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Well, eight months later, it runs.


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The trials and errors of doing a top end swap on the Formula, to say the least, has been interesting and stressful.


First off, much appreciation to the following individuals:


Paul (98fiveseven) - Many, many hours of him driving from Marysville on the weekends using his skinny arms and charming demeanor. Everything from helping clean the deck surface to routing and bolting down wiring. Paul was present for about 75% of the total working time on the car.


Andrew (Lustalbert) - Helping me remove the tranny/starter/etc and some of the minor accessories and related to removing the heads.


Taylor (McGraw) - Similar to Paul's exploits, and attempting to rebuild my tranny, although the special tools needed killed that idea.


Bill (Billiumss) - Lending me some needed tools, and for the initial tune tonight to get the car started and running while I wait for the full SD tune to come back from Synergy Motorsports, whereas Bill will tweak the tables from there.


Ben (1TrueSS) - Helping remove the headers and some other, minor parts. Also for letting me use his truck as a comparison for my valve covers and for giving me the provisions I need to make them work on my car.


John (RUTAN TA) - For many hours of technical support, getting me hard-to-find parts from GM at cost, and letting me use some of the parts from his TA to mock-up the ones I'm now using on my own car.


Matt (Tinman) - For his amazing welding and fabrication abilities


I'll start by saying the car does run and idle, pretty damned well at that. But I only asked Bill to get it to this point tonight so I could start it and check for leaks/problems before putting the tranny back in (in case I needed to remove something). It does have a few things that need finalized before going anywhere, namely a transmission and converter back in it. But I also need to "burp" the cooling system, among other superficial items of note.


There's more, and this isn't done yet. Again, there's a few loose ends that need taken care of. But damned if it doesn't sound and run like it should, and it's a huge burden off of my shoulders. I still have many hours of tuning in front of me, and I'll be hard-pressed to make the FCS Trails event on May 5th. But we'll see how things pan out. Maybe it'll run under it's own power this weekend, I have my fingers crossed ;)

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