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Tell Congress No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens!


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Hopefully you are aware of the serious situation that is occurring in regards to illegal aliens.


Congress is working on very important legislation right now that could grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens despite poles that say 80% of Americans are against this.


To make matters worse this would allow all illegal aliens in the US to legally bring in their family members to the US. This means that if they only have 3 other members of their family outside the US that there could be an additional 33 million added to the 11 million already here.


Tell Congress no amnesty for illegal aliens!


I’ve made it easy for you. I have searched out all the web pages for your Senators and Representatives. Just send them a quick e-mail stating your case. It doesn’t have to be more than one sentence. Honestly they won’t read more than that anyway.


But you should make your position known.


Thank you for listening.




Senator Dewine

Senator Voinovich

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You are a dick! And so is ever other person that would not want amnesty for this people. They come here looking for a better life. Get here work there ass off for a dollar an hour. And you want to thank them for letting you have fresh fruit in your local Wal-Mart by sending them back to a worse shit hole than there already in? That is such a extremely cruel thing. But then again i guess since your an American Indain you can say that since this is your country. But still even then you should not be so mean. Have so compassion there Cheif!
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^ must be hispanic or have friends/family that are


you have to be fucking kidding right? they came here ILLEGALLY. do you know what ILLEGAL means? AGAINST THE LAW. maybe we should take all the child rapists and give them elementary school teacher jobs. no one is complaining about LEGAL immigrants, its the ILLEGALS. why should ILLEGALS be rewarded for coming here ILLEGALLY?


im all for hispanics who go thru the process, come here as a citizen, speak english, etc. the ones who jump the border fence or swim the rio grande should all be sent back with no hesitation. it makes no sense to let these people off with nothing. they're here ILLEGALLY

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The only reason there illegal is b/c of people like you and the guy that started this post. And there is a bit difference b/w rapist and illegal aliens. Not even close, 100% different. That was the worst arugment ever.
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Listen, DSM guy, calm the fuck down. There is a way to get into his country, and it is not hopping a fence. If they want a better american life, they have to do it like everyone else, like my ansestors and everyone elses. You follow the law, you do your time, you do it legally.


The only reason that anyone in congress wants these people to be allowed in here legally is because its the closest thing there is to slavery. They bust their asses for jack shit wages, and "conservatives" in congress want buisness owners to be able to exploit them freely. You're not helping mexicans by passing this bill, you're damning them to lives as neo'american slaves. The powerfull stay in power by exploiting the working classes, and there is no better way to exploit hard working people then to allow them to work here while not being obligated to give them any rights whatsoever.

Try to think before you take a stand.



Fuck this bill.

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personally I have no problem with illegals being here. They are hard working and for the most part wantto better their lives and thier families lives as well. They also do a lot of work/jobs that most "Americans" do never consider doing. Although I do agree they should try to make it to the US legally most don't.

I have seen some of this debates on this on the news but what really are the pros and cons of giving them amnesty. What benifits will it have for the US and our ecomomy.

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You are a dick! And so is ever other person that would not want amnesty for this people. They come here looking for a better life. Get here work there ass off for a dollar an hour. And you want to thank them for letting you have fresh fruit in your local Wal-Mart by sending them back to a worse shit hole than there already in? That is such a extremely cruel thing. But then again i guess since your an American Indain you can say that since this is your country. But still even then you should not be so mean. Have so compassion there Cheif!


Yes illegal aliens make up a large part of america's workforce mostly because they take the bullshit jobs that no one else wants, regardless if they truly wanted to come here and build a better life for themselves there are legal way's to do so. Oh and since when is mexico such a bad place to live? Have you ever been there? Do you know what their economy is like?

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but yet they are illegal...By 2050 the population of the US will explode if we let everyone in.


Also what does this say to the immigrants who came in the correct way? Earned a green card and became citizens the way they are supposed to.

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personally I have no problem with illegals being here.

Neither do I, I do have a problem with this bill. They get a "worker visa" and thats it. Whoever employs them has no rules what so ever. They can be worked 10-12-16 hours at a time, they can be paid whatever the employer feels like paying them, they dont even "have" to pay them! And OSHA damn sure isn't getting invloved, so there's no limit to what can be asked of these people.


This bill is bad, period.

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Oh and since when is mexico such a bad place to live? Have you ever been there? Do you know what their economy is like?

I lived in Mexico for 3 years, its a fucking shithole. Everything about it.

