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315 From Lane to 270 north and south


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I'm not cop, so I don't know. I trust were it came from. I was on 315 at 1:30 this afternoon and saw one cruiser north bound writting a ticket and saw one going south bound. That seems like the norm to me though. I know I will be much more carefull on there for a while.
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Guest slcdabomb
They did have on the news the other night that ODOT was paying the County and State to enforce speed in high crash areas around town. Tow ares are on I-70 between James and Brice Road and I-270 between Broad and 161 on the East side. I have been listening to the scanner and driving out there and the place picks off people ant then the cops are waiting down the road at least a quarter mile to pull you over. They mainly are looking for exccesive speeders which they consider 90+
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If one cop clocks you the other copy has to witness it i thought. As for the highspeed crackdown they been trying to do that for a little while now in columbus. I will talk to my mom (shes a deputy at CC2) see if she has herd anything
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  SpaceGhost said:
I was told they are not mandating # of tickets but there is a max enforcemrnt of the speed limit untill the end of october. This comes from a CPD officer.

Of course thats what you're being told. See above post, quotas are illegal by state law. That doesn't stop the departments from saying "you ARE expected to get 3 an hour", you just wont find it in writing.

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  Kevin R. said:
Saw a trooper with the gun today clocking people on the side of the road on 315.


Damn, travel this area everyday, guess I'll have to do the good ol' 55.


55mph, where??


Unless your in downtown it's 65 (there are signs that tell you) and I've never seen or heard of a cop giving a shit if you're doing 9 over or less. I drive past cops all of the time doing 74 in 65s and 64 in 55sand they never flinch. The only place I don't do this is through Dublin. The only time I don't do this is on Memorial Day or Labor Day weekends. I was bad enough when I was in late high school/early college I had to get my own high risk insurance. I've now had 1 ticket in 5 years and that was me not following my own rules on Labor day weekend in 02.


Lane to 270 is most definitely 65mph; it changes on 315 about a mile south of the Lane Ave. exit.


People like you cause traffic in this city to be worse than it has to be.

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he probably means the area south of the olentangy exit, because thats the only 55 zone, or else he ment to type 65.


quotas are illegal by state law. That doesn't stop the departments from saying "you ARE expected to get 3 an hour", you just wont find it in writing.


my dad was a state trooper for many years and what he told me is this:


they wont say "go out and write 15 tickets today". but they do know, through math and statistics and stuff, that there are X number of people breaking traffic law out there on the highways. if you have Y number of police to enforce it, that each one should catch about N% of X a day.


so they dont have a set number really, but if everyone at the post writes 10+ tickets a day, and you are only writing 3, your supervisor knows you are slacking off.


now thats not to say that they wont tell him to step up enforcement in a certain area or something. about 5 years ago, some new road opened up (i forget where, ill have to ask him) and it was implied that they should ticket cars going 1mph over the speed limit.


not sure if he wrote any tickets for 1 over, but i really doubt that he did. he isnt a dick like that haha. hed probably let you slide to about 10 over, because like i said earlier... he knows that if someone goes by at 75 in a 65, he could go write that guy a ticket, or he could just wait a bit longer and someone will come by at 90+

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  jmr3681 said:
so they dont have a set number really, but if everyone at the post writes 10+ tickets a day, and you are only writing 3, your supervisor knows you are slacking off.

If yo park your cruiser in a conspicuous spot, in an area known for accidents, you will do more for traffic safety then writing tickets. People will see you and they will slow down. You will not write many tickets that day. If they see you with some one pulled over, they know you're buisy, and keep right on speeding.

So, in keeping the people safe, your department misses out on revenue, and you will be bitched at.

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People will see you and they will slow down. You will not write many tickets that day.If they see you with some one pulled over, they know you're buisy, and keep right on speeding.


they will slow down for about half a mile, then go back to speeding again probably...


this is why you work in pairs, and get your buddy to park about a mile up the road ;)


but yeah, as much as they say they write tickets for the "saftey" of the public, they are really revenue generators. so by that token, you probably will try to hide more, so that you can write more tickets.


ive heard in new jersey, i think it was, that some police departmet was parking empty crusiers on the sides of the highways, for that exact reason, to get people to slow down.

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Guest timmybgood
i make that drive at least 7 times a week and i actually haven't seen one cop in weeks. but i know its a high target area so i alway make sure there's people going faster than me.
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  timmybgood said:
i make that drive at least 7 times a week and i actually haven't seen one cop in weeks. but i know its a high target area so i alway make sure there's people going faster than me.


That's what i try to do.. unless they're going under 70.. that's about my average speed. Thanks for the heads up... i'm moving onto bethel and will be taking 315 now a LOT.


Do they account for speedometer readings as well? I just followed my room mate home and told him after the trip to slow down.. said he set his cruise to 72mph.. My speedo said 76.. quite a difference, plus his is old so it's prolly wrong.

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  Cougar said:
That's what i try to do.. unless they're going under 70.. that's about my average speed. Thanks for the heads up... i'm moving onto bethel and will be taking 315 now a LOT.


Do they account for speedometer readings as well? I just followed my room mate home and told him after the trip to slow down.. said he set his cruise to 72mph.. My speedo said 76.. quite a difference, plus his is old so it's prolly wrong.


I've been in traffic court before where people tried to say that was why they were speeding and it usually doesn't fly. Only time I've heard the judge sympathize is when they said it was a work vehicle (usually work truck/van). And then the judge said, "Well how do you know this now but didn't before? Has the company taken it anywhere to get this fixed, with proof of it?"


You’d be more likely to get let off by a cop if this was the case than to get out of a ticket in court. Although it would probably be a pretty easy way to get it dropped to a no points ticket in court. I’m assuming saying both of these that the person wasn’t blatantly speeding. You better know if you are doing 80+mph in 65 just by the way it feels. That’s the same way the cop or judge is probably going to look at it.


Ignorance is never an excuse for breaking laws.

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