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Need help with a loan

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Ive been trying to get a loan on my 98 civic lx. Well i have bad credit from being young and dumb! I need some advise on where and how to get a loan.

My biggest issue seems to be not having a cosigner. :( The i have , i paid cash for back in feb. Now we are behind on bills and what not, and i need to play catch up because the oldlady for some dumbass reason forgot to pay the rent in dec and jan. So do any of you have any real advise me, or can help in any way? :o I'd be using the money to pay up the back bills, and the rest to wipe a bunch of small dumb shit off of my credit report.



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Try a credit union...and your wife can't cosign? My wife has the same problem, so we put the loan in both our names, my name's just on the loan so she can get the best rate and her name is on there to build her credit.


What about just selling the car? That'd free up cash and its not like getting another bill at the moment might be the best idea.


And the part about the woman not paying the bills I completly know what your talking about...and that's why I handle all the bills from now on. it wasn't fun worrying about shit not getting done, and wasn't worth my trouble.


Good luck man, hope you get back on your feet.

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We both belong to a credit union! And all her student loans are stacked on her credit.

And if we sell the car she has nothing to drive, and im not getting up at 6:30 to take her to work, plus she get's off at 2:30 and sometimes i dont get out of work till 7:00.

My uncle is being a dickbag and not Helping me out cause of a dumb disagreement, so there go's my cosigner.


And my idea was to pawn her car for a few week's. I can get a $1000 for it and the interest is $54 dollars a month, no biggie there. I'd just like to get the loan so I can clear my credit report! Ive been doing good and have knocked some stuff off, but child support & insurance is killing my check. Thats why we are putting all of us on her insurance cause it will save us $400 a month.


And really, we can afford the $140 a month car payment. It's the fact she had shopping to do for christmas. :rolleyes:

Thats what i think killed it. thats why shes not allowed to go shopping, or have a check book. Just about the end of summer she was tied up with those damn checksmart places, I sold my integra to get us out of that mess. And know the shits real deap. :doh:

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Yeah I totally agree, my wife doesn't have a checkbook, an ATM card, or a credit card. Nothing but the cash I give her. She used to live paycheck to paycheck, well not even that because after about 10days she'd be broke again,and have no money for 3-4 days until she got paid again. That got old QUICK.


Yeah I understand about school loans, we just got hers paid off this summer, what a relief.


Hope ya get somehwere man, good luck!

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I'm going to need it. This just sets my plans back on my car. :cry: She was living check to check to, but was broke in 3 days. But she could make till the next payday.(every two weeks) And her student loan's are fucking crazy, shes been just paying interest on the $70,000 in grants and loans and shit...
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Guest Evl Mdgt
I'm going to need it. This just sets my plans back on my car. :cry: She was living check to check to, but was broke in 3 days. But she could make till the next payday.(every two weeks) And her student loan's are fucking crazy, shes been just paying interest on the $70,000 in grants and loans and shit...


mr smarty pants... you dont pay grants. lol


I can honestly say that I have lived pay check to pay check. not cuz i liked to go shopping... but cuz i didnt make very much and by the time i payed bills, bought groceries, and put gas in the car... i wasnt left with much. And considered i didnt get paid but only twice a month, the 15th and last day of the month (damn banks)... made it worse.


I always said that if you dont have the money for it, then you dont need it. Its why I've never had credit cards nor had the desire to get any. But yet my damn credit is shot... i have family to thank for that. Its why I dont trust family when it comes to money and loans anymore. But then again its my fault for doing it...


Good luck getting a loan... I hope you can figure something out.

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Damn!!! 70k in loans to pay off!!! Why isn't your wife a brain surgeon making $2million/year with that kind of schooling? May I ask what she went to school for and if she graduated? My wife rang up around $3000 in loans in one year, but yeah I can't imagine 70grand....wow.
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Just default on your utilities and get them turned back on in your babies name. Happens every day in this Grovetucky.


The only loan you need is a logging chain to keep her tied down and away from the mall. If your late on your bills , mainly rent, your going to have a really tough time getting a personal loan. With your income to debt ratio in the shitter with the late bills and tons of student loans it would be worthless to try right now. If you have a 401k going your company may allow you to take a loan against it, i know my job does. If you have any liquid assets you may want to move them to get out of this jam.