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They are breaking the law. Period. Illegal aliens cost this country $65 billion a year in social programs and free education, and that number is just going to get worse.


I have no problem with legal immigration. I have a problem with people the are breaking the law. If they get amnesty then I should get to get a free pass on stealing a TV. It's the same thing.

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Legal imigration is good.

Ilegals are just that. ILLEGAL. If we would enforce the laws we already have, this wouldnt even be in the news.

If you hop the fence, you are invading this country. Shot on sight.

Amnesty? I dont think so. You hopped a fence and broke the law to get here, so now I am going to take your word that you whernt a murderer or rapist in mexico, fleeing to here? Not a chance.

We have a few armor divisions and infantry regiments laying around, not doing a while lot at the moment. Im all for letting them go down and sit on the border. Other countries think its extreme and cruel? Fuck em, our country, not theirs.

Ill rant more later.

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You are a dick! And so is ever other person that would not want amnesty for this people. They come here looking for a better life. Get here work there ass off for a dollar an hour. And you want to thank them for letting you have fresh fruit in your local Wal-Mart by sending them back to a worse shit hole than there already in? That is such a extremely cruel thing. But then again i guess since your an American Indain you can say that since this is your country. But still even then you should not be so mean. Have so compassion there Cheif!


Here's an idea: You can take the place of ONE person coming into the country. You leave, they get to stay. How's that sound?

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Let's not be so narrow minded as to focus on just Mexican's. Most of you have beat that to death. As a few people have said there is a process. If you are in this counrty and have not been processed in, you are wrong. IMO, we need to tighted up on who is here now and who is coming in. We don't have accountability of imigrants the way we should. We have been damn lucky that we haven't had more attacks on the home front. There is a very real possability of that. I feel this is over looked sometimes.
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I think in the long run it could be detrimental to the economy to let that many uneducated people flood the work force. If all 11 million are allowed to stay and bring over their families it would put a huge strain on social programs as well as larger tax increases to pay for these people. The jobs that they'll be working won't add a lot in terms of consumer spending due to the fact that they'll be making just enough to get by. Legal immigrants entering the country will be faced with very low paying jobs due to the large uneducated work force that would already be here. Wages for menial jobs would never increase due to the glut of workers. There's also of course the human factor. No matter how bad some of these people had it in Mexico after a few years of living here they'll start to forget about how bad they had it and start questioning why the Jones's down the street have a new car and new house and they don't. That can lead to a malcontent lower class as well as higher crime rates. I'm all for legal immigration, it is after all how we all got here. I just don't agree with allowing a large group of people to illegally cross our borders and be rewarded for it. It puts others trying to gain legal status at a very big disadvantage. Try to explain to some poor bastard in a war torn country trying for legal status how bad people from Mexico have it and he'll probably pull out the rusty machete used to kill his family and use it on you.
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Neither do I, I do have a problem with this bill. They get a "worker visa" and thats it. Whoever employs them has no rules what so ever. They can be worked 10-12-16 hours at a time, they can be paid whatever the employer feels like paying them, they dont even "have" to pay them! And OSHA damn sure isn't getting invloved, so there's no limit to what can be asked of these people.


This bill is bad, period.


I fail to see the correlation.

Slavery from the old days - people getting kidnapped from another continent, packed on a ship and sent to a life of getting beaten to death.


Your supposed "new age slavery" - people breaking the law and risking death TO COME HERE to work jobs for more money than they could ever make back home.


IMO, using your arguement is a form of racism. Telling these people that they are slaves when they most likely look at their situation in a completely different way. Way to go, racist.

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they can do what they want as far as I'm concerened, but the whole free education and grants to start businesses is complete and total bullshit... Why should we pay taxes to help them out... work like the rest of us and save to start a business or go to school. Other than that, let them come here... they do the jobs that I don't want to do..


Now, I do feel that they should have to learn to speak our natiave language though... afterall, I wouldn't move to France without knowing how to speak French

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IMO, using your arguement is a form of racism. Telling these people that they are slaves when they most likely look at their situation in a completely different way. Way to go, racist.

I dont normaly say this, but Fuck you, seriously, Mike, what the fuck are you trying to say? What you're actualy saying is "your argument goes against the party and president that I support blindly, but I can't find any counterpoint, I'll just call you racist". You seriously made absolutely no point whatsoever, but you did personaly attack me, in a way I don to tolerate. So fuck you mike, fuck you right in your partisan mouthpeice. Seriously, make a fucking point, why is this bill good for us Mike? Step up and defend you boy, how will this make America a better place for Americans? Happy fuckin hunting.

