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Ford bans competitors' vehicles from lot


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Good move. Makes them put their money where their mouth is. Quoting the interviewed: "You buy what you build" and "need to get our point across this is a serious thing." Damn straight.


If you can't be proud of what you're working on and outputting enough to own one yourself then you need to be working somewhere else. Simple as that.


Besides the people with sand up their P%ssy can park across the street.


U Go, Ford. :thumbsup


Lets see some more real steps like this in addition to the usual corporate talk. Same goes for GM. Shitty products and marketshare loss: its a real problem, and passed time to get serious.

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you'd be wrong.


Bill Ford drives a GT.


IMO this is only step one - next they need to light a fire under the designers asses and kick the bean counters in the balls.


And make EVERYONE wear a ballcap to work at all times that reads:



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Thats funny because when i worked at Honda they didn't have to REQUIRE people buy their cars.


If i was working there i'd get a Ford POS and start looking for another job before Ford lays of 0918309842039482034238 more people.

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Because at Honda their people knew they were building good products.


Chicken or the egg, doesn't matter what comes first. "You want to buy the good products that you're making, because the product rocks and you're proud of it? Buy a Ford." But this isn't where Ford is right now. Its actually: "Do you want to park in the plant lot - buy a Ford. Oh you don't like what Ford offers? Don't want to buy what you make? Then BUILD A BETTER FUKKING CAR!"


But believe it or not Espirit d' Corps can grow from odd, seemingly harsh births like this.


My hats off to this plant manager. Nice to see somebody taking it serious.



Besides: If you were working there odds are you wouldn't want to look for another job because no other industry rewards asshat lazy hicks with big paychecks like the domestic automotive manufacturing business does.

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you'd be wrong.


Bill Ford drives a GT.


IMO this is only step one - next they need to light a fire under the designers asses and kick the bean counters in the balls.


And make EVERYONE wear a ballcap to work at all times that reads:




I bet that GT is not his Daily in Detroit Winters! I'm with 10xworse, he drives a non ford to work all the time. BMW, Mercedes, Lexus......

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I'll take that bet.


Bill Ford is cut along the same lines as Lutz over at GM. He's not full of sh!t.


Neither one of them can help that they've got to fight monolithic corporations with decades of craptastic practices ingrained in their cultures. Not their fault. I wish both Bill Ford and Lutz best of luck in their battles.

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Them building better cars has little to nil to do with anything at the plant. I'm sure they are doing enough right (probably a lot) to build a car that last as long as it is designed to last and works as well as it is designed to work.


Make the engineers, managers and bean counters drive the cars and you’ll get much better results.


They would be doing the company a much better service if they gave the finger to the UAW and told them to take one of their cars and shove it up their asses.

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I bet that GT is not his Daily in Detroit Winters! I'm with 10xworse, he drives a non ford to work all the time. BMW, Mercedes, Lexus......


According to Bill Ford in a commercial from about a year or so ago he likes to drive "a red Mustang convertible with a throaty V8 and a loud sound system."


I think Bill has awesome taste.


I'm suprised ALL the auto makers haven't adopted this policy.

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Most of these people are not making minimum wage here. I think a lot of you would be shocked to see what some of these workers make - even the "entry level" guys make more than what most of you would guess.


I did a loan for a guy who was about a 10 yr line worker for Delphi making 6 figures. I actually called to verify his title as "assembly line worker" because I did not believe it. I even asked - now is he a manager or something? Nope.

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I did a loan for a guy who was about a 10 yr line worker for Delphi making 6 figures.


They would be doing the company a much better service if they gave the finger to the UAW and told them to take one of their cars and shove it up their asses.
bears repeating.



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If Ford and GM want to shake the stigma of bad quality and have a directly positive effect on sales, maybe they should improve their quality. Take Chrysler as an example. DiamlerChrysler's quality has been doing much better, along with their concept design in general.
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heres how i see it. the guy who bought the chrysler. youre telling me that even with employee discounts, etc, etc, that ford was not able to give him a better deal than chrysler could? i dont think this is going to last long, and i predict if it does start, there will be a huge standoff until someone says something. if they cant build a better car then their competitiors, fuck themselves.


i got 5:1 odds that its going to start when someone claims somethign about segregation. i dont know how much far of a walk it is across the street, but if you figure they said they had 8000 employees, you have to have a prettttty big lot for 8000 cars, and to have to park across the street, its going to piss off a lot of people real quick.


you get yourself a vegetarian that works at mcdonalds. are you going to make them eat meat to show they approve of what they sell? fuck no. i dont see this lasting long

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you get yourself a vegetarian that works at mcdonalds. are you going to make them eat meat to show they approve of what they sell? fuck no. i dont see this lasting long


Nice point.


Personally, as far-fetched as this theory may be. I see it as a way to actually gain MORE business on Ford's part. If the employees act upon this new rule, and actually do buy a Ford, that is instant business for Ford, and from it's own employees.


Now, do I agree with this new rule, fuck no. What does this really accomplish? Are people going to drive by the plant and say "Wow, everyone drives Fords at that Ford plant, maybe I should too." Probably not going to happen. I just cant grasp the impact they are trying to have, besides segregating those who choose to shop outside of their business. Most of these employees work to make a living, end of story. Not everyone has this Ford God they look up to. Some of these people probably could care less if they worked for Ford, Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, etc, if the bills are getting paid. So to force purchasing decisions on them or be punished, there has to be some legalities involved.

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did anyone make this assinine (sp?) assuption when the import car makers made everyone show up early and do jumping jacks? NO they did it for moral and productivity. To even think its like segragation is just stupid thats like saying its wrong to let the handicapped people have there own spots or expecting mothers for that matter. Shit if you do valet whats that make you?


If you can't back your product dont sell it,make it or work on it.


That being said if you really dont like Ford,GM etc. then dont buy one, but dont complain about where you have to park(and i dont think it'll take long for some duchebag to sue them anyhow so this arugument is futile)

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I worked for a company that made the fiberglass hood liners and speaker enclosures for the Camaro and Firebird. When I would go to the plant to check on fit and finish on the line they would not allow me to park on the visitor lot or main lot because the company car was a Toyota. I had to walk a mile carrying all my crap to the production entrance. The company started to rent Fords to visit the Ford plants and GM cars for GM plants. This was in the mid 80's.
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