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Does everyone feel like this at one point?


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So I'm in school full time, but have no motivation to go mainly because of the economy and current job market. Not only that but I have a few friends/relatives that all graduated from college within the past few years and they aren't doing anything special, I.E. making the same as what they'd make w/out their educations. Oh and I don't like school, lol.


Another thing is finding a job. I've had like 4 or so jobs in the past year, its getting frustrating. I've only been laidoff/fired from one and it was because they didn't have the hours to keep me busy. Otherwise I've just not been happy at the jobs I've worked and I don't know what I want to do with my life.


So yeah, I'm just feeling bummed and was wondering if everyone felt this way at one point or another???????


/end rant

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dude dont sweat it, okay. everyone will always point out the ppl that arent making it and everyone will always tell you how hard it is ... it is hard! but its doable ... im fulltime school, 20hrs a week of work and I have a life ... its fucking hard as hell and stressful. i plan on going to law school so I HAVE to have good grades.


Its worth it, being educated is much better than being non-educated.


And some ppl graduate and dont shit with their lives because of a couple things:

1.) they just dont give a fuck anyhow.

2.) they dont get how the market works and dont market themselves properly.

3.) they majored in something retarded that doesnt have much purpose in the market.

4.) they have a bad attitude.


Dont just major at FIsher's because of the possibility of getting a job, do what you like, but do something broad that can be marketed in many different ways.


Dont think there is a groove and a place to fall into and then you ride it out ... the market changes, constantly, you have to be on your toes ... its Like SURVIVOR but this shit is real and there are no cameras or fame ... its a bunch of humans all looking out for themselves.


You will get burned and you will fail but that is the learning process of life. If you get knocked down, get the fuck back up and DO IT!


Now stop whining and do your homework!

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btw, if you look at the negatives, you wont account for shit. Look at ppl that HAVE made it. Look at people doing what they like ... look at REAL ppl that do it on their own and not sell records or their ass on TV ... turn off TV, it doesnt help, it ruins.


Open your mind and keep a positive attitude, and whenever you see negative, label it as negative, check it out for an validity, and once that is done, drop that shit and keep positive. Surround yourself around things and ppl that will advance you NOT ppl that suck from you ...


its who you know as well, make friends, network, etc.

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I wouldn't sweat it. You seem to be doing very well for yourself at 19 years old. According to your profile, you own an "06 M3 & 04 Matrix". That's not bad for your age. So you must be doing something right... :thumbup:
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I feel the same way, it hard to stay motivated, but I have a somewhat decent job, I know school is important, and I know what I'd LIKE to be doing after school.


Aren't you a bar back right now? That makes good money and is fun for a little while, that is not a good (long term) job (ie carrerr). It also often leads to drinking too much, why Ben is mentally retarded now. You don't want to end up like him.


School will seem like it was short and very worth it once you finish, trust me.

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If you're discouraged by the job market you should be driven to try harder. It's getting harder to find jobs so it's that much more important for you to do everything you can in order to make your resume marketable. Part of that is a good GPA. It might not sound like a big deal, but it can get your foot in the door.


Wease- His M3 is a Mazda3, not a BMW.

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your kidding me the economy is doing great, job market is good, alot of people in my area are swing jobs cause their out there or offering better pay.

dont believe everything you hear from the media about the economy is bad, its a lie, for the past 6 years the business in my area has been picking up, even more so in the last 2 years.

people who cant get a job after college are either lazy, stupid or picked the wrong major, no excuses for them they deserve it.

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Yeah, I know I want to finish school and I know if I stop I'll never go again, whatever motivation that may be keeps me trucking along. I do agree about carefully picking your majors though, at first I thought I wanted to do business marketing, and possibly still do, but I'm just not sure if that will make me happy for the long run.


We are doing just fine for ourselves, my fiance and my daughter included. She works 30ish hours/week at the daycare that our daughter goes to, so that works out great. She is also changing her major as of now, but she's 21 so she has a few years of classes outta the way.


Like Mallard said the "06 M3" in my profile is my 2006 Mazda3, and the 2004 Matrix is her car, so we each have a nice monthly payment but its worth it.


I definitely not dropping out of class, as that would give me LOTS of problems, I guess I'm just more bummed out about my job situation than anything. I've worked in a factory running presses, done collections, and delivered pizza in the past year, and just when I found a job that was going good, I got laid off because of no hours. Why the fuck would they hire me and fire me within 2weeks, jerkoffs!

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One thing i didn't put importance to was my GPA until it was ALMOST too late, I was able to get my GPA up to over a 3.0 just in time for interviewing.....do the best you can a lot of times a lower GPA will automatically disqualify you from many jobs you might want. 3.0 is the magic number in engineering (not sure what ur doing) (as far as qualifying for jobs).


The only way college isn't worth it is if you have some useless major that doesn't pay off.

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One thing i didn't put importance to was my GPA until it was ALMOST too late, I was able to get my GPA up to over a 3.0 just in time for interviewing.....do the best you can a lot of times a lower GPA will automatically disqualify you from many jobs you might want. 3.0 is the magic number in engineering (not sure what ur doing) (as far as qualifying for jobs).


The only way college isn't worth it is if you have some useless major that doesn't pay off.



I agree with you Berto but that isn't always true I worked almost FT and went to college FT and I didn't have a 3.0 and I have a great job now that pays me well considering. I do have a 3.25 in my masters program I am in but I also am a lot more aware that this degree is looked up under strong scrutiny from future employers.


There are also people who are booksmart who can't apply anything that they learned. Those people suck at the jobs they get because they understand the theory behind it but can't do anything to implement it. Then you have the sub 3.0 people who apply it but don't always fully understand it.

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I agree with you Berto but that isn't always true I worked almost FT and went to college FT and I didn't have a 3.0 and I have a great job now that pays me well considering. I do have a 3.25 in my masters program I am in but I also am a lot more aware that this degree is looked up under strong scrutiny from future employers.


There are also people who are booksmart who can't apply anything that they learned. Those people suck at the jobs they get because they understand the theory behind it but can't do anything to implement it. Then you have the sub 3.0 people who apply it but don't always fully understand it.

The only thing that can help you get a foot in the door is related job experience, and it sounds like you had that. If you have experience that a company is looking for your GPA doesn't matter as much. But if you're trying to get a good job with a bad GPA and you've only delivered pizza you're going to have a hard time. If you're not book smart get involved in school sponsored activites or clubs related to your field.

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Step 1: go to school

Step 2: ???????

Step 3: Profit.


Lol. Couldn't have said it any better if the underpant gnomes themselves posted.


Get your degree, it does help at least get you a job. It'll all work out in the end, i'm months away from graduation and don't know exactly what I want to do. Obviously something in my major, but I guess I'll just start looking at wages/benefits/locations, all that good shit.

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I agree with you Berto but that isn't always true I worked almost FT and went to college FT and I didn't have a 3.0 and I have a great job now that pays me well considering. I do have a 3.25 in my masters program I am in but I also am a lot more aware that this degree is looked up under strong scrutiny from future employers.


There are also people who are booksmart who can't apply anything that they learned. Those people suck at the jobs they get because they understand the theory behind it but can't do anything to implement it. Then you have the sub 3.0 people who apply it but don't always fully understand it.





That is great that you are in a master's program. I wish the best in the undertaking. Are you still looking to get back into Ohio?



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The job market is great. The economy is great. When the market was tough a few years ago the only thing employers were looking for was the most experienced people for the jobs. Now that things are alot better companies are more willing to train college grads for positions.



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