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Well I assume you are screwed on getting the kind of loan you are looking for. Best advise that I can give will be the most helpfull and is also the advice least listened to. Get another job. No matter what it is get a second job. Both of you if you don't have kids. Continue working this second job until you have ALL your past due bills paid including the ones from being young and dumb.


IF you do this you will look back a year or two from now and say it is was the best thing you could have done.


This does not have to be anything special, work at pizza hut or a carryout. Don't try to get a 10-15 dollar an hour job, just work a few extra hours a week. This does not have to be a dream job it is a temp thing. When you apply do not apply as this being something on a temp basis. Let them know you need a second job to pay your bills.


Second piece of advice, sell anything and everything you have that you do not NEED to live. Automotive hobbies are very expensive and may be a huge set back to your family by wasting money that could have been used to build a firm financial foundation. A firm financial foundaiton is one where all bills are paid on or ahead of time for at least 2 years or more. This 2 year time frame does not begin untill you have all past due bills paid off. You should be working towards building up a nest egg that is AT LEAST a quarter of your annual earnings and half is what you should be working towards.


Until these tasks are done your family is at risk of not having the things needed to survive. You should sit down and decide what is most important to you. If you would rather hang out with guys on firday nights with your car just do your family a favor and leave them now so that your wife can find someone who puts her first. I am not trying to say that this is how you feel but I am saying look to see what is MOST important to you and truely put that first.

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Guest mithesaint
Damn!!! 70k in loans to pay off!!! Why isn't your wife a brain surgeon making $2million/year with that kind of schooling? May I ask what she went to school for and if she graduated? My wife rang up around $3000 in loans in one year, but yeah I can't imagine 70grand....wow.


70K? Yawn. Call me back when you've really got debt, ok?


I'm in about 100K, my fiancee is about 125K or more. Granted, in June you'll have to address both of us as "Doctor", but still. Damn tuition going up 10% for three years on a row........Damn Bob Taft.......


Just an FYI, it costs no more in tuition to be a brain surgeon than it does to be a dermatologist. Just takes many more years of low paying training.

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Well I assume you are screwed on getting the kind of loan you are looking for. Best advise that I can give will be the most helpfull and is also the advice least listened to. Get another job. No matter what it is get a second job. Both of you if you don't have kids. Continue working this second job until you have ALL your past due bills paid including the ones from being young and dumb.


IF you do this you will look back a year or two from now and say it is was the best thing you could have done.


This does not have to be anything special, work at pizza hut or a carryout. Don't try to get a 10-15 dollar an hour job, just work a few extra hours a week. This does not have to be a dream job it is a temp thing. When you apply do not apply as this being something on a temp basis. Let them know you need a second job to pay your bills.


Second piece of advice, sell anything and everything you have that you do not NEED to live. Automotive hobbies are very expensive and may be a huge set back to your family by wasting money that could have been used to build a firm financial foundation. A firm financial foundaiton is one where all bills are paid on or ahead of time for at least 2 years or more. This 2 year time frame does not begin untill you have all past due bills paid off. You should be working towards building up a nest egg that is AT LEAST a quarter of your annual earnings and half is what you should be working towards.


Until these tasks are done your family is at risk of not having the things needed to survive. You should sit down and decide what is most important to you. If you would rather hang out with guys on firday nights with your car just do your family a favor and leave them now so that your wife can find someone who puts her first. I am not trying to say that this is how you feel but I am saying look to see what is MOST important to you and truely put that first.




Listen to this man.

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Guest mithesaint
So, which one of you will be the neurosurgeron and who's going to be the dermatologist? :)



LOL. Neither. I just used those examples because they are on the opposite sides of the spectrum in medical difficulty. Welll.....maybe vascular surgery is up there too...but I digress. I'll be a Veterinarian and she'll be an ophthamologist. I hate trying to spell that word. FYI, optometrists fit glasses and contacts. ophthamologists do eye surgeries and reattach retinas. She hates the confusion between the two, understandable considering the difference in training.....

