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Boy what a game!


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I'd hate to be a USC fan after 2 plays which made them lose...


1. WTF was Bush thinking tossing that ball while getting tackled

2. How can you go for 4th and 2 at midfield with 2 mins left rather than punt.. Their overconfidence lost them that game.


Oh well.. OSU won, UM lost.. and the National Championship is back at our 2nd stadium next year (tempe). :D

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I thoroughly enjoyed the commentary during one of USC's 4th and 1 tries near the beginning of the game.

"Looks like Leinart is going for it, how fitting, Bush is lining up behind him for the push."

Glad to know people don't forget about their cheap play against Notre Dame.

So glad Texas won!

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Fucking USC. Cost me a lot of money.


I don't think they should have gone for it on that 4th down. They were still in control of the game, and the way Young had been playing they should of known he would stop at nothing to get to the end zone. But then again, if they would have punted it and Texas scored, we would have been sitting here saying they should have went for it. :)


Also, the touchdown call was BS where his knee was down, but they probably would have scored anyways.


USC defense = teh suck.

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