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Twisted bullshit from twisted people


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I was listening to the radio the other day and some cooke called in and was talking aobut the hurricane and who caused it. They started in that the CIA has some super secret device that makes weather, and they created and controled the hurricane. Now it gets wierd. The dumbfuck said that the CIA was in with the Red Cross, because the Red Cross was nothing but spys, and they get to go anywhere that there is a disaster anywhere in the world and not have their presents questioned at all. So the CIA creates hurricanes and other "Natural" disasters and the Red Cross goes in to do relief work, while all the time they are really just spying on the country of location that the disaster happened.


They went on to say that the reason that they hit New Orleans is that there were so many democrats down there and they needed to be broken up and peppered all over the country so that the state would swing to a red state. And George Bush master minded the whole thing with the help of the CIA, the KKK, and of course the Red Cross.


This is your brain on drugs.

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