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What top of the line dvd player?

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With all this home theater/audio talk going on, and Christmas coming, it got me thinking. I need to try and find a good dvd player for our family room. The only real catch is, I need it to play both burnt cd's and burnt dvd's. Any suggestions? What is everyone else buying?



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Dont spend too mutch because Toshiba and Sony are both bringing real hi def dvd players to market even though and only one of them will probably make it.

I guess they could not agree on combining their technologies so its a wait and see thing as far as what format wins out.

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I have this player and it kicks ass. Plays most any media.





i have the same one and it plays anything you wanna throw at it, you can get them at places like target and wal-mart as well!

plays xvid and divx as well

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Like Carl said, new ones are coming out. A new technology has been developed call Blue ray. Basically, a finer reading beam allowing more information on a disk, like 25 - 50 GIGS!! Price is rumored to be around $1000. But to answer your question, pretty much all the ones I've seen do all you're asking. I have bought 2 in the last 6 months. One of them is kind of cheap, and pauses from time to time. I wish I had bought the $60 one.
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Make sure it has a HDMI output for the best quality, as well as HD upconversion.

This is the best you can get right now. HD up conversion dvd players. Sony/LG/ Samsung all have units out right now, but the only way for the HD unconversion to be possible is with a digtial cable, and the only truely digital cables that are used in the video world, atleast in t.v. land are DVI and HDMI cables. So HD upconverison and HDMI cable is the best bet. expected cost for the player 150 and up, and the HDMI cable 75-100

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Apex :marc:


I bought a cheapo dvd player for my daughters room and its been nothing short of amazing. It plays EVERYTHING. NTSC, PAL, mpeg. Its awsome. My daughter doesnt care about the picture quality of her cartoons. I also use one in my home theatre room b/c of the PAL support it has. If/when i download a movie my nice dvd player won't play, i just toss it in there. Most of the cheapos are progressive scan with optical outputs so unless your going to spend over 1k on a nice unit you may want to look into one for the short term until these new technologies present themselves. At 20/30 bucks this time of the year they are expendable.

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i have the same one and it plays anything you wanna throw at it, you can get them at places like target and wal-mart as well!

plays xvid and divx as well


BTW does this one play PAL disc's? It would be nice to have one that plays xvid's, they are a much smaller download :)

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