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"Updating" a few year old laptop?


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Ok so my dad is giving me his few year old laptop, like 3-5 I'd think. It's a Sony something or other, super light/slim, almost tiny. I think it has like 300mhz or something slow. I was just wondering if I could upgrade this to today's or at least better junk so that it would be good for my wife. ??? Also, he said the battery only lasts like 25min if that. Would a new battery fix that? My wife does lots of stuff with pictures on the computer, and surfs the web and does hw, that's it. What would you guys reccommend me to do? Also who can do something like this?




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Yeah I'm not worried about the battery, maybe in the future but all it will do is sit on her desk. I don't know what to upgrade, its just slow, running on WIN98 still, graphic's are shitty, etc, its just old i guess. Could I put like a faster processor card in it or what?
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