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put my 18" craftsman chainsaw to work


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finally cut down som esmall trees and brush, and got the damn swing set and tree house the fuck down. so much more room and open area. i want to trim some of the bigger trees down as well, but i need a bucket to get up there. but the elctric company is comin gto trim the shit back from the power lines.





and who wants to haul al lthis shit away for me =-)


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In reynoldsburg, as long as at some point you are planning to cook on it, you can have a fire. So after we get it good and going we throw a hot dog in for good measure.


same here in hilliard.. but must be in a firepit, and must be a mall fire.. id have to burn a small fire for like a month straight to get rid of all this wood

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yeha i laughed after i read what i typed.. i dont care if i mistype.. cause well i jsut dont.. but it gets a good laugh now and then.. anyway..

here are some pics before we moved in... notice the tree house and shit..



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get a chiminea or a fire pit and just keep all the wood. its a good time in the summer to get a fire goin and just drink beer


you can get the fire burning pits that open at the top (like 24" across, maybe more) for like 75$. a chiminea might cost a little more and the top is smaller where the stack goes, but looks better on a deck/patio


itll also keep the bulk of people out of your house if theyre all outside drinking

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yeha i plan on putting in a paver patio behind the house.. and building a firepit into the design.. in the center. but i definately do not need all that wood... any body who wants some can come and get as much as theyd like
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