/end rant


Slavery is not just people getting kidnapped, pick up a fucking dictionary. My Neoslavery refers in no way to the present situation with illegal imigrants. It refers to the "workforce" that this bill will usher in. Slavery is whenever some one is exploited and given jack shit in return. Old Fashioned slavery would be much less economical then a "worker Visa" program. Back then you at least had to buy, feed and house your slaves.


-Those who think this is for the benifit of the mexican people are grossly mistaken.

-Those who think this is for the benifit of Joe Blow small farmer and just as wrong.

-Those who think that they will only take jobs that "americans dont want" are in to a very rude awakening.


Up untill now you faced a fine and plenty of bad press if you got caught employing illegals. This has kept our nations major employers from daring hire them. This bill will allow them in the counrty legaly, sure, but that's not the most important aspect of the bill. This bill will deem it legal to hire them at whatever wage you feel like paying them. Think about that number, 11 MILLION people here for work. They aint all picking oranges people.

I'm going to offer my psycic prediction, just like I did in 2000 when I said Bush would have us in a war somewhere for no real reason.


This is how it will pan out if the bill passes:

-11million available Visas, there will 20million+ applicants. Every visa will be issued.

-The countries largest employers of low wage workers, Wal Mart, McDonnalds, etc etc will "lay off" vast quantities of entry level and minimum wage jobs to hire Visa workers at a fraction of what they were required to pay US citizens. They will have 11million people working below minimum wage, they will not have to provide them with any benifits at all.


This is not some magic hippy bill to help out our souther neighbors, this bill is about one thing and one thing alone, more moeny for those who already have alot. Just like every other bill emphaticaly backed by the whitehouse, it's purpose is the raise the worth of company stock.


Mike seriously, wake up and smell the rape of the prolitariat. The people you vote for and defend repeatedly fuck you, and are always looking for new ways of doing it. Nationwide unemployment is up, mean income is down, the gap between rich and poor grows every day, and there are STILL working class people out there stupid enough to beleive that Reganomics will help them out. It's fucking sad what partisan politics has done to this conrty. There are people who will follow anyone that kneels to across, no matter how badly they get fucked by them. they've gutted the middle class, expanded the lower class, and have made gobs and gobs of money for everyone at the top.


By 2050 we'll be a 3rd world nation.

Where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket? I smell bacon
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I like how Illegal Aliens are automatically assumed to be Mexicans (copperhead, don't swing the banhammer yet...please?). There are countless Cubans coming in to Miami every day; ever heard of "Little Havana"? I'm not sure about you guys, but I sure as hell wouldn't perform the kinds of jobs the immigrants perform with such tenacity given the hourly or daily wage they make. I'm not saying we should open the floodgates and take in every illegal alien that want in. In fact, I think that it should be a shoot-on-sight for the border patrol, and immediate deportation policy for the Coast Guard around Florida. Make it hard as fuck for the illegals to get in, and make it more perilous too. However, once they're in, don't spend money trying to get them out. If they're wiley or crazy enough to get in, then they can stay, and earn citizenship through marriage or whatever. I just think we need to implement a less-tolerant policy for deterrance, and ignore what problems are still incurred by the aliens that get in.
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If people whant to work here, they should be citizens here, have our rights, our protections, and most importantly, pay our taxes. :)

The mexican boarder in the biggest open wound, but it's deffinately not limited to Mexicans alone. People for all over the southern hemisphere use it to get into the states. There's nothing stoiping people from other places using it, also. Why lock your front door to terrorists, but leave the back door wide open?

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Eric, for now on please don't put words into my mouth. Where did I say that I agree with that bill? I was just having fun argueing with you, and to be honest, you impressed me. Normally when you get into the kind of mood you appeared to be when you typed that, your spelling and grammar go to hell. This time you managed to stay reserved enough to type rather well.


and most importantly, pay our taxes. :)


I agree with that completely. That's why we should go to a flat tax (sales tax) but that's another arguement that I'm sure you disagree with simply because the republicans are for it.


Oh, and for the subject at hand, if you want to live here, get a visa (a REAL one). If you want to work here, get a green card, learn the language, follow the rules that everyone else seems to be able to follow, and everything will be cool. Border jumpers should be shot on sight and/or treated as terrorists.

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