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I hate to tell ya but, we have it good I Ohio.


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I would have put this in the speed trap section but It will get more views here and it doesn't pertain to us. This is the hottest topic in Phoenix right now, if you ever go to Phoenix be aware and rember this is going to happen.




I would have to sell my car and take the bus.......If you have never driven out there on that freeway it moves at 90+ MPH with 5 lanes. I just came back from there. It is a very nice highway. There will be many that get ticketed, I think they are crazy that it will just break even, they will make billions in revenue. Think of all the non residents that will never know they are in place. Scottsdale is the highest tourist attraction in the state. You may go see the grand canyon but you stay in a hotel in Scottsdale. You will get home from vacation and there will be a ticket waiting for you. It's messed up! I thank god we do not do that here.

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i had saw something in Hot Rod a while back its a aerosol spray that you spray on your license plates and other stuff that you dont want displayed in pictures etc... and when the picture or video is viewed/developed it (the liscense plate) will be over exposed and it is clear to the Eye :):)
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Guest racinbird
All I want to know is how they know who is driving the car? What if its a family car and both parents drive it on a reg basis, who gets the tic? Wasnt that proven unlawful in other states?
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i had saw something in Hot Rod a while back its a aerosol spray that you spray on your license plates and other stuff that you dont want displayed in pictures etc... and when the picture or video is viewed/developed it (the liscense plate) will be over exposed and it is clear to the Eye :):)

i heard that stuff doen't work at all, but they do make entire plastic covers that go overtop of the entire plate and that they do work

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'Designed to break even my ass' - if they are having a problem with people getting in crashes on that highway due to excessive speed, then put police out there to slow them down.


The state sees a potential revenue generating opportunity and can't stand not getting into it.

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How about just not speeding on that stretch of the road :confused:


If that is the highway that you have to take everyday for 8 Miles, It would be a pain. I bet you never do 11 over, when it works on 8 miles of highway then it will be on all highways there. Read the article....

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Its better than Wisconsin or Minnesota, if your an out of state driver and get pulled over for a ticket you can either pay on the spot (they take credit cards and cash) or go to jail. Supposedly they have had to many out of state drivers not pay there tickets so they had to resort to this. But it would still suck to come home from a trip and have a ticket waiting for you.
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Person registered to the vehicle gets the ticket just like they are trying to pass here with the red light cameras.


That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life.


So, basically, you can never let anyone drive your car, EVER, or you could get fucked.


I'm pissed for the Arizona people.

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yeah, that whole thing with having high enough resolution to prove that you are the driver is the main deterrence from doing it. Its stupid that they charge the registered owner of that car.


I'd just keep some fake 30 day temp tags in the trunk if i wasn't so sure that they'd keep cops on that highway anyways, just because the world is retarded like that.

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As the Ohio general assembly is proving with the revoking of the red-light Cameras being used as evidence in court, the law makers can easily shoot this down as more for revenue than for safety, in which case would make it illegal. If there are no more than the mean major accidents, or death on that stretch, there is no way it is being done to make the roads "safer".
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I dont see how a camera makes people slow down, i wouldnt slow down for a camera unless i knew it was there, and on top of that a camera cant pull me over and make me drive safer, only a cop can scare me into driving more reasonable. Just like everyone else is saying its all about the benjamins baby.
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I dont see how a camera makes people slow down, i wouldnt slow down for a camera unless i knew it was there, and on top of that a camera cant pull me over and make me drive safer, only a cop can scare me into driving more reasonable. Just like everyone else is saying its all about the benjamins baby.



Idf you know the carema is thre and you are doing the 11 over your telling me you don't slow down. But your right a camera cant make you slow down but the 5 or 10 tickets you get mailed to uyou for speeding on that road will not only get you to slow down they will raise your insurance and possibly cause you to loose your lisence.

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If you all have ever watched CNN and watched the interviews with Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County Sheriff in AZ. (Phoenix is in Maricopa County) He is famous for the tent cities in prisons there where inmates sit in tents in the 100 degree summer heat because the jail is overcrowded, No TV for inmates, No air-conditioning, and banned smoking in prison, he also initiated chain gangs again in Phoenix for men and women, also he dies all the socks and underwear in the prisons Pink, so Inmates do not use them for currency.


He recently initiated a policy that IS in effect, any time you get a moving traffic violation and a cop is present, the officer gets to thumb print you on the spot or they will arrest you and take you to get finger printed. It is crazy out there! It's amazing that his approval rating is better than 80%! He is one cocky “sumbitch” if you have ever seen any of his interviews.


"This will be mandatory. No exceptions," Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Wednesday. "If they don't want to give the print, they're going directly to jail. Period."





Here is the article:


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i lived in glendale arizona for 7years and to let u guys know that their highways are crazy for speeding......i've gotten busted for doing 90+ but o well i was under 18 so i just got a fine and comunity service......arizona is one funny place for licences...i still have mine i got it 7/5/2002 and it doesn't expire till 2051!!!! crazy shit!
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