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say HI to the new guy

Guest BusterHymen

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Guest BusterHymen

So, Im new here. Ive looked through some of the posts, and it seems like a cool place.


okay... racing story. wich actually didnt turn out so good.


Last night I was going around 270 in my '00 Kia Sophia. So this Mustang comes up beside me and revs his engine. So I nod to him, and he reaches down and grabs a gear. well I do the same, but he got the jump on me. so I go through 3rd and most of the way through 4th, and start gaining on him. Then something wierd happened... out of nowhere the sky seems to split open, beaming with this immense light. I look up to see a white haired, bearded man sitting on the clouds. Crazy SOB throws a lightning bolt at my car just as I was about to pass the mustang for the win. my car instantly died and my tires caught on fire and exploded. and now I have a wicked bad hair day. as he threw the lightning bolt though he said 'it is not time yet' anyone else ever have anything like this happen? or konw what the heck it was all about? he acted like it was the end of the world or something.

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Guest MissTypeS
It concerns me when people can't even spell the name of their car correctly. Or perhaps he meant to say "Sophia" because he named it after a chick? Daaaahhhh someone help me here.
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Guest That's HOT

MissTypeS, I agree, proper spelling is definitely an outdated form of communication. But hey, these are guys we are dealing with!


Sorry boys, 1st impressions count! ;)

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Guest Evl Mdgt

Man... you need to lay off the smoke and the crack. If you say that you arent on it... I will have to call BS cuz you are seriously hallucinating.


But on the other hand... Welcome!

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