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BTW please explain the purpose of this thread? To get me to leave CR .. Fat chance at this point I would stay to post shit and make more friend just to make you look dumber.


To get me to change ? Well abbusive behavior is not the way to get a desired effect.


so please All might Tr00f enlighten me to you mystical path.

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I'll speak for the board and say... What?



What do two car garages and First person Shooters have to do with this thread?



Are you trying to convey that nobody has ever thrown a smallish, conical, sweet, red vegetable at you while playing Doom? If so, then I'm VERY impressed.


The hole you're in just keeps getting deeper, Eggbert.

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because its funny to see jon, who thinks hes got this shit on lock, create a whole thread just for him to bash thorne in, and then have thorne rise up and punk him. i cant be the only one who thinks so, right?


c'mon man, this is the equivalent of a 30 point underdog taking the whuppin stick to a top ten team on the road. its not like jon hasnt landed a few punches, hell, he even got help from the refs (ben), hes just losing. ya gotta root for the little guy every now and then.


besides, jon seems terrified of me and runs for the hills everytime i call him out, so the only way i get to enjoy bashing him is vicariously through others.

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How on earth am I losing to someone who nobody can understand?


guess youre losing your touch, youngun.


let go, luke. use the force.


Thorne, I was referring to BEETS. you typed "unBEETEN in doom"... Jesus, I can't argue with people who have the intelligence level that I did in fourth grade.


the jokes no fun if you have to explain it.

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How on earth am I losing to someone who nobody can understand?



Thorne, I was referring to BEETS. you typed "unBEETEN in doom"... Jesus, I can't argue with people who have the intelligence level that I did in fourth grade.



Because your stuck in 4th grade! Know show your IQ , not your age!

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I thought Jon was clearly winning this? :confused:

Gearhead, reading your post will answer your question.

Jon, if you got an invite from "mackzilla" on live accept it, ill be on late tonight after a psych paper or tomorrow.

Orion, you are becoming an e-bully and a psychic, how do you feel :p?

Now lets let Jon and Christopher Reeve's have at it, that was the point of this thread.

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sweet I'm superman now. I am gonna put a end to this topic (I think) by saying Troof, I've tried to reason with you I've tried to even play along with your game but now i am board with it. Eather say something suspensful , well thought out , and that is tr00ful or shut the hell up your waste the who worlds bandwidth everytime i read your post.


DON't Murder more bytes!

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Wow, I am a grade f speller pure and simple, but I even I do not think I could mess up that many words in one paragraph.


Please copy and paste in something that spell checks before posting.


You make yourself look dumber and more dumberer (< yes I meant to say this) every time you post.


No, I don't am not on the pick on Thorne bandwagon, but really dude. Read what you write just once before you post.

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wow now more FALSE statements your so fucking transparents. I'm imbreed w0w.... I'm illiterate Well since i can read 2 incorrect statements. I really wish you would become more ORGINAL!!!!!!


Here is the some real truth for you

In the coperate (Big boys world) world you can't act like a bully ass bitch. It just don't work. I would hate to well scratch that i would die laughing for me to roll up to McDonalds and catch you asking me if i wanted frys with that. But your childish ways just don't work outside in the real world which we live in. Yes I spell horrid. But guesse what I'm still winnin @ 19 i was making 36K and bought my first camaro. Were are you. Yes Lets look at this It seems to me your attitude is your downfall.



So make fun of me as you wish, But your gonna hit the brick wall soon and when you do my words will echo threw you head wether or not you like it.



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And you name your Fav FPS

I'm un beeten at doom

Fighting games

Street fighter I'm not bad


So eather get a life or goto hell.


Wait wait wait...you are listing off how sweet you are at first person shooters and video games in general...then telling someone else to get a life? Wow. :lol:


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I'll let the homies take this one from here, I lent them my decoder ring anyway. I honestly can't argue with you if you can't spell "inbreed", especially if I JUST spelled it correctly in the post that you were responding to. If you consider "winning" making a total ass out of yourself and having Bucky agree with you, then you "win." Here's your cookie.


Dj, if ya want some, make me a seperate battle arena in the kitchen after you come to the bar with jesse and chris and I.

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Dj, if ya want some, make me a seperate battle arena in the kitchen after you come to the bar with jesse and chris and I.


We gotta do this on a Friday or Saturday night so I can drink until I can't find the Taxi.

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