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9/11 Thread video

Guest crx34

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it's all conspiracy theory bullshit...


we watched loose change in one of my classes and everyone couldn't believe how retarded most of the stuff is. Liberals, conservatives, everyone.

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I'm by no means a liberal and don't buy into all the conspiracy bullshit, but Loose Change made some very interesting and valid points.



Loose change is so biased towards the movie makers film it is so ridiculous. They twist things and leave so many things out....

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Loose change is so biased towards the movie makers film it is so ridiculous. They twist things and leave so many things out....


I thought Loose Change was pretty good. It had some very interesting theories. It definitely makes you think. What are some examples of things left out? Im curious as to what you think was left out that made it total bullshit.

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I thought Loose Change was pretty good. It had some very interesting theories. It definitely makes you think. What are some examples of things left out? Im curious as to what you think was left out that made it total bullshit.


Any and every article they used from their so called "experts". Almost all of them were used completely out of context regarding the way they were written. Also they only examined one side of the story, which screams total bullshit. If your theory isn't solid enough to go up against other theories and common beliefs, it isn't worth a damn

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Loose change is so biased towards the movie makers film it is so ridiculous. They twist things and leave so many things out....


care to tell us what REALLY happened since, obviously, you know.


i think the vid has been posted here before, if not, on another board im on. i will say it again though. the videos bring up A LOT of good questions. jet fuel melting titanium? they showed the melting point of titanuim (like 1600-1700 degrees) and proved jet fuel burns at liek 12-1300. explain how that works. a lot of other points you see and wonder.


in my personal opinion, i dont believe it was a terrorist attack. at least not the people we are claiming attacked us. governmentn job? probably not. too many people would have to be involved and there is no way every single person would keep quiet. i would think it was someone who had easy access to the buildings.


the pentagon is another story. whats with one hole worth of damage, but no wing damage, and finding no parts of the plane. wierd, huh.?


until someone answers some questions, i dont buy anything. ill just sit here with my theories

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you know what i think, O.J. did it. but in my opinion i think that everything about that day is bullshit no matter who fucking did it. i think people are so busy pointing fingures that they fail to notice that this shit like this goes on constantly (twa flight 800, oklahoma). and if everyone would just stop arguing over whos right (because the truth of the matter is, we will never know) only then will we be able to stop shit like this from happening.
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how about we do this. spend a billion dollars to build a replica of the WTC (im sure we can budget it in somewhere, we're already wasting enough $ other places) load it up how it was that day, carpet, desks, etc etc, then take a plane, hook it up to a remote controll, fly it into the tower, and see if the same stuff happens. answer some questions quickly
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