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Dyno videos from today


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Pics to come later. Also TrueSS I can make a longer version i just had to run today.









I wish i could have got video of the z06 I might have it on thumb drive but like i said i have yet to figure out how to get pics off this new cam.

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ohh really. I will try and post the rest of video or if u want i can burn in raw on a dvd and give it to you. sorry i did not have the numbers from your pull. if you can post them i will overlay them in the pulls .
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There was three of us! Truck put down 308.5hp and 340.5ftlbs

Dad's 350Z put down 247hp


LTs = 24.6HP & 33.5FTLBs.

Nice gain if you ask me!!!!!!!!

Before LT headers:


After Pacesetter LTs and ORY:


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I tried to say i was sorry to pony pimptress in person but it went over about as well as throwing meat at a lion and asking him to play nice. :\ So i figured i would put it in my video


i am trying to think of something to say but i am about as speechless now as I was standing there



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I tried to say i was sorry to pony pimptress in person but it went over about as well as throwing meat at a lion and asking him to play nice. :\ So i figured i would put it in my video

I'm trying to stay anticonfrontational but I was there the night you did what you were appologizing for. And seriously dude you need to learn to sit down and be quiet. She obviously doesn't like you, there are a lot of people on here that obviously don't like you and you need to learn to just lay low and steer clear.


Why bring it up again on here, are you an attention whore?



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I tried to say i was sorry to pony pimptress in person but it went over about as well as throwing meat at a lion and asking him to play nice. :\ So i figured i would put it in my video


Did I miss something? You said no such thing. You said that I had a nice bike. Or are you refering to the time before that when you addressed me as Jenn (when I told you that only friends can call me that... which you clearly are not) and asked if I was going to dyno my 04 mustang?

First off... I was NOT wearing any riding gear. The bike that was there was my fiance's bike.

Second... Did anyone in this thread post anything about why that comment was in the video? Or is that another lame attempt to draw attention to yourself yet again? I suggest that you edit that out of the video beofre more questions arise as to what really happened at the dyno and the origional event.

Third and FINAL... 5 years ago I told you to NEVER speak to me or address me if you and I were ever in the same place. I also stated that that time that no "sorry" would EVER make up for what happened. Did you think that something would have changed from then until now? Like the situation never happened? You are more than welcome to ask anyone that truely knows me... I will NEVER forgive you and I will NEVER want to speak to you again.


I was civil around you out of respect to friends (the Turners). Again, let me reiterate myself...DONT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!!!!!



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Look I thought about this. Thought about ripping into you on here but said fuck it. why... I was triyng to make nice I am grown and diffrent person and obviously your still living with grudges. I apolgize i commitened on your bike per the riding section on the borad. ALSO I fucking posted the dyno day stating obviously i was gonna be there . If you were just being nice out of respect why not just not show so i could have been more relaxed that you were not gonna burst out at me for no reason and i have to defendmyself in public. And i am not editing a video. I'm to lazy for that matter.



You did post pics of your bike in the section that is what i was commenting on. I was trying you know communicate like a human. Thats all say i was sorry to atleast clear my concious for almost causing a fucked up situation and if you give me forgiveness or not from that point its not my problem because i tried.


Alot of people do alot of dumb shit and i am the first to admit I did some dumb shit. its been brought up in the kitchen it's going to die here.


Some poeple on this board don't like me I can accept that. But I also accept that i do have some friends on here and I try to just be chill with all for those willing to give a guy a chance. But damn. I relized it was your boys bike. I was curious if you had brought him in to itemidated me or what not. All i know is my dyno day could have been much less akward stress wise thats all.


I anit saying you not go to brian's or anyhting even remotely like that. I'm saying that i was uncomfortable because I felt bad that i had wronged you and endangered alot. Thats it


From this point on this case is closed man i tried to close my lost really bad loose end on the board and i could not I'm sorry your so bitter still. You can accept a apology and still dislike and disassoicate with someone with out being mean. or uncooth . But its ur choice your life




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First of all, it wasn't your dyno day. If I remember correctly, it was posted in the meetings section that it was open to CR. I went bc I had talked to Brian the night before and he asked if Eric and I were going to be there... we said sure. I don't bring my finace around to intimidate anyone... I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. He had no idea who you were untill I told him. In fact, he never said anything about about you even tho he knows the situation. Brian and Howard are his friends as well. What happened today is between you and I.


DO NOT bring my fiance into this. I sure as hell wouldn't dream of bringing your friends on here into this. Are you stuck in high school??? Hell, maybe even grade school??? If you can't 'fight' your own battles, then don't start them. You probably should thow in a stupid comment such as the one about bringing him there to intimidate you.... that probably won't make people happy.


To top it all off.... I had NO IDEA that you were even 'Thorne' on the board till late last night when a few friends brought it to my attention when I said that I was going to go to the dyno today.


As for saying you are sorry, and that clearing your conscience.... wow. I don't know if I would be able to forgive myself if I were you. I don't like to think about that night and I certainly don't like negativity in my life, hence why I didn't say anything to you till very late in the day... after you addressed me.


If you call what I said to you 'uncooth' or 'being mean', then you must live a rough life. Again, I simply said 'don't ever talk to me again'. There was no foul/colorful language used in what I said.


Grudges..... I'd say after that night, I have EVERY RIGHT to hold a grudge. I can forgive an accident, or something miniscule.... but THAT... that was just beyond stupidity. If you are so grown up, then you should be smart enough to know not to talk to me. If I want to talk to you, I will come up to you. So from now on... I will reiterate myself AGAIN... don't ever talk to me again!

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My edit was to just say fuck it. Your petty shit anit worth my time. and i was not trying to attention whore.


The whole point was i was trying to put this battle away.:\


As for ittemdation. It was how i felt .... How would you feel if you wronged someone and you know that person is not pleased with you. then they show to a event your at still cold as ice towards you. ( YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE I DONT DISCOUNT NO DISCREDIT) and then her fiance some big dude shows up. He looks like a fucking bouncer . I think you would find that a tad unerving. As for my rough life . Yeah MY fucking friend just commited suicide by jumping off the mother fucking golden gate bridge monday and i was trying to get shit off my mind and relax do someting i enjoy .

So yeah After going threw my last week you would want to close up loose ends too.


If that anit good enough for you

then Fuck it.


Eather way i got my numbers they were higher then expected im pleased

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My edit was to just say fuck it. Your petty shit anit worth my time. and i was not trying to attention whore.


The whole point was i was trying to put this battle away.:\


As for ittemdation. It was how i felt .... How would you feel if you wronged someone and you know that person is not pleased with you. then they show to a event your at still cold as ice towards you. ( YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE I DONT DISCOUNT NO DISCREDIT) and then her fiance some big dude shows up. He looks like a fucking bouncer . I think you would find that a tad unerving. As for my rough life . Yeah MY fucking friend just commited suicide by jumping off the mother fucking golden gate bridge monday and i was trying to get shit off my mind and relax do someting i enjoy .

So yeah After going threw my last week you would want to close up loose ends too.


If that anit good enough for you

then Fuck it.


Eather way i got my numbers they were higher then expected im pleased


My petty shit? Lets all take a long hard look and see who started this whole thing! :eyeroll:

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