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Beer or Liquor???


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  copperhead said:
I've still got half a bottle of Everclear that everyone is too pussy to drink with me. It's not bad mixed with code red mt. dew, and it doesn't take much at all to get you fucked up.

I got poisoning on that shit one time, but if your willin to share I'll have a round at it.

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  89Z24 said:
Natural Light


I'd rather drink bong water, or dip spit, than natty light!


Red Hook ISB

Molson/Labatts (True Canadian versions, not the imposters they send here)



Tito's or Grey Goose Martinis, UP

Three Olives Cherry Vodka or Stolichnaya Razzberry Vodka and Red Bull

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  Da Troof said:
Also, Seagrams gin = $14/Liter.


If I wanted to feel like I got hit in the face with a gigantic Christmas tree laced with rubbing alcohol I'd drink a bottle of rubbing alcohol and go eat pine needles off of the evergreen in front of our apartment for a few hours.

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Beer for certain things, shots don't go well with pizza. But I like good vodka, Finlandia, Grey Goose, like that. Mixed, straight, doesn't matter.


If I want to get completely f'd up, cider, goes down easy and no hang over.

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i'll drink just about anything put in front of me. if it's beer i'll drink the expensive stuff, or even get cheap and grab a few 40's of Steel Reserve. when it comes to liquor....


whiskey makes me angry.

tequila makes me crazy.

jaeger makes me sleepy.

vodka makes me horny.


as for Everclear...try mixing it with a shot of pickle juice...mmm good stuff.

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  93threefour said:
has any one saw Captain Morgans Tattoo? what is that and is it any good?


The original Tattoo was a lime flavored rum that you couldnt get in Central Ohio. I used to go to BG to get it. It FUCKING ROCKED. They have since discontinued the lime, and are now running with a cherry flavored rum. Take it from me, it tastes like shit.


I'm a big fan of captain and coke, Crown and coke, Jack and coke.


Vodka is my favorite. Ciroc straight up is amazing, but mix it with mt. dew or red bull and you are set. If I dont have Ciroc, i'll drink Three Olives or Shmirnoff...I fucking hate absolute.


Beer is a favorite, and includes Killians, New Castle, Bud Light (im in college), and Mich Lite. Molson is also tasty. Miller of any kind can suck a dick.


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  Mustang_Nutt said:
Is anyone going to go to the Blitz's 'Free Beer Friday' next week Nov. 4th at Classics on Tuttle Crossing. It's from 6am to 10am. I'll be there!


I'm so glad I saw this. We live within stumbling distance and know one of the bartenders. That rocks.


What’s the deal with that, how do you get free beer once you are there?

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Hpnotiq, hands down, is the easiest thing to drink. Its also easy to carry around the city in a blue gatorade bottle without getting stopped by the popo (in Boston, they're all crazy).


Since I'm a yuppie, and I'm subject to the generosity of other yuppie families, I'd have to say that Johnnie Walker Blue Label is by far the most delicious thing ever.


Another great drink is called a "Dark and Stormy". Its a caribbean thing. Ginger beer + Caribbean rum. Its awesome.


I was subject to the presence of an amazingly rich man in the Caribbean once (he invited me to his island. Yes his. Its adjacent to Sir Richard Branson's, the guy that owns Virgin everything), and he bought me and my sister (along with his two sons) each $150 glasses of rum that had been aged 100 years. Fuckin insane. Then we did karaoke.


As far as beer, I'm a Guinness or Newcastle fiend, but in college its pretty much Natty and Bud. Although I occasionally do splurge on a Red Stripe or Heine sixer.


In all my days of drinking (sadly, its too much proportional to my age), I'd have to say that Skyy is one of the greatest blessings to mankind. Its cheap, its the purest alcohol you can buy, and I have yet to get a hangover from it.


One must also recognize the marriage of beer and liquor in the amazing inventions of Jägerbombs and Sakebombs alike.

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