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The man is trying to keep us down! read!


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So I went to kahoots last night to get a few drinks before going out. Myself and Rigsby were approached by a chick asking for support for a cause or someshit.


here is the dealif these bills pass supposedly:

-not allow the girls to show nudity after 11pm

-not allow the entertainers to get withing 6ft...thus removing private dances

-not allow you to directly tip the entertainers

-your right to go into an adult retail store after 11pm will not longer exist in ohio


i got this off the little flyer, i figured a lot of you on here would think adversely about this. I don't go to strip clubs often....but when i do i want tities in my face.



here is the website http://www.baceohio.net

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Just an FYI: This is completely true. We were talking about it in class this week. It is fucking amazing. Its sponsored by some stupid Christian Families in Ohio group or some shit like that. Fuck those Christians. I want boobies in my face and sex toys in the girls ass.
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I also heard about this, I thought it was a joke or something though. This law can't pass. The united states is turning in England of the old age. Next we will lose our guns and have to drive battery operated cars.


Sure it can - if they can ban smoking in privately owned businesses, how is this any different?

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Sure it can - if they can ban smoking in privately owned businesses, how is this any different?



My thoughts exactly. I've been preaching this since the smoking ban idea started. If they can take away the right of a private business owner to allow patrons to smoke, they can slowly start taking away more rights. Case in point: this is the next step. They are trying to take the right away from women to choose to make money stripping. They're trying to take away your right to buy sex toys. Seriously, this is getting out of hand. But will anybody listen to me? No. I am a gun owner. I was raised arounds guns, and have owned guns most my life. When they try to take that away from me, they'll be pulling my guns from my cold dead hands. Who seriously has a problem with strip clubs? I can answer that question. Most people are probably thinking Christians. This is true. Religion teaches you this activity is a sin. Seperation from church and state, ain't it a mother fucker? I can't pray in school, but they can say this is a sin and should be illegal. Double standards. However, Christians aren't alone in this battle. Just last night I met a lesbian couple at the bar. Nice girls. But one was bitching about strip clubs, and how she hates it because it degrades women. Ding. Supporter number two. There is a chance a Catholic lesbian senator might be running for president. What do you think will happen then? Folks, you must stand up for your rights. Don't be blind-sided by this. Go out and vote. We can have a voting party. We'll all go vote, then hit up a strip club.

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as an aside, a smoking section in a resturant is like a pissing section in a pool.



I completely agree. However, a non-smoking bar is like a pool you have to piss in. No longer is it relaxing and fun. I don't really smoke all that much anymore. Well, except for last night, but that's because I was drunk. Anyways, I agree with resturants. Resturants should be non-smoking. Having smoked for so long, I can honestly say I didn't smoke in resturants. That's nasty. However, when I'm at a bar, I want to be able to smoke. With resturants, you could make it a part of the food safty. Outlaw smoking in resturants because its not safe. Fine. But no smoking in bars and bowling alleys? That's rediculous. If you think there is such a high demand for non-smoking bars, you as an American have the right to open one. If you fail, you were wrong. If you succeed, more power to you. I hate the fact the government has been able to push this on business owners. Business owners had the choice to make their establishments non-smoking, and they chose not to. Now they have to or face fines and penalties. Pretty soon they'll tell you how much you have to make to have a child, how many children you can have, what kind of job you can have, where to live, where to go to school, etc... I'll spell this out for you:




or maybe even:




Benjamin Franklin put it best when he said, "people willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".

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if ppl dont want to be in a place that has smoking they take their business elsewhere ... i dont smoke and i like it, BUT i dont think its right to take that choice from businesses ... same as i think abortion is comlpetely WRONG BUT I also dont think I have the right to tell everyone else that they cant do it based on my belief so I believe in pro-choice for that reason ...


the bill will pass, same ppl are afraid of gay marriages ... sheesh ...

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I also heard about this, I thought it was a joke or something though. This law can't pass. The united states is turning in England of the old age. Next we will lose our guns and have to drive battery operated cars.



What we gonna do get a boat and goto another contitant {SP} yeah..... DAMN IT!!!!!.. Columbus already has our guns. Did not raise the speed limit recently when given the option. ... and has a mayor whos wife gets a dui. Ohh shit a govonor who looses lots of "VALUABLE COINS" raises sales tax , find coin. does not lower sales tax... Yeah...





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ben, its obvious that you are passionate about this, but given that i made a very simple, concise statement, dont you think that the soapbox is a bit much, and that maybe you put some words in my mouth with your response?



Huh? I said I agreed with you. What the hell are you talking about?

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I would love to be a voting member of the house on this one. Just think of the lobying you could get from adult establishments. Or the free ride for a long time if you sucsfully defeat it.


Back to topic. I think this law is bullshit. If a patron does something the hottie dosent like, that is why they have security. Also, GOVERMENT TRAINED gurads? Wow, I can hear the assorted lawsuits and coroption coming on this one. "Hesugar, wana be able to make a lil more money? Ill look the other way if you...."

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It's funy the laws that people will bitch and fight to save, and the fundemental freedoms they'll give up because some asshole says it's neccesary.



Again, I say "huh"?


Explain that a little better for me. I am against this law passing, and I am also against the Spying on Americans Act (Patriot Act). The same people against this law seem to be the same against the Patriot Act. So please, let me know what the hell you're talking about.

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While I don't necessarily agree with strip clubs, I feel that, if a woman chooses to do it, it is her right.


I've never understood how a woman can 'choose' to have an abortion (her body) but can't 'choose' to be a prostitute (her body again).


If it doesn't hurt others, then it's your right to do it. I might not agree with you, but have fun doing it.

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Again, I say "huh"?


Explain that a little better for me. I am against this law passing, and I am also against the Spying on Americans Act (Patriot Act). The same people against this law seem to be the same against the Patriot Act. So please, let me know what the hell you're talking about.

You are one. Keep in mind though, there are people in power against the partiot act that wont fight it, because it would make the party look devided. I am referring partly to the patriot act, but not as much for the spying on americans bit. It's wrong, but personaly I have nothing to hide. What bugs me more is the fact that you no longer have the right to a fair and speedy trial. If you are accused of terrorist activities, they can arrest you and hold you without trial for as long as they want. Furthermore, if bush gets his way, they can torture you. So, say the wrong thing on the phone, or hell, suppose you're a wrong number dialed by Osama Bin Laden. Next thing you know, you're locked up in Git'mo getting you fingers broken off. But there are supporters of this. People that will follow the republican party and its leader to the end. Hell, there are people who strongly disagree with this, but wont go against the administration because of Regans 11th commandment.

So, we look at what people are raising a stink over:

-Dont touch my guns

-dont touch my porn'n'strippers

-dont doch my smokes

Yet they'll let go the fundemental rights that make America the land of the free. You'll find most people fight harder for they're petty indulgences then they will for actual freedoms. Back to last weeks discussion; they'd rather be entertained then interested.

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take away there bibles and seats inside there church then they would feel how it is to have something so simple and harmless taken away.


theres nothing simple or harmless about the bible, man.


and, for the record, theres nothing simple or harmless about women and sex, either.

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theres nothing simple or harmless about the bible, man.


and, for the record, theres nothing simple or harmless about women and sex, either.



Either way It would suck if this happend i was just exspressing a similar situation, Everyday things taken away for what?.


Not a single reason.


If you dont like lap dances dont goto the strip club.


I dont goto church cause i choose not too, So why cant they do the same why should i have to live by there morals.


If you rock the vote and enough people agree no harm can be done, Rock the vote.


Its a fair game then.

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