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Columbus PD fuck up Jeep ...


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So I'm going out to get some cigars at our local gas station. And as I'm pulling out on Hamilton rd. (Groveport/Winchester pike are.) I see a Helicopter search light and all look like it's going up 33W. And I'm sitting at the light. Well as I look down to see two Sheriff's cars go screaming through a intersection lights and sirens full tilt. I happen to take another look at 33W. You can see through the trees right about where the light from the copter is shining is about 3 (or nore) police cars going up 33W.


So it's like 12 o'clock and I thought 'fuck it I got nothing else to do, I'll go be nosey.' So I go left on Hamilton and then get on 33W headed towards 270. Look to see the Helicopter is now traveling 270 towards Reynoldsburg/70. And then it's light goes off.


Right as I'm getting onto 33W Two cops go flying by me lights and all. And in my rearview mirror (to make sure I don't merge into a cop, as is my luck.) I see a bunch of lights behind me but they seem stationary right before Hamilton rd. So I follow (legally.) As I come around the turn merging onto 270E There is a beautiful display of a bunch of cops lights and traffic is stopped.


At first glance I thought maybe the blocked the road off? But can they do that to 270? I mean, I don't see any planes landing ...


As a few cops move over and let traffic by, you can see one fucked up what looked like Jeep Cherokee, and one for sure (maybe two) pretty badly beat up C.P.D. cruisers. As I pride myself in not being a complete rubber-necker, I didn't get any real good look. But whatever it was, it was serious enough to call out all the surrounding cops, Troopers, Sheriff's, Groveport P.D. Whitehall P.D. and C.P.D..


long story short ... I got my cigars and came home, I'm enjoying one right now, and relaying my trek to you.

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The other day I got a call from one of the guys on here telling me that traffic was completely fucked up around the Sawmill exit. I was going towards it from the west side though, so I was having no problems. I'm looking to the west bound side when I notice a firetruck and a bunch of other lights. Then I see a rollback with half a Dublin PD car on it :eek: Looked like they managed to remove the entire trunk somehow.
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The other day I got a call from one of the guys on here telling me that traffic was completely fucked up around the Sawmill exit. I was going towards it from the west side though, so I was having no problems. I'm looking to the west bound side when I notice a firetruck and a bunch of other lights. Then I see a rollback with half a Dublin PD car on it :eek: Looked like they managed to remove the entire trunk somehow.

That onemade it on the news. Something about some 80 or 90 year old guy that hasnt had a liscence for 10 years was going 65ish in the left lane and drifted on to the shoulder and piled into the parked cruiser. Both went to the hospital, are expected to recover.

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