or take a digital pic of him. Or, my other option is to give the camera to my son and have him take a picture. I dunno right now.


Also, my son's friend Mathew walks to school with him. So it's both of them that are getting harrased. I'm not sure what words are being said, if anything. I haven't had a chance to talk to my son yet (I will tonight when I get home from work).


My son and Mathew said it was an adult. Not a kid.. like in middleschool/high school. And older guy.


Someone is in for an ass beating if I find out. This is fucking retarded. :mad:


Get any info you can on him I will pulley what i can from my sources. Names are helpful but lic# 's work i say whoop there ass

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fuck that buckykeep the kid within eye range and when he comes out. just walk up and say hi......with a weapon. thats my theroy. get like 5 people to surround him so he doesnt even think about fighting and ask for all his information so the police can handle it.
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He goes to Gahanna Middle School West.. ya know the one on Stygler? Our house is basically right in the front of Prince of Whales (one house over) where it dead ends into Regents.


He walks to school around 8:15-8:30 or so. The doors open to school at 8:30 I believe.


I would follow him a few times, I might have to, but I wake him up in the morning right as I leave for work.


His entire route to school consists of.. well, following Prince of Whales all the way down to Stygler. And that's it. Cross stygler and he's at school. Only one road to walk down.

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Man thats fucked up. If someone tried to do that shit to my little girl we'd be spending saturdays talking through thick glass on a phone b/c i'd end up doing something stupid. People are so f'd in the head these days, why would someone do that? You should at the very least get your kid some pepper spray or a cell phone. Good luck with that man.
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Every morning Bucks kid will leave for school, a collection of 5-10 CR cars will watch his entire way and God have no mercy on the soul of this man should he appear.


That is fucked up. Wish I lived closer so I could help, if there is anything I can do just ask.

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Sounds like the dude needs pounded. I hope someone finds out who he is.


That would really worry me. Give him pepper spray or something that he can use for defense. If someone were following my kids, I would definitely be trying to catch them - once I did...doom on them.

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Well. Came home. The other kids parents were at my house already. I start talking to them. According to the boys, they walked by (this happened twice now), and the guy said that he'd kick their asses. That's it. Uhh. Sweet, and adult attempting to kick the asses of two 12 year olds. :jerkit:


However, I also found out that he was in front of the house on the corner of Imperial and Prince of Whales. I might drive down there here in a few minutes.. hmm.


They said it seems to happen in the middle of the week ( Tuesday-Thursday). I can't remember what they said the other day was.


The cops are going to do the bike patrol around the neighborhood and that street around that time I guess and see what happens.

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Smart thing to do is give him, and teach him to use some sort of defense mechanism. Such as pepper-spray. The bad thing about giving a kid a camera is if the perp gets mad enough he just might take the camera. not so bad, or your kid, bad. Criminals like to take control. If he gets the mindset that he can be identified either by pics or personal I.D. he might freak. At that point he will start to realize there might be consequences to his actions and get scared. And do something drastic. Always make sure you kid is walking with someone else and whenever possible an adult. Let them know that in the situation of trouble, all things go. Kicking ,screaming, biting, punching everything. And lastly, dont take anyone up on offers by people to do bodily harm to someone made on the net. Ask the ones who dont make a public record of it.
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If you want buck I got a 150K Stun gun ( A Taser shoots things and is illegal for a citzen to own unless licnesed for it) The problem is that schools will suspened him if he carys it . but if u want to borrow it for some nut zapping its urs.
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