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well whats the plan for friday night?


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4 CYL, 6 CYL, 8 CYL....American or not....its not what car you drive that makes an idiot...its the driver...trust me i know plenty of all of them...but i do agree with ya matt...if there was only a way to get rid of them... :nutkick: see you guy tonight if the weather holds.
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Guest Kahamri

hmm. Lets replace the words imports with ricers. because technially my camaro was made in canada, and that would make me a import. soooo


It's ricers we dont like, just gotat the the terminology right you know.


then everyone will be happy, we can all go meet, and have a good time, and keep the ricers at bay


A ricer in a viper, is still a ricer.

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i know about sheps talon 8.9s and is that your car. dude if you cant talk about your own car whats the point. what about rau's 6 sec eclispe . dude i work at jegs i know all the fast import cars. and yes there are race import cars out there. but at least talk about your own car. dude thats lame. im done.



shep actually ran 7.976@179.06MPH. but good game

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so due to the fact that you work at jegs make you automatically know all the fast imports? im sure every fast import buys stuff at jegs. In fact they only started carrying real performance parts for imports after wayne took over as the buyer in delaware, and that was not that long ago. What about all the cars who go to RX-7 store or IPS bet you didnt know about all of those cars.



Think before you speak (especially when your trying to represent your employer) JEEEEGGGSS!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was refering to an inside joke Matt, I wouln't expect you to understand it, a few others including Beavis know what I'm talking about, I know nothing about shep's car. Bro, I have not once in this thread called my car a race car nor said it was faster that your truck. Get off your horse, I don't swing on others cars. I like my car that's why I own it, nor do I wish I ever had a 9 sec truck. So do yourself a favor and quit fooling yourself that I envy your truck because it can travel in a straight line 1320ft 2.5 - 3 sec faster than me, You only make yourself look like a fuckin' retard by stating that imports can't park by your magnificent S10 congrats.......


Good day.....

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It doesnt matter if you drive a japanese car, american car, or german car or even if your car has a 28 ft blower sticking out of the hood making 280000000 hp. If it has an underglow, 9 dillion speakers, and the driver acts like a retard, its a ricer.
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Looks like some people might head out tonight. Weather holding after 10pm, guess I'll head out and try to meet some of you. I'll be in a Charcoal Grey 89 Toyota Supra Turbo w/stock sawblades. :finger: They make me angry. I'll try going by that Hooters off of Main, as well. I'm bored dammit and the gf is gone for the weekend...
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looks like rain Hmmm. oh well. actually jegs is about the least shoped place for import parts this is mainly due to they dont carry a whole lot for every car. and there are many tunner specific shops they know this thats why i dont really care. and yes you did say your car was a race car. you just edited it before everone on here saw it. and a 7.9 is impressive. and yes he can park beside me because i dought he would drive it like a "ricer" i need to learn that term. sorry to all the fellow import owners who are not ricers.
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