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Well I assume you are screwed on getting the kind of loan you are looking for. Best advise that I can give will be the most helpfull and is also the advice least listened to. Get another job. No matter what it is get a second job. Both of you if you don't have kids. Continue working this second job until you have ALL your past due bills paid including the ones from being young and dumb.


IF you do this you will look back a year or two from now and say it is was the best thing you could have done.


This does not have to be anything special, work at pizza hut or a carryout. Don't try to get a 10-15 dollar an hour job, just work a few extra hours a week. This does not have to be a dream job it is a temp thing. When you apply do not apply as this being something on a temp basis. Let them know you need a second job to pay your bills.


Second piece of advice, sell anything and everything you have that you do not NEED to live. Automotive hobbies are very expensive and may be a huge set back to your family by wasting money that could have been used to build a firm financial foundation. A firm financial foundaiton is one where all bills are paid on or ahead of time for at least 2 years or more. This 2 year time frame does not begin untill you have all past due bills paid off. You should be working towards building up a nest egg that is AT LEAST a quarter of your annual earnings and half is what you should be working towards.


Until these tasks are done your family is at risk of not having the things needed to survive. You should sit down and decide what is most important to you. If you would rather hang out with guys on firday nights with your car just do your family a favor and leave them now so that your wife can find someone who puts her first. I am not trying to say that this is how you feel but I am saying look to see what is MOST important to you and truely put that first.




I qouted this again so you can read it 3 times. This man knows his stuff. His advice sounds like a pain in the ass, but you have got to what you have got to do. If you really care about having a good financial future, you need to bust your ass now. I am only 19, but the day I turned 18 I started my retirement plan.

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I qouted this again so you can read it 3 times. This man knows his stuff. His advice sounds like a pain in the ass, but you have got to what you have got to do. If you really care about having a good financial future, you need to bust your ass now. I am only 19, but the day I turned 18 I started my retirement plan.



You know what my mom would tell you to do next don't you? She's going to kick your ass when she finds out you haven't done it. :D

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1) The mullet wants to take out a loan on a vehicle that is paid off but can't afford his other bills?

2) He says he can afford a $140 car payment, yet, can't afford his other bills?

3) Won't sell the car because he doesn't want to get up at 6:30am to take his wife to work. Yet he CAN do the auto-pawn thing and pay the $54/month interest?

4) The non-payment of Dec. AND Jan. rent is somehow "the old ladys fault"?

5) His Uncle is a "dickbag" because he NO LONGER wants to help his nephew mullet.



When will people learn to take responsibility for their financial situation? Our society is being polluted with people such as this. Next on his list is government assistance. He will apply for some form of assistance and get it. We will all be paying for Rob-the-Mullet to continue to build his P.O.S. Mustang.


Let me tell you something Rob. Unless you make the conscious choice to improve your financial situation on your own, you will never amount to anything. It is not your Uncles fault, not just your wifes fault, nor any banks fault. It is your fault. Stop attempting to throw this blame outward.


Advice for you:

1) Sell anything equitable. You do not deserve to have it anyway.

2) NEVER got to a check cashing place

3) Stay away from pawn shops

4) DO NOT buy more parts for that shitstang

5) Get another job, both of you! If you have to be at work from 5am until 10pm, do it.

6) Do not call your uncle a "dickbag" because he won't help you further. It is obvious he has bailed you out many times before. Why should he be responsible to continue to support you?

7) If you have credit cards (they are probably maxed out anyway), cut them up.

8) Go see a credit counseling specialist. They will tell you what/how you need to clean up your credit. They will help you lower your monthly payments. We all know you can't figure this out on your own.

9) Tell the wife to ask for a "forebearance" on her student loans. You will still acrue interest. The most important thing here: no payments due for a year.



This may sound harsh to you Rob. Take my advice, stop being a loser, and get off your ass to accept responsibility.

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Damn!!! 70k in loans to pay off!!! Why isn't your wife a brain surgeon making $2million/year with that kind of schooling? May I ask what she went to school for and if she graduated? My wife rang up around $3000 in loans in one year, but yeah I can't imagine 70grand....wow.


You don't even wanna hear how much BU costs per year

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