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4-18 riding after work


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I should be home by 6 fellas. I will give dpizzle a ring when Im half way.

I would be home now but Im waiting to collect a shit ton of free police gear from a family friend :D


Get me a tazer...

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talked to GI Joe last night...and he is down. He will be over at the pad around 530 600ish...Clutch(R6) is working till 8...he going sand in his V, his pissy....JORDAN is up and running he might be down, Bananna Hands and his NEW sticker is down...R1John and Putty are in....NOT A BAD TURN OUT...

We took Clutch(R6) out to that country ass road and the hills last night...he liked but he couldnt go full out he had some extra weight on the back.....(bitch should of fell off)

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Interesting...Was she a good looking chica? I should be around that area bout 6 my damn self..Gotta run some errands right after work. B Hands has to check with his boss b4 he can come over...
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